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主讲研究生课程【高等无机化学】以及本科【化学简史】2005年,指导大学生获得大学生(挑战杯)全国二等奖。2004年获河北省教学成果一等奖(4);2006年被评为河北省教学名师; 2008年获河北省教学成果二等奖(1);
迄今,该课题研究已在国内外重要刊物发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI、 EI收录30篇。申报相关国家发明专利6项;本研究成果基础研究与应用开发并重,瞄准产业技术需求,历时八年,在应用推广取得突出成绩:分别与与华达电缆公司\三利集团\轶思达新材料有限公司合作研制生产阻燃PVC电缆料\PP\PE等母料
1、Investigation on the thermal degradation of flexible poly(vinyl chloride) filled with ferrites as flame retardant and smoke suppressant using TGA-FTIR and TGA-MS.
Jianzhong Xu(徐建中), Caihong Liu, Hongqiang Qu, Haiyun Ma, Yunhong Jiao, Jixing Xie
Polymer Degradation and Stability 98 (2013) 1506-1514,影响因子3.1
2、Tin dioxide coated calcium carbonate as flame retardant for semirigid poly(vinyl chloride)
JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 卷: 101 期: 1 页: 731-738 ,JUL 5 2006
在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 8,被引频次合计: 8
3、Study on the factors affecting the immobilization of heavy metals in fly ash-based geopolymersMATERIALS LETTERS 卷: 60 期: 6 页: 820-822 MAR 2006在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 32,被引频次合计: 37
4、 Zinc hydroxystannate- or zinc stannate-coated calcium carbonate as flame retardant for semirigid poly(vinyl chloride)JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES 卷: 24 期: 2 页: 105-119 MAR 2006在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 13,被引频次合计: 15
5、Zinc hydroxystannate and zinc stannate as flame-retardant agents for flexible poly(vinyl chloride),Journal of Fire Science.2005, 98: 1469-1475
6、 Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Degradation Property of Aniline PolyphosphazeneJOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS卷: 50期: 5页:897-906
7、 Study on the thermal degradation of cellulosic fibers treated with flame retardantsJOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES 卷: 20 期: 3 页: 227-235 ,MAY 2002在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 8,被引频次合计: 10
8、Study on the thermal behaviour and flammability of the modified polyacrylonitrile fibersJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 卷: 63期: 2页: 501,2001
9、Zinc Hydroxystannate Coated Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide as Flame Retardant for Semirigid Poly(vinyl chloride)ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 卷: 22 期: 7 页: 5711-5715 , JUL 2010
10、Effects of the preparation methods on the performance of the Cu-Cr-Fe/gamma-Al(2)O(3) catalysts for the synthesis of 2-methylpiperazineCATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 10 期: 15 页: 2031-2035 ,SEP 15 2009 在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 10,被引频次合计: 11
11、Zinc hydroxystannate-coated metal hydroxides as flame retardant and smoke suppression for flexible poly vinyl chlorideFIRE AND MATERIALS 卷: 33 期: 4 页: 201-210 , 2009
12、Flame-Retardant Properties of Magnesium Hydroxystannate and Strontium Hydroxystannate Coated Calcium Carbonate on Soft Poly(vinyl chloride)JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 卷: 112 期: 1 页: 36-43 , 2009
13、 A Study on the Flame-Retardance of Poly(vinyl chloride) Incorporated with Metal HydroxystannatesJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 卷: 112 期: 1 页: 82-88 , 2009
14、 Metal hydroxystannates as flame retardants and smoke suppressants for semirigid poly(vinyl chloride)JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 14 期: 2页: 84-90 JUN 2008在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 10,被引频次合计: 12
15、Thermal behavior and flame retardancy of flexible poly(vinyl chloride) treated with Al(OH)(3) and ZnO
16、Metal chelates as synergistic flame retardants for flexible PVCJOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 11 期: 2 页: 70-75 ,2005
17、 Quantitatively determining trace elements Co and Bi in gelatin by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry method - Applying IEC model to correct the spectral interference of Fe to CoSPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 卷: 25 期: 1 页: 113-115 ,2005
18、 Metal chelates as flame retardants and smoke supressants for flexible poly (vinyl chloride)JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES 卷: 22 期: 1 页: 41-51 JAN 2004在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 13,被引频次合计: 15
19、Flame retardant flexible poly(vinyl chloride) compound for cable applicationJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 卷: 89 期: 11页: 3137-3142 , 2003在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 26,被引频次合计: 29
20、Low-melting sulfate glasses as additives to semirigid PVC and their flame retardant and smoke suppressant propertiesJOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 9 期: 2 页: 69-80 ,JUN 2003
21、Study on the thermal degradation of flame retardant woolsJOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES 卷: 21 期: 2 页: 155-162 ,MAR 2003
22、 The effect of metal ions on thermal oxidative degradation of cotton cellulose ammonium phosphateJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY ,卷:73 期: 3 2003在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 11,被引频次合计: 11
23、Thermal degradation of cotton celluloseJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 卷: 55期: 1页: 93, 1999在 Web of Science 中的被引频次: 24,被引频次合计: 26
24、Studies on the flame retardation and thermal degradation of woolJOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE 卷: 89 期: 3 页: 591-594 1998
25、Study on the thermal stability of wool treated with flame-retardant reagentsTHERMOCHIMICA ACTA 卷: 284 期: 2页: 435-439, AUG 1 1996
27、Thermal degradation and fire performance of wood treated with various inorganic saltsFIRE AND MATERIALS v.35 (8) 569-576, 2011
28、Synergistic effects of inorganic tin compounds and Sb(2)O(3) on thermal properties and flame retardancy of flexible poly(vinyl chloride)FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL 卷: 46 期: 7 页: 462-467 2011
29、The synergism of MgCO(3) and 2ZnCO(3)center dot 3ZnO center dot 4H(2)O as flame retardants and smoke suppressants for flexible poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)E-POLYMERS AUG 17 2011
30、A novel intumescent flame retardant and smoke suppression system for flexible PVCPOLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 卷: 22 期: 7页: 1174-1181 JUL 2011
31、Investigation on the thermal decomposition and flame retardancy of wood treated with a series of molybdates by TG-MSJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 卷: 105 期: 1页: 269-277 ,2011
32、Study on the effects of flame retardants on the thermal decomposition of wood by TG-MSJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 卷: 103期: 3, 2011
33、Synthesis of zinc stannate and zinc stannate coated nano-CaCO(3) by homogeneous precipitationJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 期: 2 页: 109-111 DOI: FEB 2011
34、Characterization of the reaction products, kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of the drug captopril by platinum(IV) complexes†RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 7402
35、Investigation on Thermal Degradation of Poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate) Filled with Aluminum Hypophosphite and Trimer by FT I R and TG–M S。Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research, 2014,03,1
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