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We would like to invite you to …
I would like to see your presence at …
May I ask you to consider …
I would be most grateful if …
I wonder if you could come to …
We should be grateful if you could …
I take the pleasure to invite you to …
It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to …
It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to…
We should be very grateful if you could…
I would feel honored if you could come.
I do hope that you can make it.
I’m looking forward to your participation in …
I look forward to hearing from you.
I do hope that you will be able to come.
I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.
My family and I would feel honored if you could come.
My family and I look forward to seeing you.
We should be very please if you could honor us with your presence.
Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to participate in the … and share our joy.
The occasion will start at … There will be activities such as …
We should be very pleased if you could come and have dinner with us this evening.
Would you like to join us to celebrate …?
Would you care to come to my house for …?
Would you please consider the possibility of … ?
If that time does not fit into your schedule, please feel free to suggest a day that is more convenient to you.
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