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古有丝绸之路,今有一带一路,中国古代劳动人民曾在世界上作出许多伟大举措,不论是完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语还是四六级考试的翻译多次涉及到中国文化,本次六级考试作文中的一篇是关于汉朝的成就。下面是这篇翻译的参考译文,供参考。
Han Dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in the history of China, during which period there were many remarkable achievements. It opened to other cultures for the first time, and had a prosperous foreign trade. The Silk Road exploited in Han Dynasty leaded to West Central Asia. Various arts boomed and many great works of literature, history and philosophy sprung up in this period. The first Chinese dictionary was compiled in 100 AD, with 9000 words providing meanings and listing different writing methods. At the same time, science and technology also made great progress, paper, sundials and the machine for measuring earthquake all invented in this Dynasty. Han Dynasty lasted for 400 years, but the corruption of the ruler resulted in its extinction.
显著地 remarkable
对外贸易 foreign trade
兴旺的 prosperous
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
开拓 exploit
中西亚 West Central Asia
繁荣 boom
涌现 spring up
编撰 compile
水钟 water clock
日晷 sundials
腐败 corruption
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