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在完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语大纲中,明确规定了考生应该能够理解主旨要义、理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系、区分论点和论据。由此可见,主题题目的重要性,而且抓住主题后,对于推理题甚至词汇题都大有裨益。因此建议大家在做题目之前最好能够对文章主题有个认识,今天老师就文章主题的把握进行阐述,希望对大家有所帮助。
例一:Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.Strain of stress: no way out? B.Responses of stress: gender difference C. Stress analysis: what chemicals say D. Gender inequality: women under stress.我们暂且不去看该题,首先阅读文章首段、一二段的交接处以及文章末段: While still catching-up t omen in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category.“ Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders inresponse to stress compared to men,” according to Dr.Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital.
Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stressresponse,causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions.
But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain.
同样的推理题目,也是要注意主题大于细节,观点大于论据。来看这样一个题目What can we infer from the first three paragraphs? A.In both East and West, names are essential to success. B.The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoe Zysman. C.Customers often pay a lot attention to companies’ names. D.Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize.但看题目,B、C是最不能选的,因为很注意细节,而A选项虽然看似是结论但本身是个错误选项,因此D作为观点是最佳、最正确的选项。
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