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1984.09 – 1988.07:武汉理工大学,本科
1988.09 – 1991.03:武汉理工大学,硕士研究生
1999.03 – 2004.06:荷兰Delft理工大学,博士研究生
1991.03 – 1998.03:武汉理工大学
1998.03 – 1999.03:韩国三木大学
1999.03 – 2004.06:荷兰Delft理工大学
2004.06 – 现在:武汉理工大学
1. 新型建筑材料、绿色环保材料的制备、结构及性能;
2. 再生材料的综合处理及应用;
3. 新型陶瓷材料的合成制备及性能。
1. 提高建筑拆迁垃圾质量及再生混凝土骨料的应用研究
2. 城市垃圾燃烧底灰的分离:有色金属的回收和再生原材料的生产
3. Mo-Al-Si/SiC复合材料制备研究
4. 碳纤维压敏混凝土的研究
(1)“Decontamination of granular wastes by mining separation techniques”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 14, Issue 8 , Pages 748-753, 2006.
(2)“Productions of granular secondary raw building materials by separation treatment”, 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration, Beijing,2005.
3.“Quality improvement of granular secondary raw building materials by separation and cleansing techniques”, ISBN 90-9017932-1, The Netherlands,2004.
4.“Quality improvement of granular wastes – the effective way to recycle secondary raw building materials”, 武汉理工大学学报 材料科学英文版, Vol.20, No.4, 2004。
5.“The Quality Improvement of Stony Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)”, 武汉理工大学学报 材料科学板,Vol.19, No.3, 2004。
6. “Improve the quality of construction and demolition waste by separation techniques”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology, Hong Kong, 2002.
7. “利用城市垃圾焚烧底灰作为再生骨料的研究”。《生活垃圾管理与处理技术》,ISBN 978-7-03-020504-9, 北京:科学出版社,2007。
3、 工作地址(实验室):武汉理工大学材料学院无机非材料实验室2楼
1.Name: Weihong Xing
2.Brief introduction:
1) Date of birth: Jan 1967
2)Degree: Doctor
3)Title: Associated Professor
4)Working department:
School of Materials Science & Engineering
3.Education experience (after entering university):
1984.09 – 1988.07:Wuhan University of Technology, B. Sc
1988.09 – 1991.03:Wuhan University of Technology, M. Sc
1999.04 – 2004.06:Delft University of Technology, Doctor
4.Working experience:
1991.03 – 1998.03:Wuhan University of Technology
1998.03 – 1999.03:Sun Moon University
1999.03 – 2004.06:Delft University of Technology
2004.06 – Present:Wuhan University of Technology
5. Research field (no more than 3):
(1) Fabrication, microstructure and properties of environmental friendly building materials;
(2) Treatment and recycling of secondary materials;
(3) Synthesis and properties of advanced ceramics
6. Research project (no more than 5):
(1) Study on the upgrading of construction and demolition waste and the applications of recycled concrete;
(2) Separation and recycling of municipal solid waste;
(3) Fabrication of Mo-Al-Si/SiC composite;
(4) Research on the piezoelectric properties of carbon fibre concrete
7.Representative papers and works (no more than 10):
(1)“Decontamination of granular wastes by mining separation techniques”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 14, Issue 8 , Pages 748-753, 2006.
(2)“Productions of granular secondary raw building materials by separation treatment”, 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration, Beijing,2005.
(3)“Quality improvement of granular secondary raw building materials by separation and cleansing techniques”, ISBN 90-9017932-1, The Netherlands,2004.
(4)“Quality improvement of granular wastes – the effective way to recycle secondary raw building materials”, Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science, Vol.20, No.4, 2004.
(5)“The Quality Improvement of Stony Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)”, Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science, Vol.19, No.3, 2004.
(6)“Improve the quality of construction and demolition waste by separation techniques”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology, Hong Kong, 2002.
(7)“Study on the recycled secondary aggregates from municipal solid waste bottom ash”, 《Management and treatment of municipal waste》,ISBN 978-7-03-020504-9, Beijing,2007.
8. Contact information:
1) Tel:
2) E-mail:whxing@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: Lab of inorganic nonmetallic materials 2nd Floor School of Materials Science & Engineering
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