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出生年月: 1981.02
学位: 博士
职称: 副研究员
工作院系: 新材料研究所
2012年9月~至今, 武汉理工大学新材料研究所副研究员;
[1]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Formation and growth mechanism of highly tiled g-NaxCo2O4 crystals by a novel sodium alginate gel template method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol.113,No.18,7930-7934,2009
[2]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Growth mechanism of layer-by-layer nanostructured g-NaxCo2O4 hexagonal crystals via a novel protein adsorption method. Crystal Growth & Design. Vol.8,No.7,2489-2492,2008
[3]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Preparation of well tiled g-NaxCo2O4 by a novel and simple sodium alginate gel method and its electrical properties. Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol.113,No.7,1229-1233,2009
[4]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Synthesis and electrical properties of g-NaxCo2O4 via a citrate sol–gel method with polyethylene glycol 400. Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol.39,No.9,1429-1432,2010
[5]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. A novel route to synthesize g-NaxCo2O4 crystals with layer-by-layer nanostructure. Materials Research Innovations. Vol.13,No.2,83-86,2009
[6]. John Androulakis, Duck-Young Chung, Xianli Su, Li Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis*. High-temperature charge and thermal transport properties of the n-type thermoelectric material PbSe. Physical Review B 84, 155207, 2011
[7]. 张莉,唐新峰,高文斌. 牛血清白蛋白对NaxCo2O4化合物形成的影响. 无机材料学报. 第21卷, 第2期, 298-302, 2008
[8]. 张莉,李珺杰,高文斌,徐静静,唐新峰. 溶胶-凝胶法制备g-NaxCo2O4热电材料及其电性能. 武汉理工大学学报. 第31卷, 第5期, 24-26, 2009
[9]. 唐新峰,张莉,高文斌,李珺杰,徐静静,张清杰. 超薄片状NaxCo2O4热电化合物粉体的制备方法. 中国专利,2009年12月23日授权,专利号:200710053015.4.
[10]. 唐新峰,张莉,高文斌,张清杰. 海藻酸钠凝胶法制备NaxCo2O4热电化合物粉体的方法. 中国专利,2010年2月24日授权,专利号:200710168426.8.
电话: 027-87651486
E-mail: zhanglihyc@whut.edu.cn
Name: Li Zhang
Personal information
Date of birth: February , 1981
Education: Doctor Degree of Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Major: Materials
Position: Associate Researcher
Work place: State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing
1999.9-2003.6, Bachelor Degree in Materials Science, Wuhan University of Technology, China
2003.9-2006.6, Master Degree in Materials Science, Wuhan University of Technology, China
2006.9-2009.6, Doctor Degree in New Energy Materials, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Positions and Employment
2009.7-2010.9 Project officials, Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R. China
2010.9-2012.10 Assistant Researcher, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China
2011.3-2012.3 Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan
2012.10-present Associate Researcher, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China
Research Area and Interests:
Thermoelectric materials
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, Ministry of Education
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
Selected paper and patent (no more than 10)
[1]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Formation and growth mechanism of highly tiled g-NaxCo2O4 crystals by a novel sodium alginate gel template method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol.113,No.18,7930-7934,2009
[2]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Growth mechanism of layer-by-layer nanostructured g-NaxCo2O4 hexagonal crystals via a novel protein adsorption method. Crystal Growth&Design. Vol.8,No.7,2489-2492,2008
[3]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Preparation of well tiled g-NaxCo2O4 by a novel and simple sodium alginate gel method and its electrical properties. Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol.113,No.7,1229-1233,2009
[4]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. Synthesis and electrical properties of g-NaxCo2O4 via a citrate sol–gel method with polyethylene glycol 400. Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol.39,No.9,1429-1432,2010
[5]. Li Zhang, Xinfeng Tang*, Wenbin Gao. A novel route to synthesize g-NaxCo2O4 crystals with layer-by-layer nanostructure. Materials Research Innovations. Vol.13,No.2,83-86,2009
[6]. John Androulakis, Duck-Young Chung, Xianli Su, Li Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis*. High-temperature charge and thermal transport properties of the n-type thermoelectric material PbSe. Physical Review B 84, 155207, 2011
Contact information:
E-mail: zhanglihyc@whut.edu.cn
Address (Lab): 2nd floor, YIFU Building, Wuhan University of Technology
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