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李浥东,现任北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,SAP大学能力中心(中国)主任。2003年本科毕业于北京交通大学信息与通信工程系。2006年和2011年在澳大利亚阿德莱德大学计算机系分别获得硕士和博士学位。研究方向主要在大数据分析与安全、人工智能、云计算与高性能计算、智能交通等。已在国际主要学术期刊(包括IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics & Security、IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems等)和会议上发表学术论文90余篇。曾主持/参与包括国家自然科学基金、国家“863”、教育部创新团队、澳大利亚国家自然科学基金、国家电网、中航集团等在内的30余项科研项目。任中国计算机学会理事、杰出会员、YOCSEF副主席、大数据专家委员会委员、高性能计算专业委员会委员,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会副秘书长、大数据专委会委员、平行智能专委会委员。曾担任多个国际会议的程序委员会主席、分会主席、程序委员会委员。
2011.1 – 2014.12,北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院,讲师
2015.1 – 2018.12,北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院,副教授
2019.1 – 今,北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院,教授
智慧停车数据库及监控调度系统开发,中国航天三院合作项目,158.4万元,2017.4.1 - 2017.9.30,主持
高速列车在途安全监测中的智能数据处理关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金“面上”, 80万元,2017.1.1 - 2020.12.31,主持
基金无纸化管理可行性分析研究,国家自然科学基金应急管理项目, 30万元,2017.5.1 - 2018.12.31,主持
面向云服务数据发布的结构匿名化隐私保护机制研究,国家自然科学基金"青年基金",23万元,2014.1.1 - 2016.12.31,主持
高速铁路安全监控中的智慧化数据处理机制研究,基本科研业务费重大项目,59万元,2012.1.1 - 2014.12.31,主持
面向社会网络大数据保护的结构匿名化方法研究,基本科研业务费,8万元,2014.1.1 - 2015.12.31,主持
面向社会网络的并行结构匿名化方法研究,广东省重点实验室开放课题,2万元,2014.12.10 - 2015.12.09,主持
云环境下基于匿名技术的隐私保护新方法研究,基本科研业务费,8万元,2012.1.1 - 2013.12.31,主持
城市轨道交通中列车进站时基于定位信息的智能停车新方法研究,国家重点实验室开放课题,3万元,2013.1.1 - 2014.12.31,主持
军民融合发展对经济增长贡献率及水平评价分析研究,国家发展改革委科技项目,30万元,2017.3.1 - 2017.12.31,参加(排名第2)
电力大数据基础体系架构及部分关键技术研究与应用,国家电网基础前瞻重大项目课题,120万元(项目总额1200万),2014.1.1 - 2015.12.31, 参加(排名第2)
基于密码学技术的隐私保护多方资源共享,北京市自然基金“面上”,11万元,2012.1.1 - 2014.12.31,参加(排名第2)
温 伟,2011.9 - 2013.7 就职于德国SAP公司;
陈 蕊,2011.9 - 2014.3 就职于中国人民银行;(国家奖学金获得者)
张丹丹,2011.9 - 2014.3 就职于航天三院;(国家奖学金获得者)
赵丽敏,2011.9 - 2014.3 就职于中国银行;(国家奖学金获得者)
徐群群,2011.9 - 2014.3 就职于北京交通大学;
范宗勤,2011.9 - 2014.3 就职于德国SAP公司;
李越川,2013.9 - 2016.3 就职于阿里巴巴公司;(国家奖学金获得者、校优秀硕士论文)
李慧芳,2014.9 - 2016.6 攻读博士学位;(国家奖学金获得者、校优秀硕士论文)
储丹丹,2014.9 - 2016.6 就职于北京计算中心;(国家奖学金获得者)
阿雨萌,2015.9 - 2017.6 就职于北京交通信息中心;(国家奖学金获得者、校优秀毕业生)
岳 嵘,兴趣方向:隐私保护;
王 珊,兴趣方向:目标检测与图像理解;
《Distributed Database and Data Mining》(2010),阿德莱德大学
Yidong Li, Wenhua Liu, Yankun Jia, Hairong Dong: An Mutual Information Weighted Biclustering Algorithm for Gene Expression Data. Computer Science and Information Systems 14(3) (2017).
Huifang Li, Yidong Li, Hairong Dong: A Comprehensive Learning-Based Model for Power Load Forecasting in Smart Grid. Computing and Informatics 36(2): 470-492 (2017).
Ping He, Hong Shen, Longkun Guo, Yidong Li: Efficient Data Retrieval Algorithms for Multiple Requests In MIMO Wireless Networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 30(1) (2017).
Yidong Li, Hong Shen, Congyan Lang and Hairong Dong. Practical Anonymity Models On Protecting Private Weighted Graphs. Neurocomputing, vol. 218, pp.359-370, 2016. (A2, IF: 3.317)
Yuechuan Li, Yidong Li and Guandong Xu. Protecting Private Geosocial Networks Against Practical Hybrid Attacks With Heterogeneous Information. Neurocomputing, vol.210, pp.81-90, 2016. (A2, IF: 3.317)
Yidong Li and Dewang Chen. A learning-based comprehensive evaluation model for traffic data quality in intelligent transportation systems. Multimedia Tools And Applications, vol. 75, no. 19, pp. 11683–11698, October 2016. (A3, IF:1.53)
Jiateng Yin, Dewang Chen, Yidong Li: Smart Train Operation Algorithms based on Expert Knowledge and Ensemble CART for The Electric Locomotive. Knowledge-Based Systems 92: 78-91, 2016. (A2, IF: 3.325)
Ping He, Hong Shen, Yidong Li: Tree-Based Data Retrieval Algorithm for Multi-Item Request with Deadline in Wireless Networks. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9(1): 92-107 (2016). (A4, IF: 1.000)
Chang Yang, Chengyin Liu, Ning Wu, Xiang Wu, Yidong Li, Zhiying Wang: Collaborative Representation with Reduced Residual for Face Recognition. Neural Computing and Applications 25(7-8): 1741-1754 (2014). (A3, IF: 1.492)
Jiateng Yin, Dewang Chen, Yidong Li. Smart Train Operation Algorithms based on Expert Knowledge and Ensemble CART for The Electric Locomotive. Knowledge Based Systems 92: 78-91, 2016. (A2, IF:2.947 )
Aysha Al-Hinai, Haibo Zhang, Yawen Chen, Yidong Li: TB-Snw: Trust-Based Spray-and-wait Routing for Delay-tolerant Networks. Journal of Supercomputing 69(2): 593-609 (2014). (A3, IF: 1.088)
Yidong Li, Hong Shen. On Identity Disclosure Control for Hypergraph-based Data Publishing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 8, no. 8, pp.1384-1396, August 2013. (A2, IF: 1.895)
Dewang Chen, Rong Chen, Yidong Li and Tao Tang. Online-learning Algorithms for Train Automatic Stop Control at Station Using Precise Location Information of Balises. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-10, June 2013. (A1, IF: 3.064)
Jun Wu, Hong Shen, Yidong Li, Zhi-Bo Xiao, Ming-Yu Lu, Chun-Li Wang, Learning a Hybrid Similarity Measure for Image Retrieval. Pattern Recognition, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 2927-2939, 2013. (A2, IF: 2.600)
Huifang Li, Yidong Li: Coarse-to-fine Facial Landmarks Localization based on Convolutional Feature. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC 2017). October 16-18, 2017, Krakow, Poland. (Best Paper Awards)
Yaru Dong, Yidong Li, Wenhua Liu, Jun Wu: Unconscious Behavior Detection for Pedestrian Safety Based on Gesture Features. Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2017). December 18-20, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI)
Yidong Li, Xiangjun Meng, Hairong Dong. A Simulated Annealing Combined Genetic Algorithm for Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Datacenters. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligent and Computing (PICom 2016). August 8-12, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. (EI)
Yidong Li, Yumeng A, Huifang Li, Hairong Dong. Anonymity-based Data Publishing for Preserving Customer Privacy in Railway Systems. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT2016), August 23-25, 2016, Birmingham, UK. (EI)
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Towards identity disclosure control in private hypergraph publishing. The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’12), May 29 – June 1, 2012. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Anonymizing graphs against weight-based attacks with community preservation. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE), vol.5, no.3, pp.197-209, 2011.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Identity disclosure on hypergraph clustering. Workshop on the 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDMW’11). December 11-14, 2011. Vancouver, Canada.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Anonymizing hypergraphs with community preservation. The 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’11). October 20-22, 2011, Gwangju, South Korea.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Anonymizing graphs against weight-based attacks. Workshop on The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDMW’10). December 14-17, 2010. Sydney, Australia.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. On identity disclosure in weighted graphs. The 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’10). December 8-11, 2010, Wuhan, China.
Yidong Li and Hong Shen. Multivariate equi-width data swapping for private data publication. The 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’10), pp 209-215. June 21-24, 2010. Hyderabad, India.
Peng Liu, Yidong Li, Yingpeng Sang and Ji Zhang. Anonymity-based Privacy Preserving Network Data Publication. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom2016). August 23-26, 2016, Tianjin, China. (EI)
Wenjin Lei, Yidong Li and Yingpeng Sang. A Secure Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Electronic Medical Records Systems. The 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE2016). November 4-6, 2016, Macau, China. (EI)
Shugeng Ding, Yidong Li, Jianhui Zhang, Liang Chen, Zhen Wang, Qunqun Xu. An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Ranked Fuzzy Keywords Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. The 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2016). November 10-13, 2016, Durham, USA. (EI)
Yaxin Hou, Cong Ma and Yidong Li. Research on Fire Risk Factors of Cotton in Railway Transportation. The 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2016). November 10-13, 2016, Durham, USA. (EI)
Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong, Bin Ning and Yidong Li. Composite PI-like Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for Interval Coordination of Multiple Trains. The 12th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA2016). June 1-3, 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal. (EI)
Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong, Bin Ning and Yidong Li. Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of Power-Distributed Trains with Partial Ineffective and Loss-Effective Actuators. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation. August 2016, Ningbo, China. (EI)
Dandan Chu, Yidong Li, Tao Wang, Hong Shen. Practical Anonymization for Protecting Privacy in Combinatorial Maps. The 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’14). December 16-18, 2014, Hong Kong.
Longkun Guo, Nianchen, Zou, Yidong Li. Approximating the Shallow-Light Steiner Tree Problem When Cost and Delay are Linearly Dependent. The 6th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP’14), pp. 172-177, July 2014, Beijing, China.
Wu Jun, Yidong Li and Hong Shen. A Self-Tuning Manifold Ranking Based Image Retrieval Scheme with Hybrid Active Learning. Accepted by the 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’13), April 14-17, 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.
Ding Ding, Yidong Li, Lihua Ai and Siwei Luo. An Adaptive Resource Scheduling Mechanism based on User Behavior Feedback in Cloud Computing. The 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’12). December 14-16, 2012, Beijing, China.
Rui Chen, Yidong Li, Yingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Hui Tian and Yanbo Wu. On Robust Multicast in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. The 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’12). December 14-16, 2012, Beijing, China.
2016.5 北京交通大学“五四奖章”
2015.9 北京交通大学优秀主讲教师
2014.12 北京交通大学青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖
2013.12 握奇奖教金(北京交通大学)
2012.12 杰出服务贡献奖 (PDCAT2012)
2009 - 现在 IEEE/ACM会员
2012 - 现在 CCF会员
2014 - 现在 CCF YOCSEF总部学术委员
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