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温昕,男,河北安国人,理学博士,讲师,2016年3月被引进到河北大学化学与环境科学学院工作,同年聘为硕士研究生导师。迄今为止发表学术论文20余篇,以第一作者在Chemical Communications, Dyes and Pigments及Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等国际知名期刊发表论文数篇,被
Synfacts等作为催化合成亮点工作进行推介。E-mail: wenxin767@163.com
1. 多孔聚合物的设计、合成及应用;
2. 纳米催化;
3. 绿色催化。
1. Yongqing Shi, Ru Yue, Yuangong Zhang, Shufang Lv, Libin Bai,* Chunfang Zhang, Xin Wen.* Cu powder/n-butylamine: An effective catalytic system for homo-and cross-coupling of terminal alkynes under ambient conditions. Catalysis Communications. 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2019.02.001.
2. Yuangong Zhang, Xin Wen,* Yongqing Shi, Ru Yue, Libin Bai, Qingtao Liu, and Xinwu Ba.* Sulfur-containing polymer as a platform for synthesis of size-controlled Pd nanoparticles for selective semihydrogenation of alkynes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58(3), 1142-1149.
3. Yuangong Zhang, Bo Wang, Ye Zhang, Ying Zheng, Xin Wen,* Libin Bai, Yonggang Wu.* Hyperbranched glycopolymers of 2-(α-d-Mannopyranose) ethyl methacrylate and N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide: Synthesis, characterization and multivalent recognitions with Concanavalin A. Polymers, 2018, 10(2),
4. Xin Wen, Huanhuan Zhang, Fei Tian, Xiaofang Liu, Libo Niu, Guoyi Bai.* Preparation of a H3PW12O40 deposited chitosan coated iron oxide magnetic core–shell nanocomposite for Friedel-Crafts Acylation. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2018, 18, 676–680.
5. Xin Wen, Xiaozhen Shi, Xianliang Qiao, Zhilei Wu, Guoyi Bai.* Ligand-free nickel-catalyzed semihydrogenation of alkynes with sodium borohydride: a highly efficient and selective process for cis-alkenes under ambient conditions. Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 5372-5375.
6. Xin Wen, Dongxin Zhang, Tianci Ren, Jinchong Xiao, Yonggang Wu, Libin Bai,* Xinwu Ba.* Yellow emitting materials: Truxene-based conjugated hyperbranched polymer containing difluoroboron-diketonate complexes. Dyes and Pigments 2017, 137, 437-444.
7. Xianliang Qiao, Libo Niu, Huiling Zhang, Xin Wen, Yingying Cao, Guoyi Bai.* Controllable fabrication of a novel porous Ni-alginate hybrid material for hydrogenation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 218, 721-730.
8. Yingying Cao, Libo Niu, Xin Wen, Wenhui Feng, Li Huo, Guoyi Bai.* Novel layered double hydroxide/oxide-coated nickel-based core–shell nanocomposites for benzonitrile selective hydrogenation: An interesting water switch. Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 339, 9-13.
9. Xin Wen, Xianliang Qiao, Xue Han, Libo Niu, Li Huo, Guoyi Bai.* Multifunctional magnetic branched polyethylenimine nanogels with in-situ generated Fe3O4 and their applications as dye adsorbent and catalyst support. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51(6), 3170-3181.
10. Xin Wen, Yingying Cao, Xianliang Qiao, Libo Niu, Li Huo, Guoyi Bai.* Significant effect of base on the improvement of selectivity in the hydrogenation of benzoic acid over NiZrB amorphous alloy supported on γ-Al2O3. Catalysis Science & Technology 2015, 5(6), 3281–3287.
11. Xin Wen, Guang Li, Qingzhi Chen, Hailei Zhang, Xinwu Ba, Guoyi Bai.* Organic- soluble palladium nanoparticles costabilized by hyperbranched polymer and dispersants as highly efficient and reusable catalysts in biphasic solution. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53, 11646–
12. Guoyi Bai,* Xin Wen, Zhen Zhao, Fei Li, Huixian Dong, Mande Qiu. Chemoselective hydrogenation of benzoic acid over Ni−Zr−B−PEG(800) nanoscale amorphous alloy in water. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52, 2266−2272.
13. Xin Wen, Zhen Zhao, Yingying Cao, Huixian Dong, Chen Liu, Hailong Chu, Guoyi Bai.* Selective hydrogenation of ethyl benzoate over Ni–B amorphous alloys supported on γ-Al2O3. Research on Chemical Intermediates 2015, 41, 6351–6361.
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:pH刺激响应“蛋黄-蛋壳”型介孔纳米反应器的构筑及其对苯甲醇选择性氧化反应的调控, 25万,2018—2020年,主持人;
2. 河北大学引进人才启动经费:镍基催化剂的炔选择性加氢性能研究,8万,2016—2020年,主持人;
3. 河北省自然科学基金项目:pH响应性聚合物修饰的Pd基yolk-shell型纳米反应器及其可控催化特性 ,4万,2016—2018年,主持人;
4. 河北省高等学校科学技术研究基金项目:基于功能超支化聚乙烯亚胺构筑钯基纳米催化剂及其加氢性能,4万,2014—2016年,主持人;
5. 国家自然科学基金项目:核壳结构镍基纳米催化剂对多不饱和官能团化合物“非常规”选择性加氢反应的调控,82万,2013—2017年,第二完成人。
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