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个人简介:毕业于洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA),人类发展与心理学专业,获博士学位,现为华东师范大学课程与教学研究所副教授、所长助理,兼任美国教育研究协会、国际学习科学协会、美国科学教学研究协会、美国心理学协会会员,SSCI 期刊Journal of Research in Science Teaching,Science & Education等杂志的审稿人。研究方向:课程与教学论,学习科学与教学设计,课堂互动与话语分析。
2014–2015博士论文奖学金,洛杉矶加州大学(University of California, Los Angeles)
2014博士候选人联席会议奖,第11届国际学习科学年会(The 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences)
肖思汉,[美]德利马.基于视频的学习过程分析:为什么?如何做?[J].华东师范大学学报(教育科学版),2017, 35(5): 55–71.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2017). Associations Between Attitudes Towards Science and Children’s Evaluation of Information About Socioscientific Issues. Science & Education, 26(3), 247–269. doi:10.1007/s11191-017-9888-0
肖思汉,刘畅.课堂话语如何影响学习──基于美国课堂话语实证研究的述评[J].教育发展研究,2016, (24): 45–54.
肖思汉,William A. Sandoval.如何将科学探究的主体还给学生──基于课堂互动分析的经验研究[J].课程·教材·教法,2014,34(7):48–54.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2016). Resolving Disagreements in Evaluating Epistemic and Disciplinary Claims in Middle School Science. In Looi, C.-K., Polman, J. L., Cress, U., and Reimann, P. (Eds.), Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (Vol. 2, pp. 835–838). Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Xiao, S. (2014). Children’s Use of Inscriptions in Argumentation About Socioscientific Issues. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O’Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O’Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.), Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (Vol. 3, p. 1763). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2014). Children’s Use of Inscriptions in Written Arguments About Socioscientific Issues. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O’Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O’Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.), Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (Vol. 2, pp. 1107–1111). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Xiao, S. & Liu, C. (2017). Framing of Everyday Decisions and Inscriptional Resources in High School Biology Textbooks in China. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX, USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2016). Resolving Disagreements in Evaluating Epistemic and Disciplinary Claims in Middle School Science. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Singapore.
Liu, X., Chen, S., Jin, Y., Pei, X., Zheng, T., & Xiao, S. (2016). Understanding Middle School Teachers’ Processing of Student-Generated Resources in Science Classrooms. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Singapore.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2015). Functional Roles of Inscriptional Evidence in Children's Written Arguments about Socioscientific Issues. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL, USA.
Xiao, S. (2015). Using Multiple Mathematical Representations and Facilitating Meaning Making: A Study Analyzing Mathematics Lessons in Urban Chinese High Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2015). Influences of Argument Instruction on Children’s Use of Evidence in Socioscientific Issues. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, USA.
Sandoval, W. A., Xiao, S., Redman, E. H., & Enyedy, N. D. (2015). Encouraging Argument as the Connective Discourse of Scientific Practices. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL, USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2014). Children’s Use of Inscriptions in Written Arguments about Socioscientific Issues. Poster accepted at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C., USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2014). Children’s Use of Inscriptions in Written Arguments about Socioscientific Issues: A Pre-Post Analysis. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Boulder, CO, USA.
Sandoval, W. A., Enyedy, N. D., Redman, E. H., Xiao, S., & Ryu, S. (2014). Organizing a Culture of Argumentation in Science Classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association. Pennsylvania, PA, USA.
Xiao, S. (2013). “I Thought You Said Lüse Liangge Lüse”: Situating Stances in the Construction of Accounts and English-Mandarin Codeswitching in a Board Game. Paper accepted at the Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association. Chicago, IN, USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2013). How Attitudes Toward Science Affect Sixth-Graders’ Evaluation of Information in the Context of Socioscientific Issues. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Xiao, S., & Huo, Y. (2013). Remote Control or Let Go: Conceptual Change of Parenting of Chinese Very Young International Students’ Parents. Poster accepted at the Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA, USA.
Xiao, S., & Sandoval, W. A. (2012). Influences on Teachers’ Capacities to Use Educative Curriculum Materials as Intended. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Indianapolis, IN, USA.
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