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Josef Gregory Mahoney is Professor of Politics; Executive Director of the International Center for Advanced Political Studies; Founder and Director of the International Graduate Program in Politics; Associate Editor, US-based Journal of Chinese Political Science (SSCI) and Co-Editor, ECNU Review. His
publications have appeared in Chinese and Western journals and news publications and he’s provided numerous live, on-air contributions to ICS, ShenzhenTV, CCTV, CGTN and BBC television news programs, as well as served as a regular contributor to political discussions on China Radio
International. He was a member of the Chinese team that translated Jiang Zemin’s Selected Works into English and subsequently a Senior Researcher with the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau (中共中央编译局).
约瑟夫∙格里高利∙马奥尼博士,政治学国际研究生项目(IGPP)项目负责人,华东师范大学教授、博士生导师,分别于2002年及2003年在乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)获哲学硕士及博士学位,其研究集中于政治哲学及中国思想研究。之前分别于1994年、1995年获得美国伯明翰阿拉巴马大学公共
Research Interests
History of Chinese politics and political development in a contemporary, global context; comparative history of Chinese and Western political philosophy; ethics; dialectics; social and ecological justice, critical theory; Marxism; feminism; universal design for learning (UDL); and integrative and
interdisciplinary research models and pedagogies.
Selected Publications
“桑德尔的正义叙事与中国主体性的双重属性悖论,” 马克思主义与现实/Marxism and Reality.第4期.2018. pp., 196-204. CSSCI.
“浅析中国化马克思主义作为一种政治话语得到国际认可的阻碍因素,” Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, December 2017, pp. 59-63. CSSCI.
“What’s Wrong with Star Wars, Star Trek and Žižek? A Marxist Analysis.” 文艺理论研究/TSLA, 37:6 (November 2017), pp. 161-176. CSSCI.
“Can the Oriental Know Justice? Can the Subaltern Tell Stories?” Neohelicon, DOI 10.1007/s11059-017-0407-8 (August 1, 2017). AHCI.
“American Values and Donald Trump: A Marxist Analysis.” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, 07/2017, pp. 73-85. CSSCI.
“What Should We Learn from China?” Dreams and Reality: A New Era of China’s Reforms, Jisi Wang and Michael Hudson, Eds. (Singapore: World Scientific, 2016), pp. 199-225.
“Marxismus in China nach Mao,” Marx und der Globale Süden, Felix Wemheuer, Ed. (Köln: Papy Rossa, 2016), pp. 240-276.
“A Marxist Critique of Shusterman’s ‘Somaesthetics,’” 文艺理论研究/TSLA, December 2015 (6.2015), pp. 129-141. CSSCI.
“东方主义、新帝国主义和美国的媒体政治,” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, October 2015. CSSCI.
“批判理论发展的几种趋势及其内在相关性,”, 国外社会科学前沿, 2015, pp. 3-15.
“Review: Daoism and Anarchism,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 20:2 (2015), pp. 217-8. SSCI
中国梦:中国发展道路的政治诠释,当代世界与社会主义(Contemporary World and Socialism), No. 1, 2015, pp. 183-7. CSSCI
作为文本/反文本的《资本主义与自由》:弗里德曼新自由主义准则的解构和去中心化。《文艺理论研究》2, 2014, 34:6, pp. 38-59. CSSCI.
论美国的马克思主义教学:作为一种实践问题。Journal of East China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences). No. 6, 2014, pp. 27-37. CSSCI.
“Review: China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the PRC,”Journal of Chinese Political Science, 19:345–346, August 2014. SSCI
“当前批判理论的四种主要趋势/ Major Trends in Critical Theory,” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends (1.2014), pp. 25-35. CSSCI.
“承认与关怀—市场化背景下的社会主义价值体系.” 马克思主义与现实/Marxism and Reality.第1期.2014, pp. 72-78. CSSCI.
“Interpreting the Chinese Dream: An Exercise of Political Hermeneutics,” Journal of Chinese Political Science for a Special Issue on the Chinese Dream, 18:4 (December 2013). SSCI
“China and the WTO after New Imperialism,” Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2013), pp. 381-405. SSCI.
“Review: Communist Hermeneutics: From Heidegger to Marx,” Science and Society, 77:44 (October 2013), pp. 600-603. AHCI.
“既不行动亦无思考—评《解释共产主义:从海德格尔到马克思》,” 当代世界与社会主义(Contemporary World and Socialism). 4, 2013, pp., 206-208. CSSCI.
“Review: China’s Thought Management,” The China Journal, No. 70. 2013, pp. 208-2010. SSCI.
“From 和 to There: Marxist Hermeneutics with Chinese Characteristics,” 文艺理论研究(Theoretical Studies in Art and Literature), 2013.2 (187), pp. 145-164. CSSCI.
“我们应该向中国学习什么?” Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, 8 (August 2012), 97-104. CSSCI.
“Questions facing Chinese Marxist Theory and its Translation: Do 思想, 实践, and 务实Equal ‘Ideology,’ ‘Practice,’ and ‘Pragmatic?’”中国翻译, (Chinese Translators), 2011.3, Beijing, (May 15, 2011), 72-76. CSSCI.
“On Žižek’s Revolution,” 马克思主义与现实(Marxism and Reality), Beijing, 113 (2011), 131-141. CSSCI.
“Review: ‘Harmonious World’ and China’s New Foreign Policy,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 15:3 (June 2010), pp. 343-344. SSCI
“通往和谐之路:马克思主义、儒家与和谐概念,”国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, 406 (December 2009), pp. 50-54. CSSCI.
“On the Way to Harmony: Marxism, Confucianism, and Hu Jintao’s Hexie Concept.” China in Search of a Harmonious Society. Sujian Guo, Ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008), 99-128.
“Ideology, Telos, and the “Communist Vanguard” from Mao Zedong to Hu Jintao,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14:2 (March 2009), 135-166. SSCI
“Review: Catastrophe and Contention in Rural China: Mao’s Great Leap Forward Famine and the Origins of Righteous Resistance in Da Fo Village byRalph A. Thaxton, Jr.” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14:3, September 2009. SSCI
Mao Zedong: A Political and Intellectual Portrait, by Maurice Meisner. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 13:3, December 2008, 311-12. SSCI
“A Marxist Perspective on Chinese Reforms: An Interview with Jiexiong Yi.” With Xiuling Li, co-author. Science and Society, Special Issue on China, 73:2 (April 2009), 177-192. SSCI.
“Review: Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy, by Thomas Sowell; Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One, by Thomas Sowell.” Review of Radical Political Economics, published on February 11, 2008 (online ahead of print)
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