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2022届研究生招生考试初试的英语科目考试已经结束,文都教育作为完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS行业的领头军,为广大考生提供最 新的2022完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS及解析。针对2022完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语这来说,作文每年都是广大考生最为关注的焦点,今年的英语(一)大作文还是大家熟悉的图画作文,具体考试要求及相应解析如下:
Part B:
Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) Describe the drawing briefly,
2) Explain its intended meaning, and then
3) Give your comments.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Graphically depicted in the picture is a scene, in which there are two students standing in front of a poster of a campus lecture. The individual on the left airs his perspective that it doesn’t belong to his major and it is useless to listen to the lecture. Conversely, his counterpart holds the opposite idea that it may be useful to our study and growth. We are informed that various folks take different attitudes toward the same scene.
Undoubtedly, the author strives to convey a conspicuous message that we should be a prepared person. It is intensive learning that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Besides, not only does a prepared mind makes us be full of energy to face the coming challenges and competitions but also offers us the foundation for the coming success. According to a latest survey conducted by an international organizations, approximately 76.5% of the respondents hold the view that they are willing to learn extensively and to be a prepared person because a theory that opportunities don’t come to those who aren’t prepared.
Weighing up the above several aspects, I suppose that not until we realize the significance of being a prepared person and learning extensively and put this attitude into practice, can we foster it gradually and make a better progress. ②Therefore, the mass media, such as television and the Internet, should make every effort to propagate and advocate the positive mentality. ③In addition, as for our college students, we ought to do our part to learn any useful knowledge in our spare time. ④ Only in this way can we embrace a prospective future.
1) 简要描述图画,
2) 解释它的意义,然后
3) 给出你的评论。
图画清晰地描述了一个场景,在这个场景中,两个学生站在一张校园讲座的海报前面,左边的学生说:“不是我们专业的,听了也没用。”;相反,另一个学生说:“听了或许也有用。” 不同的人对待同一场景可能会有不同的态度。
毫无疑问,作者向我们传达了一个明显的信息:我们应该做一个有准备的人。尽管有困难的沮丧,但是正是广泛学习使我们不断地做一些有价值和令人钦佩的事情。此外,一个有准备的头脑不仅使我们充满活力以面对未来的挑战和竞争,也为我们未来的成功奠定了基础。根据国际机构做的最 新的一项调查,76.5% 的受访者持有的观点是:由于机会总是留给那些有准备的人,所以他们愿意广泛学习,做一个有准备的人。
考虑到这个现象的方方面面,我认为直到我们意识到广泛学习做一个有准备的人的重要性并且付诸实践,我们才能逐渐地培养这种态度并且取得进步。因此,大众媒体,比如电视和网络,应该尽全力去宣传这种积极的心态。此外,作为我们大学生而言,我们应该尽自己的最 大努力在空余时间学习有用的知识。只有这样,我们才会拥抱一个更加美好的明天。
以上就是为广大考生提供的2022完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语(一)大作文完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS及解析。最后祝广大考生一战成硕,金榜题名!
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