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School of International Trade and Economics
Contact Information: Email: a0078175@u.nus.edu
University of International Business and Economics Website: http://fengxin050.weebly.com/ East Huixin Street No. 10, Beijing 100029, China
Aug. 2012-Mar. 2017 Ph.D., Economics, National University of Singapore
Aug. 2010-May 2012 M.S., Mathematics, National University of Singapore
Aug. 2007-Jul. 2011 B.S., Mathematics, Suzhou University
Research Interests
Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization, Information Economics Mathematical Economics, Mechanism Design (esp., Auctions and Contests)
The Optimal Disclosure Policy in Contests with Stochastic Entry: A Bayesian Persuasion Perspective, with Jingfeng Lu, Economics Letters, 147 (2016): 103-107.
Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Two-Player Asymmetric Tullock Contests with Intermediate Discriminatory Power, with Jingfeng Lu, Economics Letters, 159 (2017): 61-64.
Working Papers
How to Split the Pie: Optimal Rewards in Dynamic Multi-Battle Competitions, with Jingfeng Lu, Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Public Economics.
Ex Ante Efficient Auction with Bi-Dimensional Private Information on Value and Entry Cost, with Jingfeng Lu and Yeneng Sun.
Optimal Persuasion in First-Price Auctions with Stochastic Entry, with Jingfeng Lu.
Working in Progress
Revenue-Maximizing Auction with Bi-Dimensional Private Information on Value and Entry Cost, with Jingfeng Lu and Yeneng Sun.
Procurement Design with Optimal Sequential R&D, with Jingfeng Lu and Lixin Ye.
Professional Services
Conference Presentations and Summer School:
China Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 2017, Wuhan University, China
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 2017, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, August 2016, Kyoto, Japan
4th Summer School of the Econometric Society, August 2016, Kyoto, Japan
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 2016, University of Penn- sylvania, USA
Western Economic Association International Conference, January 2016, Nanyang Technologi- cal University, Singapore
Singapore Economic Review Conference, August 2015, Singapore
15th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics, July 2015, University of Cambridge, UK.
Social Choice and Welfare
NUS Research Scholarship, 2012–2016, NUS, Singapore
Travel Support, 2016, 4th Summer School of the Econometric Society.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, 2013–2016. Microeconomic Analysis I (EC2101), Spring 2016
Game Theory & Applications to Economics (EC3312), Spring 2015 Mathematical Economics (EC5104), Fall 2014
Financial Economics I (EC3333), Spring 2014 Macroeconomic Analysis I (EC2102), Fall 2013
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