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2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS冲刺复习阶段,我知道很多同学正在背诵各种完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文的模板。模板是可以适当背一点,但在写完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文时,应该避免落入俗套,在用词上多使用一些有特色但又能准确表达原有意思的词汇,这样既能表达出文章的原意,又能独具一格,自然能给你的作文加分不少。下面,小编给大家整理了2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语写作能用得上的替换词:
存在 come to be; come into existence; come to birth; come into being
考虑 consider; take into consideration; take into account
考虑到 in consideration of
用尽力气 exhaust one’s strength; use up one’s strength
开动 initiate; set going
准备…brace for; prepare for
在于 lie in; rest on; rest with
主动 take the initiative
不算 exclusive of; not counting; leaving out
应该得到 deserve; have right to; is worthy of
避免 avoid; shun; get around; circumvent
幻想 fantasy; play of the mind
以此标准来算 by this criterion; by this standard
乍看之下 at first glance
面对 in the face of; in the presence of
以 by means of; by virtue of; by the use of
不惜代价 at all costs
每况愈下 from bad to worse
承受错误造成的后果 in reaping the harvest of his mistakes
取得同意…get the go-ahead to
不择手段 unscrupulously; by hook or by crook
想法与作法 beliefs and practices
内情 ins and outs; turns and twists
关键时刻 the critical moment
虽然 although; notwithstanding; albeit; though
根据according to; on the basis of; on the ground of (that); in the light of; in linewith;inaccordance with
逃避问题 evade the question
增大 enlarge; extend; aggrandize
澄清 clarify; make clear
赔偿 compensate for; give…as compensation for
实现 carry out; implement; realize; make…come true
假定 suppose; assume; postulate; hypothesize
极端的 radical; extreme
极端的措施 drastic measures
剩下的 the rest; the remainder; what is left
换言之 in other words; put another way
结果 result; aftermath; consequence
优点 advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit
简言之 put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell
举例而言 for instance; for example; to illustrate; let us cite
特别是an illustration; to cite a concrete case
特别是 especially; more than others; particularly; in particular
既然…now that…; seeing that…
迹象 inkling; hint; clue; a slight suggestion
缺点 disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback; weakness
除去 do away with; eliminate; remove; get rid of
缺少 for lack of; for a deficiency of
毕竟 after all; all in all
需要注意的是,在替换用词的时候,也不能生搬硬套,要用的恰到好处,这就需要我们在复习的时候多多练习了。另外,可以替换的词汇还有很多,大家平时也可以多多总结。还有30多天就能解放了,加油吧,2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS人,一定要坚持到最后。
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