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[2] 入选中国矿业大学优秀青年骨干教师。
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,项目经费:60万元;
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人,项目经费:25万元;
[3] 江苏省自然科学基金项目,项目负责人,项目经费:20万元;
[4] 中国矿业大学深部岩土国重专项项目,项目经费:90万元;
[5] 中国矿业大学学科前沿科学研究专项面上项目,项目负责人,项目经费:20万元;
[6] 中国矿业大学青年科技基金,项目负责人,项目经费:10万元。
[7] 中国矿业大学重大培育项目,项目负责人,项目经费:40万元。
[8] 中国矿业大学科研启动基金项目,项目负责人,项目经费:8万元;
[9] 企业科技攻关项目多项,项目负责人,项目总经费:150万元。
[1] Yanlong Chen, Bangyong Yu, Kai Zhang, Mingwei Zhang, Guang Xu, and Zhanqing Chen, Permeability evolution and particle size distribution of saturated crushed sandstone under compression, Geofluids, 2018(SCI检索)
[2] Yanlong Chen, Yang Hao, Yu Wu, Kai Zhang, and Guimin Zhang, The load capacity model and experimental tests of a new yielding steel prop, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017(SCI检索)
[3] Yanlong Chen, Aihong Lu, Xianbiao Mao, Ming Li, and Lianying Zhang, Nonlinear dynamics mechanism of rock burst induced by the instability of the layer-crack plate structure in the coal wall in deep coal mining, Shock and Vibration, 2017(SCI检索)
[4] Yanlong Chen Peng Wu, Qing Yu, and Guang Xu, Effects of freezing and thawing cycle on mechanical properties and stability of soft rock slope, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017(SCI检索)
[5] Yanlong Chen, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Koichi Araki, Watanabe Dai, Application and Pipeline Vertical Displacement Analysis of Chemical Grouting for Pipeline Position Restoration Method, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 2015(SCI检索)
[6] Yanlong Chen, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Matsui Kikuo, Research on Exploiting Residual Coal around Final End-Walls by Highwall Mining System in China, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2012(SCI检索)
[7] Yanlong Chen, Qingxiang Cai, Tao Shang, Zhaoxue Che, Mining System for Remaining Coal of Final Highwall, Journal of Mining Science, 2011(SCI检索)
[8] Chen Yanlong, Meng Qingbin, Xu Guang, Wu Haoshuai, Zhang Guimin, Bolt-grouting combined support technology in deep soft rock roadway, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016(EI检索)
[9] 陈彦龙, 吴豪帅, 露天矿端帮开采下的支撑煤柱突变失稳机理研究, 中国矿业大学学报, 2016 (EI检索)
[10] 陈彦龙,吴豪帅,张明伟,吴宇,张后全,煤层厚度与层间岩性对上保护层开采效果的影响研究,采矿与安全工程学报,2016(EI检索)
[11] 陈彦龙, 张后全, 吴宇, 张桂民, 张立强, 采动矿压与锚杆轴力变化关系的实测研究, 煤炭学报, 2016 (EI检索)
[12] Yanlong Chen, Qingxiang Cai, Tao Shang, Hongge Peng, Wei Zhou, Shuzhao Chen, Zonal Extraction Technology and Numerical Simulation Analysis in Open Pit Coal Mine, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2012,(EI检索)
[13] 陈彦龙,才庆祥,尚涛,王博文,彭洪阁,周伟,端帮巷道系统中的破碎站及平巷的移设步距优化,中国矿业大学学报,2012(EI检索)
[14] 陈彦龙,才庆祥,周伟,罗伟,张磊,露天煤矿拉斗铲作业效率研究,采矿与安全工程学报,2009(EI检索)
1、陈彦龙,张凯,张桂民著,《Extraction systems of remaining coal around end-wall slope at open pit coal mines》,中国矿业大学出版社,2017.10
[1] 陈彦龙,吴鹏,陈梁,吴豪帅,一种露天煤矿端帮压煤充填综采回收方法,ZL2017105148738
[2] 陈彦龙,吴鹏,吴豪帅,巨峰,一种机械式恒阻单体支柱连续升柱预紧装置及方法,ZL2018101654561
[3] 张吉雄,陈彦龙,齐文跃,吴宇,梅丞贤,崔灿,一种机械式恒阻单体支柱回撤工艺与回收方法,ZL201610953089.2
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