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在完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文写作中,考生们经常会出现一些的错误,比如主谓不一致、时态不一致,以及使用中式英语等等。下面整理总结了10个考生们常见的写作错误,大家注意改正。
1、误:Eating more vegetables can give you a good body.
正:Eating more vegetables will keep you fit and healthy.
2、误:You are impossible to get the money back.
正:It’s impossible for you to get the money back.
3、误:Money cannot but everything.
正:We cannot buy everything with money.
4、误:Whether one likes the food or not, we all have to eat it.
正:Whether like the food or not, we all have to eat it.
5、误:He was the only one in the class who were accepted by Yale University.
正:He was the only one in the class who was accepted by Yale University.
6、误:I want a glass of hot milk.
正:I want a hot glass of milk.
7、误:My parents have conditions to buy a car now.
正:My parents can afford a car now.
8、误:Tim’s father is no longer dangerous after the operation.
正:Tim’s father is no longer in danger after the operation.
9、误:As a college student, we should study hard.
正:As college students, we should study hard.
10、误:It occurred some problems.
正:Some problems occurred.
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