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Yemenis and Saudis
Love across the line
The geopolitics of illicit love
FOR daysYemenhas been abuzz with talk of Hudaand Arafat. Huda al-Niran, a 22-year-old Saudiwoman, fell in love with Arafat Muhammad, a Yemeni, while he was working inSaudi Arabia. InOctober the couple fled toYemenafter her parents refused to let them marry, but Ms Niran wasarrested for entering the country illegally. She seemed set for a quick trial and deportation.Then their love story became a cause célèbre for young Yemenis, who view it as a version ofRomeo and Juliet in the south-west of theArabian peninsula. On November 26th Ms Niran wasfreed into the custody of the UN for a period of three months, allowing her to seek refugeestatus.
Yemenis have been gripped by the saga for several reasons. The country's deep-rootedconservative traditions are slowly changing. Young middle-class men and women have grownincreasingly willing to challenge their families' expectations, with many now bidding to choosetheir own spouse rather than submit to an arranged marriage. But more often than not, unlikeMr Muhammad and Ms Niran, they end up putting their adolescent relationships aside andfulfilling their parents' wishes.
Yemeni interest in the star-crossed lovers touches on geopolitics, too. The case has presentedan opportunity for Yemenis to score a point against the Saudis, who want the Yemeniauthorities to return Ms Niran. Many Yemenis resent their richer and more powerful neighbour'sinterference in their country's affairs. Moreover, the kingdom recently deported tens ofthousands of Yemeni workers after deciding to cut down on foreign labour.
Many of the Yemeni campaigners who spearheaded the protests that led to the ousting ofPresident Ali Abdullah Saleh two years ago have enthusiastically taken up the cause of MsNiran and Mr Muhammad, organising street protests to press the government to drop thecharges against Ms Niran and grant her refugee status. They describe their temporary shiftin focus from agitating for political change as ensuring the “victory of love”.
Some Yemenis whisper that public opinion might have been different if the nationalities hadbeen reversed. “Let's face it,” says a young Yemeni. “If Huda were a Yemeni who ran acrossthe Saudi border with her Saudi boyfriend, we'd be cursing the Saudis and demanding thatthey send her back.”
1.fall in love with 爱上;爱上某人
例句:Slowly but surely she started to fall in lovewith him.
2.refuse to 不肯;拒绝
例句:I've always had a loud mouth, I refuse to besilenced.
3.allow to 允许
例句:Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little.
4.submit to 顺从;服从
例句:Never submit to a threat.
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