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3. 开设课程
(2) 2007年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。
(3)“中国葡萄属野生种刺葡萄抗白粉病基因片段或基因标记及应用”于2006年10月获得国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2005 1 0041759.5,第二名。
(4)“中国葡萄属野生种麦黄葡萄抗白粉病基因片段或基因标记及应用”于2006年10月获得国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2005 1 0041757.6,第二名。
(5) “一中提高无核葡萄浆果品质的营养液”于2005年7月获国家发明专利,专利号:ZL03 134236.1,第五名。
(1)Wang Xiping,Wang Yuejin, Hao Wei. cDNA Cloning and Characterization of the Novel Genes Related to Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Wild Chinese Grape (Vitis pseudoreticulata W. T. Wang). DNA Sequence, 2007, 18 (01):9-18(SCI)
(2)Wang Xiping, Wang Yuejin, Zhang Chaohong, Zhang Junke. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding stilbene synthases from Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata.. Vitis, 2007, 3(SCI)
(3)ZhouBang-jun, Wang Xiping, WangYue-jin. Cloning, expression, purification, preparation of the polycloned antibodies and characterization of GLOXrg, a novel glyoxal _ oxidase_related gene from Vitis Pseudoreticulata. Biologia Planturm, 2007, 51 (3): 458 ~ 466(SCI,Co-first author).
(4)Lin Ling, Wang Xiping, Wang Yuejin. cNDA Clone, Fusion Expression and Purification of APX Gene from Chinese wild vitis Pseudoreticulata in E.coli. Molecular Biology Reports, 2006, 33:197-206 (SCI, Co-first author)
(5)Wang Xiping, Wang Yuejin, Zhangjun Fei. Identification and Characterization of Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) from Wild Chinese Vitis Species. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2008, 83 (3): 345-350 (SCI)
(6)Fan Chaohong, Pu Ni, Wang Xiping, Wang Yuejin, Fang Li, Xu Weirong, Zhang Jianxia. Agrobacterium -mediated genetic transformation and expression of the novel stilbene synthase gene from Chinese wild Vitis pseudroreticulata in Thompson Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.). Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2008, 92: 197-206 (SCI)
(7)Wang Xiping, Wang Yuejin, Zhou Peng, Zheng Xueqin. 2001, Identification of Specific RAPD Markers linked to Anthracnose Resistant Gene in Native Wild Grapes of China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1:35~39
6. 联系方式
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺学院
E-mail:wangxiping@nwsuaf.edu.cn. Wangxiping89@gmail.cn
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