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赵秋红,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师,北航“蓝天学者”特聘教授;中国系统工程学会理事、副秘书长;城市安全运行与应急保障北京市国际科技合作基地主任;城市运行应急保障模拟技术北京市重点实验室常务副主任;SCI国际学术期刊《Computers and Industrial Engineering》领域编辑(Area Editor);EI学术期刊《系统工程理论与实践》编委。
[3] Wu CF, Zhao QH, Supplier-retailer Inventory Coordination with Credit Term for Inventory-dependent and Linear-trend Demand. International Transactions in Operational Research. (Accepted) (SCI) ;
[4] Drazic M, Drazic, Z, Mladenovic N, Urosevic D, Zhao QH. Continuous VNS with modified Nelder-Mead for non-differentiable optimization. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. (Accepted) (SCI);
[5] Xiao YY, Zhang RQ, Zhao QH, Kaku I. A Variable Neighbourhood Search with an Effective Local Search for Uncapacitated Multilevel Lot-Sizing Problems. European Journal of Operational Research. (Accepted with minor revision) (SCI) (Corresponding author);
[6] Xiao YY, Tian Y, Zhao QH. Optimizing Frequent Time-window Selection for Association Rules Mining in a Temporal Database Using a Variable Neighbourhood Search. Computers and Operations Research. (Accepted) (SCI)(Corresponding author);
[7] Xi MH, Ye F, Yao Z, Zhao QH. A Modified P-median Model for the Emergency Facilities Location Problem and its Variable Neighbourhood Search Based Algorithm. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 375657. (SCI)(Corresponding author);
[8] Xiao YY, Zhao QH, Mladenovic, N. Variable Neighborhood Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems. Engineering Optimization. Published on line. (SCI)(Corresponding author);
[9] Liu ZP, Zhao QH, Wang SY, Shi JM. Modeling the Impact of Partial Information Sharing in a Three-echelon Supply Chain. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. Published on line. (SCI)(Corresponding author);
[10] Shan SQ, Zhao QH. Hua F. Impact of quality management practices on the knowledge creation process: The Chinese aviation firm perspective. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 64, 2013, 211-223(SCI) (Corresponding author);
[11] Xiao YY, Zhang RQ, Zhao QH, Kaku I. Permutation flow shop scheduling with order acceptance and weighted tardiness. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218(15), 7911–7926 (SCI);
[12] Zhao QH, Mladenovic N, and Urosevic D. A Parametric Simplex Search for Unconstrained Optimization Problem, Transactions on Advanced Research 8 (2012) 22-27.
[13] Xiao YY, Zhao QH, Kaku I, Yu YC. Development of a Fuel Consumption Optimization Model for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 39, 2012, 1419-1431. (SCI)(Corresponding author);
[14] Xiao YY, Kaku I, Zhao QH, Zhang RQ. Neighborhood Search Techniques for Solving Uncapacitated Multilevel Lot-Sizing Problems. Computers and Operations Research, 39, 2012, 647-658. (SCI) (Corresponding author);
[15] Xiao YY, Kaku I, Zhao QH, Zhang RQ. A Reduced variable neighborhood search algorithm for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 214,2011,223-231. (SCI) (Corresponding author);
[16] Xiao YY, Kaku I, Zhao QH, Zhang RQ. A variable neighborhood search based approach for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60, 2011, 218-227. (SCI) (Corresponding author);
[17] Huang D, Zhou H, Zhao QH. A competitive multiple-product newsboy problem with partial product substitution. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 39, 2011. 302-312. (SCI);
[18] Zhao QH, Brimberg J, Mladenovic N. A variable neighborhood search based algorithm for finite-horizon Markov Decision Processes. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 2010, 3480-3492.(SCI);
[19] Zhao QH, Chen S, Leung, SCH, Lai KK. Integration of inventory and transportation decisions in a logistics system. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 46, 2010, 913-925. (SCI);
[20] Zhao QH, Urosevic D, Mladenovic N, Hansen P. A restarted and modified simplex search for unconstrained optimization. Computers and Operations Research. 36, 2009, 3263-3271. (SCI);
[21] Zhao QH, Cheng TCE. An analytical study of the modification ability of distribution centers. European Journal of Operational Research, 194, 2009, 901-910. (SCI);
[22] Zhao QH, Chen S, Zang CX. Model and algorithm for inventory/routing decision in a three-echelon logistics system. European Journal of Operational Research, 191, 2008, 623-635. (SCI);
[23] Zhao QH, Wang SY, Lai KK. A partition approach to the inventory/routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 177, 2007, 786-802(SCI);
[24] Zhao, QH, Wang SY, Lai KK, Xia GP. Model and algorithm of an inventory problem with the consideration of transportation cost. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46, 2004, 389-397(SCI);
[25] Zhao QH, Wang SY, Xia GP, Lai KK. Designing optimal routing strategies for a manufacturer: A case study. Production Planning and Control, 14 (1), 2003, 33-41(SCI);
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