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博士:2014年9月-2017年12月 内蒙古大学计算机应用技术专业
硕士:2011年9月-2014年7月 内蒙古大学计算机科学与技术专业
本科:2007年9月-2011年7月 内蒙古大学计算机科学与技术专业
2017年3月-9月 英国帝国理工学院电子电气工程系访学开展基于深度学习的语音分离研究,合作导师 Mike Brookes 和 Patrick A. Naylor教授
2014年3月-4月 中国科学院自动化研究所访学,开展基于深度学习的语音识别研究,合作导师:刘文举研究员
2013年7月-8月 参加由微软邓力博士主持的暑期学校学习深度学习技术
2013年7月-8月 参加由美国俄亥俄州立大学汪德亮教授主持的暑期学校学习语音分离技术
2018年 内蒙古大学校级优秀毕业论文
2016年 内蒙古自治区科学技术进步二等奖
2016年 乌可力奖学金;
2016年、2013年 国家奖学金;
2015年、2014年 内蒙古自治区奖学金;
2014年、2013年 全国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖。
1. Hui Zhang, Hong Su, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Convolutional neural network
for robust pitch determination. Acta Automatica Sinica, 42(6):959–964, 2016. 张晖, 苏红, 张学良, 高光来. 基于卷积网络的鲁棒性基音检测方法,自动化学报, 42(6):959–964, 2016 (EI 收录)
2. Xueliang Zhang, Hui Zhang, Shuai Nie, Guanglai Gao, and Wenju Liu. A pairwise algorithm using the deep stacking network for speech separation and pitch estimation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 24(6):1066–1078, June 2016. (SCI收录,影响因子2.491,CCF推荐B类)
3. Shuai Nie, Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Wenju Liu. Deep stacking networks with time series for speech separation. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 6667–6671, 2014. (EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
4. Xueliang Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Missing feature reconstruction methods for robust speaker identification. In 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (
EUSIPCO), pages 1482–1486, 2014.
5. Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, Shuai Nie, Guanglai Gao, and Wenju Liu. A pairwise algorithm for pitch estimation and speech separation using deep stacking network. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 246–250, 2015.
(EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
6. Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Document summarization based on semantic representations. In 2015 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), pages 152–155, 2015. (EI收录)
7. Hui Zhang, Feilong Bao, and Guanglai Gao. Mongolian speech recognition based on deep neural networks. In Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data, pages 180–188, 2015.
8. Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Multi-channel speech enhancement based on deep stacking network. In The 4th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments (CHiME 2016), 2016.
9. Hong Su, Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Convolutional neural network for robust pitch determination.
In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 579–583, March 2016. (EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
10. Hao Li, Shuai Nie, Xueliang Zhang, and Hui Zhang. Jointly optimizing activation coefficients of convolutive NMF using DNN for speech separation. In Interspeech 2016, pages 550–554, 2016. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
11. Hongwei Zhang, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao, and Hui Zhang. Comparison on neural network based acoustic model in Mongolian speech recognition. In International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 2016. (EI收录)
12. Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Multi-target ensemble learning for monaural speech separation. In Interspeech 2017, pages 1958–1962, 2017.
(EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
13. Hui Zhang, Hongxi Wei, Feilong Bao, and Guanglai Gao. Segmentation-free printed traditional Mongolian OCR using sequence to sequence with attention model. In The 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2017, pages 585–590, 2017. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
14. Hongxi Wei, Hui Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Representing word image using visual word embeddings and RNN for keyword spotting on historical document images. In Multimedia and Expo IEEE International Conference on (ICME) 2017. pages 1368–1373. (EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
15. Hongxi Wei, Hui Zhang, Guanglai Gao, and Xiangdong Su. Using word mover’s distance with spatial constraints for measuring similarity between mongolian word images. In The 24th International Conference On Neural Information Processing 2017, pages 192–201, 2017. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
16. Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang, and Guanglai Gao. Training supervised speech separation system to improve STOI and PESQ directly. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),(EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
17. Yun Liu, Hui Zhang, Xueliang Zhang. Using Shifted Real Spectrum Mask as Training Target for Supervised Speech Separation, In Interspeech 2018, 2018. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
18. Jingdong Li, Hui Zhang, Rui Liu, Xueliang Zhang, Feilong Bao, End-to-End Mongolian Text-to-Speech System, In 2018 International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2018 (EI收录)
19. Rui Liu, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao, Hui Zhang, Yonghe Wang, A LSTM Approach with Sub-word Embeddings for Mongolian Phrase Break Prediction. In 2018 The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2018 (EI收录, CCF推荐B类)
20. Rui Liu, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao, Hui Zhang, Yonghe Wang, Improving Mongolian Phrase Break Prediction by Using Syllable and Morphological Embeddings with BiLSTM Model, In Interspeech 2018, 2018. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
21. Rui Liu, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao, Hui Zhang, Yonghe Wang, Phonologically Aware BiLSTM Model for Mongolian Phrase Break Prediction with Attention Mechanism In 2018 The 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), 2018. (EI收录, CCF推荐C类)
1、 基于JAVA的蒙古文显示方法,国家发明专利,ZL 2012.1.0091390.9
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