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1997. 7~1999.7 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院数学流动站做博士后研究工作,出站报告题目:《竞争性投标决策模型、方法及其应用》
1994. 9~1997. 7 北京航空航天大学经济管理学院 博士
1985.9~1987.7 吉林工业大学应用数学系读应用数学研究生班(运筹学专业)
1981.9~1985.7 内蒙古师范大学数学系读数学专业本科,获数学学士
2005.1.10~2005.3.9 香港城市大学商学院,客座教授(Visiting Professor)
2004.7.23~2004.8.22 香港城市大学商学院,研究员(Research Fellow)
2002.12.17~2003.2.16 香港城市大学商学院,研究员(Research Fellow)
2002.1~2002.6 美国奥斯丁德克萨斯大学商学院电子商务研究中心,高级访问学者(国家留学基金委资助)
2001.8 香港城市大学商学院高级副研究员(Senior Research Associate)
2001.2.1~2001.3.31 香港城市大学商学院客座研究员(Visiting Fellow)
2000.1.4~2000.4.3 香港城市大学商学院高级副研究员(Senior Research Associate)
1998. 12.1~1999. 2.28 香港城市大学商学院,研究员(Research Fellow)
2002.12 ~至今 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,教授,博士生导师
1999.8~2002.12 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,副教授,硕士生导师
1998.5~1998.7 内蒙古工业大学管理工程系副教授,该系管理科学与工程硕士点硕士生导师
1992.10~1998. 5 内蒙古工业大学管理工程系讲师
1987.6~1992.10 内蒙古工业大学数学教研室助教
5.《Multiple Criteria Models for Evaluation of Competitive Bids》获第九届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”论文三等奖(2001年12月)
(1)主持一个国家自然科学基金项目《关键词拍卖理论与应用》(编号71171052;2012. 1~2015. 12)
(3)主持和完成一个国家自然科学基金项目《多属性采购拍卖理论与应用》(编号70571014;2006. 1~2008. 12);
(4)主持和完成一个国家自然科学基金项目《拍卖基本理论与实务研究》(编号70171037;2002. 1~2004. 12);
(5)主持和完成一个教育部人文社会科学十五规划项目《网上拍卖基本理论与实证分析》(编号01JA790063;2002. 1~2003. 12);
(6)主持和完成一个2001年全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金资助项目,《传统拍卖与网上拍卖:单目标与多属性决策方法》(编号FANEDD-200159,2002. 1~2006. 12);
(7)主持和完成一个211项目《国际贸易理论中的若干数理经济学模型研究》(编号A11004;2004. 1~2006. 12)
(8)主持和完成一个经贸大学2003年度研究生教学研究项目《数理经济学》(重点课程建设项目)(编号813002;2003. 9~2005. 9)
(1)主持一个国家自然科学基金青年基金项目《竞争性投标决策模型、理论及其应用》(编号79800006;1999. 1~2001. 12);
曾参加和完成了导师邱菀华主持的一个国家自然科学基金重点项目《重大科技工程项目管理理论和方法》(编号 97330010;94.1~96.12)。
(3)参加和完成内蒙古自然科学基金青年基金项目《多准则对策初步》(青9301;1993. 7~1996. 7);
(4)参加和完成内蒙古高校科研基金项目《多目标最优化的若干理论问题》(编号 A9201;1992. 7~1994. 7)。
[1]•Mingxi Wang, Shulin Liu, Equilibrium bids in practical multi-attribute auctions, Economics Letters, 123(3), June 2014, 352–355 (SSCI收录) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2014.03.021
[1]Jun Li, , De Liu, Shulin Liu, Optimal keyword auctions for optimal user experiences, Decision Support Systems, 56, December 2013, 450–461(SCI收录) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2012.11.002
[1]Liu, Shulin, Jun Li, and De Liu. Multi-attribute procurement auctions with risk averse suppliers. Economics Letters, 115(3), June 2012, 408–411. (SSCI收录) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2011.12.099
[2]Mingxi Wang; Shulin Liu; Shouyang Wang; Luis Coladas Uria, An Equilibrium Bid Markup Strategy, International Journal of Information Processing & Management; Apr 2012, Vol. 3 Issue 2, 7-13
[3]Changcai Qin and Shulin Liu, Yufeng Wang, A Comparative Study about Carbon Emissions, Advanced Materials Research, 518-523 (May 2012), 1657-1663 (EI: 20122315089462)
[4]王明喜,刘树林,汪寿阳,带佣金率和保留价的一级和二级价格拍卖,管理评论,2012,24 (3), 24-32
[6]秦昌才,刘树林,碳排放影响因素研究的现状、比较与启示,《经济与管理评论》 2012年03期,29-34
[7]Changcai Qin and Shulin Liu, Incentive Mechanism about Carbon Emissions, 2012 Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, Lean Yu, Yuxin Zhao, Yanling Hao, Shouyang Wang (Eds.) Jun 23, 2012, IEEE, ISBN 978-0-7695-4690-2 (EI:20124415623837)
[8]Yufeng Wang and Shulin Liu,Changcai Qin, CO2 Emissions Embodied in 42 Sectors’ Exports of China, 2012 International Conference on Low-carbon Transportation and Logistics, and Green Buildings (LTLGB 2012 年10月12日至13日)(EI收录)
[2]Anxin, Shulin Liu, Suo Xu, Piecewise Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Risk Aversion Case in First Price Auction, Computational Economics, 38(4), 439-463, Nov. 2011 DOI:10.1007/s10614-010-9242-y (SSCI收录)
[3]Mingxi Wang, Shulin Liu, and Shouyang Wang, The simple economics of bid criteria, Applied Economics Letters, 18(6), 591~594, March-April, 2011 (SSCI收录) DOI:10.1080/13504851003761731
[5]杨卫星、刘树林. 带有线性佣金率的密闭式拍卖模型研究,《统计与决策》,2011年第13期,35-38页(2011年7月10日)
[8]Liu, Shulin, and Jun Li, “Multi-attribute Procurement Auctions Based on Cobb-Douglas Utility Function.”, 2011 International Conference on E -Business and E -Government (ICEE 2011, May 6 to 8), IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane-P.O.Box 1331, Piscatawy, NJ 08855-1331, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8691-5, 3361-3364 (EI收录; DOI: 10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5882171)
[9]Li, Jun, Shulin Liu, and Wenjin Rong, “Optimal Keyword Auctions with Variable Costs of Advertisements.” 2011 International Conference on E -Business and E -Government (ICEE 2011, May 6 to 8), IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane-P.O.Box 1331, Piscatawy, NJ 08855-1331, ISBN 978-1-4244-8691-5, 4289-4294 (EI收录;DOI: 10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5882401)
[10]An Xin and Liu Shulin, The Study of Parameter Structural Estimation of First Price Auction based on the Case of Risk Aversion, 2011 International Conference on E -Business and E -Government (ICEE 2011, May 6 to 8), IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane-P.O.Box 1331, Piscatawy, NJ 08855-1331, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8691-5, 903-906 (EI收录;DOI: 10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5881656)
[11]杨卫星、刘树林,The Stackelberg game of seller and the auction house, 2011 International Conference on E -Business and E -Government (ICEE 2011, May 6 to 8), IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane-P.O.Box 1331, Piscatawy, NJ 08855-1331, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8692-2 , 4708-4712 (EI收录;DOI:10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5882501)
[2]Shulin Liu and Mingxi Wang, Sealed-bid auctions based on Cobb-Douglas utility function, Economics Letters. 107(1), 1-3, April 2010 (SSCI收录). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2009.05.019
[3]Mingxi Wang, Shulin Liu, Shouyang Wang, and Lai K. K., A weighted Product method for bidding strategies in multi-attribute auctions, Journal of System Science and Complexity, 23(1): 194–208, 2010. (SCI收录)(2010年2月)
[1]Anxin, Shulin Liu, Shuo Xu, Assess the Goodness of Fit for Risk Aversion Parameter of first Price Auction via Nonparametric Method, Journal of Management Science and Statistical Decision, 6(4), 2009, 38-42(2009年12月).
[2]Anxin, Shulin Liu, Shuo Xu, Assess the Goodness of Fit for Risk Aversion Parameter of first Price Auction via Nonparametric Method, the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Technologies InTech'09 (Guilin, China, December 12-15, 2009). (EI收录?).
[3]Mingxi Wang, Shouyang, and Shulin Liu, A Note on Bid Markup Strategy, in Global Optimization: Theory, Methods &Applications I (edited by C. Q. Ma, L. A. Yu, D. B. Zhang, and Z. B. Zhou), Lecture Notes in Decision Science Vol 12, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 421- 426, 2009(2009年9月)
[2]Wang, Mingxi and Liu Shulin, Equilibrium Bid Markup in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Advances in Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, In Fenghua Wen, et.al., Atlantis Press, Paris: Amsterdam, October 2008, ISBN: 978-90-78677-13-0.(获优秀论文一等奖)(ISTP收录)。
[3]戎文晋,刘树林,关键词拍卖中信息传递机制的经济学分析,《统计与决策》,2008年第10期,152 ~ 155.
[2]Liu, Shulin and Rong, Wenjin, A Study of Pricing Patterns for Keyword Advertising Auction,《Globalization Challenge and Management Transformation — Proceedings of ICM’2007, the 6th International Conference on Management, August 3-5, 2007, Wuhan, China, 523-531, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2007.
[3]戎文晋,刘树林,上市公司债务重组方式对债权人收益的影响研究,The All China Economics (ACE) International Conference, The Second Conference, December 12 – 14, 2007
[1]H.Qiao, S.L.Liu, K.K.Lai, W.H.Qiu, An Equilibrium Analysis of a Contest Model, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2006, 4(2), 1~9 (Published by Research Information Ltd, UK) http://www.researchinformation.co.uk/jssi.php
[1]Liu, S. L. and K K Lai, Four Kinds of Guaranteed Auction Models, 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, July 9th-12th, 2006, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
[1]Liu, S. L., S.Y. Wang, and K. K. Lai, A General Multivariate Analysis Approach for Determining Bid Markup Strategy,Construction Management and Economics,23(4),May 2005,347–353(EI收录)
[2]Liu, S. L., K. K. Lai, S.Y. Wang, A Method for Winner Determination under Sealed-bids Auction Based on a New Measurement of the Bid Criteria, International Journal of Operations & Quantitative Management, 11(3),September 2005,229–242.
[1]Lai K. K., S. L. Liu and S.Y. Wang, A Method for Evaluating Bids in the Chinese Construction Industry, International Journal of Project Management, 22(3), April 2004, 193-201.
[1]Qiao, H., S. L. Liu, and W.H.Qiu, Conflict Between Two Criteria of Revenue and Efficiency in Two Kinds of All-pay Auctions, ICIM’2004 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Industrial Management (November 15-17, 2004, OKAYAMA, Japan), p673 – 678, China Aviation Industry Press, 2004(ISTP收录)。
[2]Liu, S. L., K. K. Lai, and S. Y. Wang, Guarantees in Auctions: The Auction House, the Seller, and the Buyer as Decision Maker. In “Competitive Bidding and Auctions”, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol. 2, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 10-26, 2004. 在The Second International Workshop on Competitive Bidding and Auctions (Wuhan, China,December 3 - 4, 2004)上宣读
[3]Liu, S. L. and K. K. Lai, A DEA Approach for Winner Determination for Sealed-bid Multi-attribute Reverse Auctions. In “Competitive Bidding and Auctions”, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol. 2, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 27-39, 2004. 在The Second International Workshop on Competitive Bidding and Auctions (Wuhan, China,December 3 - 4, 2004)上宣读。
[4]Qiao, H., S. L. Liu, K. K. Lai, and W.H.Qiu, An Equilibrium Analysis of a Contest Model. In “Competitive Bidding and Auctions”, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol. 2, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 79-94, 2004. 在The Second International Workshop on Competitive Bidding and Auctions (Wuhan, China,December 3 - 4, 2004)上宣读.
[1]Liu, S. L. and A. B. Whinston, Double Auction and Linear Programming. In Competitive Bidding and Auctions, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol.1, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher 91~129, 2003; 在the First International Workshop on Bidding and Auctions (the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Dec 5 ~ 7, 2002)宣读.
[2]Liu, S. L., S.Y. Wang, and K. K. Lai, A General Multivariate Analysis Approach for Determining Bid Markup Strategy, in “Competitive Bidding and Auctions”, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol.1, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 2003. 在the First International Workshop on Bidding and Auctions (the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Dec 5 ~ 7, 2002)宣读.
[3]Liu, S. L., K. K. Lai, and S.Y. Wang, Evaluating Bids in Chinese Construction Industry: A Multi-Criteria Approach, in “Competitive Bidding and Auctions”, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, Vol.1, edited by K K Lai and Shouyang Wang, Hong Kong: Global-Link Publisher, 2003. 在the First International Workshop on Bidding and Auctions (the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Dec 5 ~ 7, 2002)宣读.
[1]K. K. Lai, S. L. Liu and S.Y. Wang, Bid Markup Selection Models By Use of Multiple Criteria, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(2), May, 155 - 160, 2002(SCI、SSCI和EI收录).
Book Chapter
[2]刘树林,第十章第1、4~6节,“项目决策”,《项目管理学 理论、方法与实践》,邱菀华主编,科学出版社,2001年3月。
[1]S. L. Liu, K. K. Lai, and S.Y. Wang, Multiple Criteria Models for Evaluation of Competitive Bids, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry, 11(3), 151-160, 2000. (EI收录)
[2]S. L. Liu, K. K. Lai, and S.Y. Wang, Less Average-Bid Method—- a simulating approach, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 6 (4), 251-262, 2000.
[1]Liu, S.L., Lai, K.K., Wang, S.Y., A Bid Evaluation Model for Chinese Construction Industry, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Hong Kong: Global-Link Informatics Ltd., 141-146, Dec 2000, ISBN 962-8286-07-2.
Book Chapter
[1]Liu, S.L., Wang, S.Y., and Lai, K.K., Multiple Criteria Decision Making Models for Competitive Bidding, New Frontier of Decision Making for the Information Technology Era, edited by Yong Shi & Milan Zeleny, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pre. Ltd., 349-372, 2000, ISBN 981-02-4299-9.
[1]Liu, S. L. and Wang, S.Y., Sensitivity Analysis of Nonnegative Irreducible Matrices, Applied Mathematics Letters , 12 (1999), 121-124. (SCI、EI收录)
[2]Liu, S.L., Wang, S.Y. and Lai, K.K., A Multiple Attribute Decision Approach for Bid/No-Bid Decisions, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 5(1), 1-10, April 1999. Also presented in a conference: ICM'98 Shanghai.
Book Chapter
[1]刘树林,汪寿阳,黎建强,投标与拍卖的对策论模型研究发展,《经济与金融系统分析》,邓述慧主编,福建教育出版社,90-99, 1999年3月。
[3]刘树林,邱菀华,多属性决策基础理论研究,系统工程理论与实践,18(1),1998,38-43. (EI收录)
[1]Liu, S.L., Wang, S.Y., and Lai, K.K., Evaluation of Competitive Bids By Multiple Criteria, Proceeding of The 3rd Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theories, Application and Practice, December 28-31, P61-67, 1998, Hong Kong, ISBN 0-96545999-3-4.
[2]Liu, S.L., Lai, K.K., Wang, S.Y., Two General Multiple Attribute Bidding Systems for Constructors Selection. In Advances in Operations Research and Systems Engineering (Edited by J. F. Gu, G. H. Fan, S. Y. Wang and B. Wei), Hong Kong: Global-Link Informatics Ltd, Dec 1998, 61-67, ISBN 962-8286-03-X.
[1]Liu, Shulin Qiu Wanhua Deng Xiangdong, A Generalized Risk-Return Model for Project Selection, Journal of Systems Science & Systems Engineering, 6(4), 1997, 385-388.
[2]张瑞清,邱菀华,刘树林,不完整信息下的偏好估计,系统工程理论与实践,17(4),1997,16-23. (EI收录)
[1]Liu, S. L., Bounds for the Greatest Characteristic Root of a Nonnegative Matrix, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 239, 1996, 151-160 (SCI、EI收录).
[2]刘树林,邱菀华,多属性决策的TOPSIS夹角度量评价法,系统工程理论与实践,16(7) ,1996,12-16;94.
[1]刘树林,邱菀华,张瑞清,再论AHP中的指数标度法,系统工程理论与实践,15(10) ,1995,78-80.
[1]Liu Shulin and Qiu Wanhua, An Optimization Model for Group Decision Making for Project Selection, Proceeding of the 1th International Symposium on Project Management, Northwest Polytechnic University Press, 1995, 208-210.
[2]Liu Shulin and Qiu wanhua, The New Synthetical Evaluation Method for MADM, Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (ICC & IE'95, ShangHai, China), China Machine Press, Beijing, Vol.Ⅱ, 1995, 1474~1478.
[1]刘树林,戎卫东,一类新的宏观经济系统模型,中国管理科学,2(1) ,1994,35-40.
[2]戎卫东,刘树林,非负本原矩阵的Perron根和Perron向量的一类算法,内蒙古大学学报,25(4) ,1994,368-374.
[1] 刘树林,矩阵方程AX XB = C,内蒙古工学院学报,11(2),1992,90-96.
[1]刘树林,多目标规划的自身对偶性的若干注记,内蒙古工学院学报,10(2),1991,60 - 66.
[2] 刘树林,矩阵方程AX + XB = C和X + AXB = C的显式解,内蒙古工学院学报,10(1),1991,56 -68.
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