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Dr. Zhang Jin(张锦)
Contact Information
School of International Trade and Economics Office: Boxue Building 1203
University of International Business and Economics Phone: 86-10-64493993
10 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang Dist. Beijing Fax: 86-10-64493301
China, 100029 Email: jzhang@uibe.edu.cn
Research Interests
Application of Game Theory, International Trade, Industrial Organization, Energy Economics
Academic Positions
Jan. 2014- present Associate Professor, UIBE, China
Mar. 2010-Dec. 2013 Assistant Professor, UIBE, China
Ph.D. in Economics, McGill University, Canada
2004 M.A. in Economics, Concordia University, Canada
2000 M.A in Management, Nankai University, China
1997 B.A in Information Science, Nankai University China
Publications (Refereed Journal Articles in English)
“Strategic Competition in the Asian Mega-Regionalism and Optimal Choices, ”with G.J. Lin and J.S. Pei, The World Economy, forthcoming (SSCI), DOI: 10.1111/twec.12474 , First published online, 29th Nov, 2016
“Firm Ownership, China's Export Related Emissions, and the Responsibility Issue, ”with X.M. Jiang, D.B. Guan, K.F. Zhu and C. Green, Energy Economics, 2015,Vol (51), 466-474. (SSCI)
“R&D networks with strategic substitutability,” with Z. W. Cui and Z. R. Li and L. Zu, Review of Development Economics, 2014, Vol (18) No.2 Page 340-353 (SSCI),
“The Evolution of Free Trade Networks,” with Z.W. Cui and L. Zu, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2014, Vol (38) No.1 Page 72-86 (SSCI)
“Stochastic Stability in one-way flow networks,” with Z.W. Cui, S.Y. Wang and L. Zu, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2013,Vol (66) No.3, Page 410-421(SSCI),
“Farsighted Free Trade Networks,” with L.C. Xue and L. Zu, International Journal of Game Theory, 2013, Vol(42)No. 2, Page 375-398 (SSCI)
“The Size of Stable Cartels: An Analytical Approach,” with L.Zu and S.Y. Wang, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2012, Vol (30) No.2, 217-222 (SSCI)
“International R&D Networks”, with L Zu, B.M. Dong and X. Zhao, Review of International Economics, 2011, Vol (19) No.2, 325-340. (SSCI)
“Forming Efficient Free Trade Networks: A Sequential Mechanism”, with L.C. Xue and X.P. Yin, Review of International Economics, 2011, Vol (19) No.2, 402-417. (SSCI)
Working Papers
“Optimal Liability in Expert Markets, ”with Yongmin Chen and Jianpei Li, 2018, https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/80206/1/MPRA_paper_80206.pdf
“Networks, Markets, and Inequality: Comments,”with Zhigang Cao and Zhiwei Cui, 2019, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3326380
Working in Progress
“Structure Fund, Endogenous Move and Commitment, ”with Yutao Han and Kate Hynes
“NPEs Litigation Strategy in China, ”with Ran Jing and Zhifeng Yin
Research Projects
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于网络博弈理论的自由贸易区路径选择问题研究” (No. 71073019. 2011.1-2013.12)
参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国出口企业的海外专利与其出口之间的关系及作用机制”(No. 71673045,2017/01-2020/12)
参与国家自然科学基金应急项目“TPP的困境、影响及我国的对策研究” (课题编号:No.71241001) (A级结题,形成一篇研究报告:国家自然科学基金课题组“美欲借TPP确定经济主导权但难度大,我可组建自由贸易集团应对挑战”CKQY(参考清样) 2013年3月5日,第420期)
参与对外经济贸易大学校级重大课题 “中国实施自由贸易区战略问题研究”(课题编号:ZD2-01)
参与对外经济贸易大学国际经济学创新团队 (课题编号:CXTD1-02) (A级结题)
-Microeconomics, undergraduate course UIBE (2008-2017)
-Game theory, undergraduate course of honor program UIBE (2007-2017)
-Intermediate Microeconomics, undergraduate course UIBE in English (2009-2017)
-Game theory and information economics, Ph.D level UIBE (2007-2008,2017)
Conference and Academic Seminar Presentations
2018 The 2018 UIBE Workshop on IO and Competition Policy, Beijing, China; March 24-25,2018; The Sixth Annual International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions, Xiamen, China, May 19-20, 2018
2017 RCIE conference in University of Washington, 18th. March, 2017; 2017 China Meeting of the Economic Society, 9th-11th. June, 2017, Wuhan University; The International Conference on Industrial Economics, 17th-18th June 2017, Zhejiang University, Hangzhoou, China; UIBE Micro Theory Workshop, 11th. July, 2017, Beijing.
2016 UIBE IO and Competition Policy Workshop, 19th. March.2016. Beijing.
2015 The International Conference on Industrial Economics, 22nd-23th June 2015, Zhejiang University, Hangzhoou, China; Beijing Economic Theory Workshop, 6th, June,2015, Renmin University, Beijing, China.
2014 The 8th Biennial Conference of Hong Kong Economic Association, 13th and 14th December 2014, Shandong University, Jinan, China; Tri-Continental International Trade Policy Workshop, BJ, China; Beijing Economic Theory Workshop, BJ, China; International Economics and Finance Society(IEFS), BJ, China;
2013 Microeconomics Theory Conference, BJ, China
2010 International Economics and Finance Society, BJ, China; The first conference of Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics Association, BJ, China; Academic discussion on China-Korea,BJ,China.
2009 Hitotsubashi COE Trade Workshop for Young Researchers, Tokyo, Japan; International Economics and Finance Society China, (IEFS, China), Beijing. China; The Second Trade Workshop, Hongkong Baptist University.
2008 The 5th Asian General Equilibrium Theory Workshop (GETA2008),Xiamen, China; The First SNU International Conference for Economics Graduate Students, Seoul, Korea
Professional Activities
Referee for Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Inquiry, The World Economy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, China Economic Review and Journal of System Science and Complexity.
Discussant for the annual meetings of Asia-Pacific Economic Association
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