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Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
Part A
text I
21.maintain their plastic items
22.have inherent flaws
23.protect them from further damage
25.have profound historical significance
text 2
26.reassess the necessity of college education
27. the shrinking value of a college education
28.employers are taking a realistic view of a degree
29.further their studies in a specific field
30.lifelong learning will define them
text 3
31.receive favorable responses
32.arts offer audiences easy access to science
33.their roles may be underestimated
34.it exemplified the valuable art-science alliances
35.should do more than communicating science
36.protect the rights of ordinary workers
37.hinder business development
38.dismiss the poorly performing manager
39.employers suffer from salary cuts
40.difficult to put into practice
Part B 41-45暂无
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