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Migrants in the Dominican Republic
No place like home
The travails of the children of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic
NIGHTMARE is about to end for some 24,000 people in the Dominican Republic (DR).Formonths a court ruling has in effect rendered them stateless, in the process straining thecountry's tense relations withHaiti, its poorer neighbour on the CaribbeanislandofHispaniola.Butfor many others, the ordeal is continuing.
Until a decade ago the children of Haitian migrants who were born in the DR were recognised asDominican nationals, even if their parents had immigrated illegally.The rules began to change in2004, and in 2010 a new constitution made a legally resident parent a requirement forcitizenship at birth.Then, last September, a ruling of theConstitutional Courtdenied citizenshipto the offspring of illegal immigrants who had arrived before that change.
The government maintains that these revisions justly removed an anomaly and conform withpractice elsewhere.Yet the children concerned—many well into middle age—were at a strokereclassified as foreigners, and have since been refused new identity documents.Instead theywere told to request new papers from their purported country of origin, even though the vastmajority have never been toHaiti, speak only Spanish and cannot prove they are eligible forHaitian citizenship.
Relations on Hispaniola have been tense ever sinceHaitioccupied the DR in 1821-44, but thistime the world took notice.Pressure groups and the Inter-American Commission on HumanRights condemned the ruling.Caricom, a group ofCaribbeancountries, suspended the DR'smembership application.Meanwhile Michel Martelly,Haiti's president, caused a stir by quoting aDominican journalist who called the decision “civil genocide”.All that left Danilo Medina, who wasinaugurated as the DR's president just a month before the ruling, in a fix.His nation can illafford to be ostracised, yet capitulating would make him look weak.He would risk seeming toofriendly toHaiti, which Dominican politicians have long used as a rhetorical punchbag.JoaquinBalaguer, a strongman who ruled the DR intermittently for 30 years, once warned of a“peaceful invasion” of Haitian immigrants.Leonel Fernández, who was Mr Medina'spredecessor and is married to his vice-president, won a close election in 1996 after accusinghis darker-skinned, Haitian-descended rival of wanting to reunite the two countries.
In the end, Mr Medina and his legislative allies chose a cautious middle path.For the groupmost starkly disadvantaged—the 24,000 people with previously valid Dominican identitypapers—help is on the way.On May 23rd the president signed a law reinstating theircitizenship.Although Dominican bureaucracy can be arbitrary and arduous, they are nowformally eligible to renew their birth certificates, driving licences and passports.People withoutsuch documents who can still prove to the authorities' satisfaction that they were born in theDR—a group that includes 21,000 children born from 2007-10—will also get a reprieve.After atwo-year waiting period they will be eligible to apply for naturalised citizenship, which carries allthe rights of the native-born except the ability to hold high office.
However, the law offers no solution for the biggest group involved: those who were born in theDR to parents without legal residence, but cannot demonstrate it.They will in effect remainstateless and officially eligible for deportation, though they have nowhere else to go.A UNsurvey of 2013 found there were 244,000 people in the DR whose parents were undocumentedforeigners, meaning around 200,000 may be in this predicament.
Human-rights groups angrily point out that the new law thus leaves most of the peopleaffected by the ruling in limbo.All the same, Mr Medina's meticulous segmentation of theproblem will probably relieve much of the political pressure.People who already had identitypapers tend to be richer and more influential than those who did not; many of the mostoutspoken victims of the court decision were educated professionals who could use the mediaand lobby effectively.The new system placates this high-profile group, while leaving those onthe fringes of Dominican society to fend for themselves.
1.even if 即使;纵然;甚至
例句:Even if the amendment is passed it can bedefeated judicially.
2.conform with 符合;与一致
例句:Her ideas do not conform with mine.
3.warn of 警告;警告某人
例句:These tests warn of impending disease, but do not cure.
须知,这类检测只能预告可能发生的疾病, 却不能治愈病人。
4.want to 想去;想要
例句:The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
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