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Selected publications and patents
1. Deng Sisheng, Xiao Zhisong, Yan Lu, Huang Anping, Optical loss effect on Sagnac sensitivity of circle-coupled resonator structure, Optics Communications, 2013, 290:76-79.
2. Sisheng Deng, Zhisong Xiao, Hao Zhang, Long Zhao, Anping Huang, Fast-light enhanced integrated on-chip laser gyroscope for rotation sensing, Advances in Slow and Fast Light VI, edited by Selim Shahriar, Frank A. Narducci, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8636, 86360Q • © 2013 SPIE • CCC code: 0277-786X/13/$18 • doi: 10.1117/12.2002946.
3. Bo Zhou, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Jinliang Wang, Improved Infrared Emissions of Er3+-Tm3+ Codoped Al2O3 Thin Films: The Role of Cross Relaxation Among Rare Earth Ions, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10673-10676.
4. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer Studies of Er3+ and Dy3+ Co-doped Tellurite Glasses, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10904-10907.
5. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, M. Wang, X. Y. Liu, Z. W. Wu, and Paul K. Chu, Diffusion behavior of dual capping layers in TiN/LaN/AlN/HfSiOx/Si stack, Applied Physics Letter, 2011, 99: 131914.
6. Huang An-Ping, Zheng Xiao-Hu, Xiao Zhi-Song, Yang Zhi-Chao, Wang Mei, Paul K. Chu, and Yang Xiao-Dong, Flat-band voltage shift in metal-gate/high-k/Si stacks, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (9): 097303.
7. Kun Zhong, Guoan Cheng, Xiangqian Cheng, Ruiting Zheng, Zhisong Xiao, Photoluminescence from SiGe NPs: SiO2 Thin Films Co-doped with Al, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2011, 58 (4): 934-937.
8. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Feng Zhang, Lu Yan, Jinliang Wang, Anping Huang, Donor doping process and white light generation in CaMoO4 powders with multivalence Pr codoping, J. Luminescence, 2011, 131 (1) : 22-24.
9. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Visible luminescence properties of Er3+- Dy3+ codoped tellurite glasses, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 777-780.
10. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, The influence on intrinsic light emission of calcium tungstate and molybdate powders by multivalence Pr codoping, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 689-693.
11. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, Z. C. Yang, M. Wang, X. W. Zhang, W. W. Wang, Paul K. Chu, Origin of flat-band voltage sharp roll-off in metal gate/high-k/ultrathin- SiO2 /Si p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor stacks, Applied Physics Letter, 2010, 97, 132908.
12. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang, X. H. Zheng, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu, W. W. Wang, Fermi-Level Pinning at Metal/High-k Interface Influenced by Electron State Density of Metal Gate, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2010, 31(10): 1101-1103.
13. Fei Xu, Rosalía Serna, Miguel Jiménez de Castro, Jose Maria Fernández Navarro, Zhisong Xiao, Broadband Emission in the 1.4 2.0 μm range from Erbium-Thulium-Codoped Calcium Boroaluminate Glasses, Applied Physics B: Lasers and optics, 2010, 99: 263-270.
14. Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, and Anping Huang, Energy transfer processes in Tm3+ doped aluminate glass, Journal of Optical Society of American B, 2010, 27 (3): 452-457.
15. Zhisong Xiao, Bo Zhou, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and energy transfer processes in rare earth ion doped oxide thin films with substrate heating, Physics Letter A, 2010, 374(10): 1297-2300.
16. Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Visible luminescence of Tm3+, Er3+ and Yb3+ in calcium aluminoborate glasses, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2009, 55 (6): 2630-2633.
17. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Visible Luminescence from Dy3+ Doped Tellurite Glasses, Proceedings of SPIE, 2009. 7518, 751817-1.
18. Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Xiaoqian Guo, Anping Huang, Circle-Coupled Resonator Waveguide with Enhanced Sagnac Phase-Sensitivity for Rotation Sensing, Applied Physics Letter, 2009, 95(14): 141104.
19. Zhisong Xiao, Bo Zhou, Fei Xu, Fang Zhu, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Energy transfer among rare earth ions induced by annealing process of Tm–Er codoped aluminum oxide thin films, Physics Letter A, 2009, 373: 890-893.
20. Kun Zhong, Zhisong Xiao, Guo’an Cheng, Xiangqian Cheng, and Ruiting Zheng, Dependency of photoluminescence from SiO2 thin films containing Si1−xGex quantum dots on Ge/Si doping ratio, Chinese Optics Letters, 2009, 7(9):826-829
21. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Kun Zhong, Guoan Cheng, Photoluminescence and radiation effect of Er and Pr implanted silicon-rich silicon oxide thin films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2009. 267, 3100-3103.
22. Kun Zhong, Zhisong Xiao, Xiangqian Cheng, Fang Zhu, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Radiation effect on the photoluminescence properties of Si/SiO2 thin films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2009. 267: 3114-3117.
23. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang, L. Yan, Z. S. Xiao, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu, W. W. Wang, Role of Interface Dipole in Metal Gate/High-k Effective Work Function Modulation by Aluminum Incorporation, Applied Physics Letter, 2009, 94:252905.
24. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, Fei Xu and C.N. Afonso, Critical separation for efficient Tm3+-Tm3+ energy transfer evidenced in nanostructured Tm3+:Al2O3 thin films, Optics Letters, 2008, 33 (7):608-610.
25. A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, L. Wang, and Paul K. Chu, Role of fluorine in plasma nitridated ZrO2 thin films under irradiation, Applied Physics Letter, 2008, 93 (12):122907.
26. Zhou Bo, Xiao Zhisong, Huang Anping, Yan Lu, Zhu Fang, Wang Jinliang, Yin Penggang and Wang Hao. Effect of the Tm-Er Concentration Ratio on the Photoluminescence of Er-Tm: Al2O3 Thin Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18: 661-664.
27. Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Bo Zhou, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Jinliang Wang, Optical Properties of Tm-Er Codoped Aluminate Glasses, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2008, 52: S54-S57.
28. Hao Wang, Y. Wang, J. Feng, C. Ye, B. Y. Wang, H. B. Wang, Q. Li, Y. Jiang, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, Structure and electrical properties of HfO2 high-k films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on Si (100), Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 93 (2008): 681-684.
29. Zhisong Xiao, Serna R., Afonso C. N., Improving the photoluminescence response of Er-Tm: Al2O3 films by Yb codoping, J. Lumin., 122-123 (2007): 32-35.
30. Zhisong Xiao, Serna R. and Afonso C. N., Broadband emission in Er-Tm co-doped Al2O3 films: the role of energy transfer from Er to Tm, Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (2007): 033112- 033117.
31. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, C.N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Broadband infrared emission from Er-Tm: Al2O3 thin films, Applied Physics Letter, 2005, 87 (11):111103-111105.
32. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, C.N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Tm-Er codoping Al2O3 Thin Films: Activation by Annealing, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 2005, Vol. 866: V5.6.1/FF5.6.1.
33. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, An upper limit of concentration for erbium photoluminescence from silica-based thin films formed by MEVVA implantation, Physics Letter A, 2004, 327 (4), 332-336.
34. Z. S. Xiao, R. Serna, C. N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Broad-band light emission from nanostructured waveguides of Al2O3 co-doped with Er and Tm, Europhysics Conference, Abstracts Volume 28C: Fib-10174, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug.29-Sep.3, 2004.
35. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu, Xun Wan, A novel method to achieve 1.54 mm light emission from silica thin film, Journal of Luminescence, 2002, 96: 195~200.
36. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, S. P. Wong, Optimum silicon ion dose for 1540 nm photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films formed by MEVVA implantation, Physics Letter A, 304 (2002): 172-176.
37. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu, Erbium doped optical waveguide materials based on Si nanocrystals formed by MEVVA ion implantation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (2002) 11315-11320.
38. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, S. P. Wong, Effects of Si and Er concentration on 1.54 mm photoluminescence from silica-based thin films formed by MEVVA implantation. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2002, 16 (28~29): 4242-4245.
39. Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, Fei Xu. Up-conversion luminescence from neodymium ion implantation silicon. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2000, 128-129: 461~464.
40. Xiao Zhi-song, Xu Fei, Zhang Tong-he, Cheng Guo-an, Xie Da-tao, Gu Lan-lan, Infrared emission from Si implanted with high Er concentration, Chinese Physics, 2001, 10 (7): 650~654.
41. XIAO Zhi-song, XU Fei, ZHANG Tong-he,YI Zhong-zhen, CHENG Guo-an, XPS investigation of luminescent layers formed by neodymium ion implantation silicon, Chinese Journal of Semiconductor, 2001, 22 (11): 1377-1381.
42. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, Zhongzhen Yi, Shuifeng Wang, Photoluminescence from neodymium silicide thin films formed by Metal Vapor Vacuum Arc Ion Source, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2001, 12 (1): 21~25.
43. P. Chen, S. P. Wong, M. F. Chiah, H. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, Z. S. Xiao, Magnetic properties of (Pr0.17Co0.83)69C31 Nanocomposite films prepared by pulsed filtered vacuum arc deposition, Applied Physics Letter, 81 (2002): 4799-4801.
44. Lanlan Gu, Zuhong Xiong, Gang Chen, Zhisong Xiao, Daiwei Gong, Xiaoyuan Hou and Xun Wang: Luminescent erbium-doped porous silicon bilayer structures. Advanced materials, 2001, 13: 1402-1405.
45. Fei Xu, Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng, Zhongzhen Yi, Tonghe Zhang, Lanlan Gu and Xun Wang, Erbium-doped silicon-rich silicon dioxide/silicon thin films fabricated by metal vapour vacuum arc ion source implantation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (2002) L63-L69.
46. Fei Xu, Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng , Zhongzhen Yi , Tonghe Zhang , Lanlan Gu , Xun Wang, High concentration erbium doping of silicon-rich SiO thin films on silicon, Thin Solid films, 410 (2002): 94-100.
47. Yanwen Zhang, Tonghe Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, and Harry J. whitlow, Sputtering transients for transition elements during high-fluence MEVVA implantation of Si, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 2001, 173, 427~435.
48. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang , Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu , S. P. Wong, Energy transfer in Er doped silica films containing Si nanocrystals formed by MEVVA ion implantation, The sixth international conference on solid state and integrated-circuit technology proceeding, volume 2 : 1456-1459, 2001.10.22~25, Shanghai. China.
49. Zhong zhen Yi, Zhisong Xiao, Furong Ma, Tonghe Zhang, Properties of wear resistance in co-implanting V+C into stainless steel. Surface and Coating Technology, 2000, 128-129: 186~191.
50. Guoan Cheng, Zhisong Xiao, Jinghuan Zhu. Songlan Xu, Dunru Ye, The luminescence of LaSi2-x formed by ion beam synthesis in (111) Silicon wafer. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 1998, 135: 550~554.
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