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1.死记硬背 cramming
Cramming does not provide long-term learning. 死记硬背无法支撑长期学习。
2.创造力 creativity
We require a spark of creativity. 我们需要发挥创造性。
3.义务教育 compulsory education
We will promote the balanced development of compulsory education.
4.公立学校 public school
He was a product of an elite public school. 他毕业于一所优秀的公立学校。
5.私立学校 private school
Private schools regulate the behavior of students. 私立学校规范学生行为。
6.小学 primary/elementary school
Efforts to remedy this must begin in primary/elementary school.
7.初中 middle/junior high school
He works in a middle/junior high school. 他在中学工作。
8.高中 (senior) high school
This book is quite difficult for most (senior) high school students.
9.幼儿园 kindergarten
Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten.
Curricula are the kernel and crux of education. 课程是教育领域的核心和关键。
11.学区 school district
In order to choose a good school for the child, parents are willing to purchase school district houses. 为了给孩子选择一所好学校,家长们都愿意买学区房。
12.课表 (class) schedule
Give students a schedule based on this curriculum. 根据课程,给孩子课表。
13.应届生 fresh graduate
The fresh graduates cannot find a job as many companies are downsizing in the wake of the financial crisis. 由于金融危机的影响,很多公司都缩减规模,以致于应届生难找工作。
14.课外活动 extracurricular activities
I took part in numerous extracurricular activities. 我参加了大量的课外活动。
15.素质教育 quality education
It is important to take measures to improve quality education based on the understanding of its connotation. 在把握素质教育内涵的基础上采取措施推进素质教育。
16.深造,升学 further education
We should get further education.
1.Chinese education focuses on the accumulation of knowledge through memorizing facts and understanding systems. 中国对教育注重通过记忆事实来进行知识的积累,来了解系统。
2.Education aims to provide a foundation that the student may use to cultivate their creativity, learn how to analyze critically and think comprehensively. 教育旨在提供基础以供学生自我培养创新,学习如何进行辩证分析和综合思考。
3.Teachers ought to help to promote a student’s creativity, leadership, and cooperation skills. 老师应该帮助提升学生的创造力、领导力和合作能力。
希望上述内容能够给各位完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS的小可爱们一些帮助,在写教育类相关话题时,不再下笔无神心茫然,都能胸有成竹地面对考题,最后还是送给小可爱们一句鸡汤式的鼓励,With time, life sails against the current. 时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。
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