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1.国家自然科学基金:有机纳米体系中载流子与外场相互作用及量子效应研究 (11074303),负责人;
4.国家自然科学基金:过渡族金属氧化物中轨道极化子的研究 (10604037),负责人。
1.D. Hou, J. H. Wei and S. J. Xie (2011): Gapped ferromagnetic graphene nanoribbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, DOI: 10.1039/c0cp02713h.
2.J. H. Wei, D. Hou and X. R. Wang (2010): Ferromagnetic insulator induced by Peierls instability at orbital order transition. New Journal of Physics 12, 053021
3.J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, S. J. Xie And Yijing Yan (2009): Spin blockage in organic spintronics. Journal Of Chemical Physics 131, 064906
4.J. H. Wei, Y. L. Gao and X. R. Wang (2009): Inverse square-root field dependence of conductivity in organic field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters 94, 073301
5.J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, J. Berakdar, and YiJing Yan (2008): Pathways of polaron and bipolaron transport in DNA double strands. Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 165101.
6.J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, L. M. Mei and YiJing Yan (2007): Conductance switching, hysteresis, and magnetoresistance in organic semiconductors. Organic Electronics 8, 487.
7.J. H. Wei, S, J. Xie, L. M. Mei and YiJing Yan (2007): Bias-induced insulator-metal transition in organic electronics. Applied Physics Letters 91, 022115
English Resume
Dr. Jianhua Wei was born on the 20th, October in 1972. He was graduated from Physics Department of Shandong University. In 1999, he received his Ph.D. in Shandong University, with his doctoral thesis being received the Outstanding Paper Award of Shandong Province. Dr. Jianhua Wei was appointed to be a teacher in Shandong University till 2007 and then he transferred to Renmin University of China. Presently, Dr. Jianhua Wei is the professor and supervisor of the Doctors in Physics Department, Renmin University of China.
Dr. Jianhua Wei is mainly engaged in following frontier researches: non-equilibrium quantum transport theory; orbital physics in transition metal oxide materials; and non-equilibrium many-body theory, etc. He has been published over 50 research papers in the mainstream academic journals.
At present, Dr. Jianhua Wei’s main research interest is to numerically solve the non-equilibrium quantum many-body problems. The formula is a set of non-perturbative dynamical equations of the density matrix, which can be efficiently solved by computers. This method can deal with different temperatures as well as different correlation strengths for many non-equilibrium many-body problems.
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