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职 称:教授
学 位:博士
邮 箱:lpjing@bjtu.edu.cn
1. 机器学习方法研究
2. 矩阵分解、稀疏表示、概率模型
3. 相关方法在高维数据分析中的应用研究,如文本挖掘、图像分析、生物信息学、社会网络等领域
1. 查询关键词扩展与结果重构
2. 智能信息推荐
1. 基于领域知识的文本数据表示模型构建
2. 短文本分析
3. 多源数据融合研究
Master Thesis:
Liping Jing, Data Preprocessing in text mining, Northern Jiaotong University 03/2003.
PHD Thesis:
Liping Jing, Text subspace clustering with feature weighting and ontologies, The University of Hong Kong, 08/2007.
Published referred papers:
Liping Jing, K. Tian, and J.Z. Huang, Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clustering of high dimensional data, Pattern Recognition, Accepted, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2015.05.006
Liping Jing, P. Wang and L. Yang, Sparse Probabilistic Matrix Factorization by Laplace Distribution for Collaborative Filtering, Proc. of IJCAI, Accepted, July 2015.
Liping Jing, L. Yang, J. Yu and M. Ng, Semi-supervised low-rank mapping learning for multi-label classification, Proc. of CVPR, Accepted,June 2015.
C. Zhang, Liping Jing and N. Xiu, A new active set method for nonnegative matrix factorization, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(6):2633-2653, 2014.
Liping Jing, and M. Ng, Sparse label-indicator optimization methods for image classification, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 23(3): 1002-1014, 2014.
Liping Jing, D. Deng and J. Yu, Weighting exponent selection of fuzzy c-means via Jacobian matrix, Proc. of KSEM, Romania, Oct. 2014.
L. Yang, Liping Jing, and J. Yu, Heterogeneous co-transfer spectral clustering, Proc. of RSKT, China, Oct. 2014.
B. Liu, Liping Jing, and J. Yu, Constrained least squares regression for semi-supervised learning, Proc. of PAKDD, Taiwan, 110-121, May. 2014.
C. Shen, M. Ng and Liping Jing, Sparse-MIML: A sparsity-based multi-instance multi-learning algorithm, Proc. of EMMCVPR, 2013.
Q. Li, Liping Jing and J. Yu, Adaptive graph constrained NMF for semi-supervised learning, Proc. of PSL, 2013.
Liping Jing, M. Ng and T. Zeng, Dictionary learning-based subspace structure identification in spectral clustering, IEEE Trans. on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 24(8):1188-1199, 2013 (SCI) , ISSN: 2162-237X.
Y. Zhu, J. Yu, Liping Jing(corresponding author), A novel semi-supervised learning framework with simultaneous text representing, Knowledge and Information Systems, 34(3): 547-562, 2013 (SCI) ISSN: 0219-1377.
L. Yang, J. Yu, and Liping Jing, An Adaptive Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm, Journal of computer research and development, 50(11): 2269-2277, 2013 (一种自适应的大间隔近邻分类算法, 计算机研究与发展).
Liping Jing C. Zhang and M. Ng, SNMFCA: Supervised NMF-Based Image Classification and Annotation, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 22(11):4508-4521, 2012 (SCI) ISSN: 1057-7149
J. Yun, Liping Jing, J. Yu and H. Huang, A multi-layer text classification framework based on two-level representation model, Expert system with applications, 39(2):2035-2046, 2012 (SCI) ISSN: 0957-4174
Y. Zhu, Liping Jing, and J. Yu, An active labeling method for text data based on nearest neighbor and information entropy, Journal of computer research and development, 49(6):1306-1312, 2012 (一种利用近邻和信息熵的主动文本标注方法,计算机研究与发展) (EI) ISSN:1000-1239
Liping Jing, J. Yu, T. Zeng, and Y. Zhu, Semi-Supervised Clustering via Constrained Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Proc. of BI, 309-319, Dec. 2012. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-3-642-35138-9
Y. Zhu, Liping Jing and J. Yu, Text clustering via constrained nonnegative matrix factorization, Proc. of ICDM, 1278-1283, Dec. 2011. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-0-7695-4408-3
K. Tian and Liping Jing, Sparse representation-based gene selection for cancer prediction, Proc. of BMEI, 1801-1805, 2011. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-1-4577-1447-4
J. Yun, Liping Jing, J. Yu, and H. Huang. Document Topic Extraction based on Wikipedia Category. Proceeding of the International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011), 852-856, 2011,4 (EI/ISTP) ISBN 978-0-7695-4335-2
J.Yun, Liping Jing, H. Huang, and J. Yu. Multi-view LDA for Semantics-based Document Representation. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 7(12), 2011 (EI) ISSN:1553-9105
Liping Jing and J. Yu, Text clustering based on Granular computing and Wikipedia, Proc. of RSKT, 679-688, 2011 (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-3-642-24424-7
J. Yu and Liping Jing, Least absolute deviation cut, Proc. of RSKT, 743-752, 2011 (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-3-642-24424-7
Liping Jing, Y. Zhu and J. Yu, Hierarchical Non-negative matrix factorization based text clustering, J. of Frontiers of computer science and technology, V5(10):904-913, 2011 (In Chinese) ISSN: 1673-9418
Liping Jing, T. Zeng and M.K. Ng, On gene selection and classification for cancer micro data using multi-step clustering and sparse representation, Advances in adaptive data analysis,3(1):127-148, 2011. (EI) ISSN: 1793-5369
Liping Jing, J. Yun, J. Yu and H. Huang, High-Order Co-Clustering Text data on Semantics-based Representation Model, Proc. of PAKDD, 171-182, 2011. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-3-642-20840-9
J. Yun and Liping Jing, J. Yu and H. Huang, Unsupervised Feature Weighting based on Local Feature Relatedness, Proc. of PAKDD, 38-49, 2011. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-3-642-20840-9
Liping Jing and M.K. Ng, Prior Knowledge Based Mining Functional Modules from Yeast PPI Networks with Gene Ontology, BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 2010. (SCI) ISSN 1471-2105
Liping Jing, J. Yun, J. Yu and H. Huang, Text Clustering via Term Semantic Units, Proc. of IEEE/ACM WI-IAT, 417-420, Sep. 2010, Canada. (EI /ISTP) ISBN 978-0-7695-4191-4
J. Yun and Liping Jing, Semantics-based representation model for multi-layer text classification, Proc. of KES, Part II, 1-10, 2010. (EI /ISTP) ISBN: 978-1-4244-8334-1
Liping Jing, M.K.Ng and J.Z.Huang, Knowledge-based vector space model for text clustering, Knowledge and Information System, 25(1):35-55, 2010. (SCI)
Liping Jing, M.K. Ng and Y. Liu, Construction of gene networks with hybrid approach from expression profile and gene ontology, IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14(1): 107-118, 2010. (SCI)
Liping Jing, M.K.Ng and T. Zeng, Novel hybrid method for gene selection and cancer prediction, Intl. Conf. on Computational and Systems Biology, 911-918, Penang, Malaysia, Feb.24-26, 2010. (EI )
Liping Jing, J. Yun and J. Yu, Domain knowledge in text mining: opportunities and challenges, Computer Engineering and Science, 32(6): 88-91,2010 (In Chinese)
Liping Jing and Y.K.Lau, Grannular computing for text mining: new research challenges and opportunities, Proc. of the 12th Intl. Conf. of RSFDGrC, India, Dec.16-18, pp.478-485, 2009. (EI, ISTP)
Y. Zhu, Liping Jing, J. Yu, New labeling strategy for semi-supervised document categorization, Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. of KSEM, Vienna, Austria, Nov.25-27, 134-145, 2009. (EI, ISTP)
Liping Jing, J. Li, Y. Cheung, M.K. Ng and J.Z. Huang, SMART: a subspace clustering algorithm that automatically identifies the appropriate number of clusters, International journal of data mining, modeling and management, 1(2):149-177, 2009.
M. K. Ng and Liping Jing, A new fuzzy k-modes clustering algorithm for categorical data, International journal of granular computing, rough sets and intelligent systems, 1(1):105-119, 2009.
K. Yip, L. Cheung, D. Cheung, Liping Jing and Michael K. Ng, A Semi-supervised Approach to Projected Clustering with Applications to Micro Data, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), 3(3):229-259, 2009. (SCI)
Liping Jing, Y. Liu and P. Bachman, Hybrid approach to inferring gene networks with expression profile and gene ontology, The international association science and technology for development, Computational biology and bioinformatics (IASTED CBB), full paper, Orland, FL, USA, Nov. 2008.
Y. Liu, W. Li, Y. Lin and Liping Jing, Spectral Geometry for Simultaneously Clustering and Ranking Query Search Results, The 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference, Singapore , Jul., 2008.
Liping Jing, Michael K. Ng and Z. Huang, Soft subspace clustering for high-dimensional data, Chapter in Book: Encyclopedia of Data Warehouse and Mining, Publisher: information science reference, ISBN: 9781605660103, 2008. (Book Chapter)
X. Zhang, Liping Jing, X. Hu, Michael K. Ng, J. Xia and X. Zhou, Medical document clustering using ontology-based term similarity measures, International Journal of data warehousing & mining (IJDWM), 4(1), 62-73, 2008. (SCI)
Liping Jing, Mark J. Li, Michael K. Ng, Yiu-ming Cheung and Joshua Z. Huang, On subspace clustering with automatic selection of cluster numbers for micro data, IEEE 7th International conference on Bioinformatics & BioEngineering (BIBE), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Oct.14-17, 2007. (PubMed)
Liping Jing, Michael K. Ng, and Joshua Z. Huang, An entropy weighting k-means algorithm for subspace clustering of high-dimensional sparse data, IEEE transaction on knowledge and data engineering (TKDE), 19(8), 1026-1041, 2007. (SCI)
X. Zhang, Liping Jing, X. Hu, Michael K. Ng, and X. Zhou, A comparative study of ontology based term similarity measures on PubMed document clustering, Database systems for advanced applications (DASFAA), 2007. (SCI)
Joshua Z. Huang, Michael K. Ng, and Liping Jing, Text clustering: algorithms semantics and systems, Tutorial on the 10th Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (PAKDD), 2006. (Conference Tutorial)
Liping Jing, Michael K. Ng, and Joshua Z. Huang, A text clustering system based on k-means type subspace clustering and ontology, International Journal of Intelligent Technology (IJIT), v1(2), 91-103, 2006. (EI)
Liping Jing, L. Zhou, Michael K. Ng, and Joshua Z. Huang, Ontology-based distance measure for text clustering, the 6th SIAM International conference on data mining (SDM), 2006.
X. Zhang, Joshua Z. Huang, D. Qian, J. Xu, and Liping Jing, Supplier categorization with k-means type subspace clustering, The 8th Asia Pacific web conference (APWeb), 2006. (SCI)
Liping Jing, Michael K. Ng, J. Xu, and Joshua Z. Huang, On the performance of feature weighting k-means for text subspace clustering, The 6th International conference on web-age information management (WAIM), 502-512, 2005. (SCI)
Liping Jing, Y. Gao, G. Wu, Jushua Z. Huang and J. Li, Feature weighting k-means algorithms for large-scale documents clustering, Journal of computer research and development, V42, 2005. (EI)
Liping Jing, Joshua Z. Huang, Michael K. Ng, J. Xu, Subspace clustering of text documents with feature weighting k-means algorithm, The 9th Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (PAKDD), 802-812, 2005. (SCI)
Liping Jing, Joshua Z. Huang, Michael K. Ng, and H. Rong, A feature weighting approach to building classification models by interactive clustering, Modeling decisions for artificial intelligence (MDAI), 284-294, 2004. (SCI)
Liping Jing, H. Huang, and H. Shi, Improved feature selection approach TFIDF in text mining, The international conference on machine learning and cybernetics (ICMLC), v1-4, 944-946, 2002.(EI)
H. Shi, Liping Jing, and H. Huang, Learning tree-augmented naive Bayesian network by reduced space requirements, The international conference on machine learning and cybernetics (ICMLC), v1-4, 1232-1236, 2002. (EI)
H. Shi, Liping Jing, H. Huang, and Z. Wang, Text classification based on the TAN model, The 17th IEEE Region 10 international conference on computers, communications, control and power engineering (ICCCPE), v1, 43-46, 2002. (EI)
国家青年自然科学基金面上项目 面向高维数据挖掘的非负矩阵分解关键问题研究 80万 2014.1---2017.12 (主持)
教育部博士点基金 融合文本信息的图像语义理解关键技术研究 12万 2013.1---2015.12 (主要承担人)
国家重点实验室开放课题 高维数据聚类分析关键技术研究 2万 2013.1---2014.12 (主持)
北京交通大学基础科研业务专项 图像恢复与分类的优化模型和算法研究 46万 2013.1---2014.12(子课题负责人)
国家青年自然科学基金青年基金 文本语义模型与子空间聚类研究 19万 2010.1---2012.12 (主持)
教育部留学归国启动基金 查询语义扩展与查询结果重构技术研究 3.5万 2010.9---2012.9 (主持)
北京交通大学基础科研业务项目 互联网话题检测追踪技术研究 6万 2011.1---2013.12 (主持)
国家科技部国际合作项目 面向领域搜索的文本挖掘技术研究 60万 2011.3--2013.3 (主要承担人)
北京交通大学 破格晋升教授 2014
北京交通大学 青年英才计划 I类 2014-2017
北京交通大学 优秀青年教师 握奇奖教金 2013
北京交通大学 优秀研究性教学训练载体 《离散数学》2012
北京交通大学 红果园双百人才D类计划 2010-2013
北京交通大学 2010年青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖
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北京交通大学 计算机学院 2011年度论文奖
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