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Vietnamese Children Taken Across River in Plastic Bags to Get to School
A couple of Vietnamese villagers have been working together to ferry a group of schoolchildren in plastic bags across a river just so they can get an education.
The children of the Huoi Ha village in Vietnam risk their lives on their way to school every time there are strong rapids during the rainy season, according to Voice of Vietnam.
The children normally rely on the makeshift bamboo bridge that was set up by the village to help people cross the stream. During the rain, the children often resort to using rafts, but problems usually occur when the rapids are too strong.
So, the fathers of the children came up with a solution to put them into a plastic bag and carry them across the stream.
“We have warned local residents of latent risks to travel through the stream by plastic bags, but the swift-flowing water can also sweep rafts away, so they have to choose this way,”said Vang A Po chairman Na Sang Commune.“Earlier, a local person was injured in a capsized raft here.”
那桑公社的主席 Vang A Po 说:“我们警告过当地居民使用塑料袋渡河是存在潜在风险的,但湍急的水流很容易把木筏冲走,所以他们也是迫不得已才选择这种方式来渡河的。早先时候有一位当地人在渡河时因木筏侧翻而受伤。”
Meanwhile, Nguyen Minh Phu, chairman of Muong Cha District, claimed that using the bags is common in the area.
与此同时,Muong Cha 区主席 Nguyen Minh Phu 也表示,使用塑料袋过河的方法其实在该地区很常见。
While the method is effective, the chairman insisted that they only use it as a last resort when the stream is high and it is dangerous to pass the bridge.
However, after the obstacle of crossing the stream is done, the children and their families still have to walk for five more hours on a slippery terrain before they reach the school. The children often stay at the school for a week before coming home to their parents during the weekend.
makeshift n. 权宜之计,凑合 adj. 临时的,权宜之计的
resort n. 凭借,手段;度假胜地;常去之地 vi. 求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段或方法
latent adj. 潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的
capsize vt. 倾覆;翻覆;弄翻 vi. 翻;倾覆;翻覆
obstacle n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物
slippery adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的
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