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1 .教育背景
博士、信息管理(联合培养) 2005年9月-2009年8月 香港城市大学,香港 王怀清(香港城大)廖少毅(香港城大)
博士、管理科学与工程 2004年9月-2009年8月 中国科学技术大学,安徽合肥 陈晓剑 (中国科大)
学士、管理科学与工程 2000年9月-2004年7月 中国科学技术大学,安徽合肥
2009年9月至今 内蒙古大学计算机学院 副教授
2009年9月至2010年9月 香港城市大学信息管理系 高级助理研究员
2008年3月至2008年6月 香港城市大学信息管理系 助理研究员
研究项目:Intelligent agents Enhanced Data-mining for Securities Trading Data
2007年6月至2007年8月 香港城市大学信息管理系 助理研究员
研究项目:Adding Data-mining and Knowledge Discovery Capability to Electronic Money laundering Monitoring
2006年6月至2006年8月 香港城市大学信息管理系 助理研究员
研究项目:Adding Diagnostic Capability to Business Process management Systems by Intelligent Agents
Wang, S. , Zhang, Z., YE, K., Wang, H. and Chen, X. An ontology for causal relationships between news and financial instruments. Expert Systems with Applications, 2008. 35 (3): p. 569-580.
YE, K., Wang, S., Ontology based multi-agent system for financial systemic risk management . Second international symposium on intelligent information technology application, 2008.
Wang, S., Wang, H., YE, K., and Chen, X, Causal links analysis based conceptual model for stocks , Second international symposium on intelligent information technology application, 2008 .
YE. K., Wang, S., et al., Ontologies for crisis contagion management in financial institution, Journal of Information Science, 2009.35(5):p.548-562 .
Yan, Y., Wang, S., A Belief-Desire-Intention Logic Model for Analysing the Cheating Behaviour in Quality Control of Dairy Product , IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies , 2009.
He, Z., Wang, S., The Effects of Goods Sorting Mechanisms on Consumer Behavior and Seller Strategy in Online Marketplaces , the second International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government. Luoyang, China, September 4-5, 2010.
Wang, S., Liu, Y., The nonlinear effects of satisfaction Rating and seller reputation on consumer repurchase , the 2nd international conference on information science and engineering. Hangzhou, China, December 4-6, 2010.
Wang, S., Liu, Y., A Conceptual Modeling Approach to Quality Management in The Context of Diary Supply Chain , the 2nd international conference on information science and engineering. Hangzhou, China, December 4-6, 2010.
Ye, K., Yan, J., Wang, S., Knowledge level modeling for systemic risk management in financial institutions. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. 38(4): p.3528-3538.
YE, K., Wang, S ., Liu, X., Lai, H., Wang, H. and Miao, B., An ICA based algorithm for multi-variables discretization. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2006. Volume 4092: p. 556-562.
Xu, K., Liao S., Wang, S., Toward semantic annotation for business analysis: A method for reducing training samples, International Conference on Information Systems .2009.
Xu,K., Liao, S., Lau, R., Tang, H., Wang, S ., Building Comparative Product Relation Maps by Mining Consumer Opinions on the Web , the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). San Francisco, California, USA, August 6-9, 2009.
Wang, S., Xu, K., An ontology based framework for mining dependence relationships between news and financial instruments . Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. Accepted.
“多智能体系统在食品供应链质量监控中的应用“, 内蒙古大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目,编号:Z20090114。(主持)
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