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在完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文中,适当应用过渡句不仅可以从内容上可以提高文章的文采,而且可以在形式上使文章更流畅简洁。老师总结一些常见的完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语写作过渡句,供2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS的考生在2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文中适当参考。
To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to……
或:To get a sense of how……we must turn first to causes for it/to what benefit (harm/problems/difference) it has brought to our society.
In the face of……some people take the position that……/some people come to believe that……, to which I can't attach/add my consent.
或:In the face of……people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/position s/standpoints.
或:In the face of……many people have come up with……
或:Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart on……
But many people feel puzzled about/perplexed at/over whelmed with……(the changes/ situation), so this essay is intended to……
This is a favorable/ unfavorable/ unhealthy/ essential/ marked/ grateful change/ tendency/ situation, but factors/ causes/ reasons for it are not hard to find(或but its appearance/ existence derives from a variety of factors).
The progress/improvement/change in……is really tremendous/ remarkable/ prodigious/ marvelous, so it is necessary to understand what it illustrate/ prove / account for.
A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more about……
More insight/ inspiration/ truth/ thought can be deduced from these changes.
句7: 可综合用于分析建议、批驳分析和原因分析等议论文
This situation/ phenomenon/ trend/ tendency is rather distressing/ disturbing/ depressing/ heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/ just what is to be expected.
A further/ deeper analysis/ study/ exposure of……/
A further comparison between…can reveal more about……/ can show us more ways to…
考生在选择英语文章过渡句时,一定要按照题目的要求而去应用。使用前必须完全熟悉每一个句子所表达的含义,应用的场合等。这就需要在考前做大量的练习,考生不防用自己所记背的过渡句造句,把不同的过渡句的所表达的意思做一个对比,这样在不同过渡句的对比中便能真正理解每一个句子的含义及应用场合。需要指出的是,过渡句的应用不是越多越好,它只是使文章更加连贯的点缀,考生切记不可为了使用而使用,这样容易造成偏离考题原意。恰到好处地使用过渡句可以给文章增色,考生在拿到完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语作文试题前,还需多加练习。预祝2016完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS考生金榜题名!
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