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4、工作院系(work departments):材料科学与工程学
1982.09-1986.07 武汉建材学院 水泥专业 本科
1990.09-1993.03 武汉工业大学 水泥专业 硕士研究生2001.09~2004.12 武汉理工大学 材料学 博士研究生
1986.07-1988.09 武汉建材学院 辅导员
1988.10-1990.08 武汉工业大学科技开发部
1993.03-至今 武汉理工大学
2007.03-2007.08 香港理工大学 助理研究员
五、研究领域(Research field)(不多于3个):
六、科研项目Scientific research project)(不多于5项):
1. 复合功能型胶凝材料的开发与应用研究
2. 山西中南部铁路通道混凝土质量控制的研究
3. 提高客运专线混凝土抗裂性能的研究
4. 高性能、长寿命客运专线混凝土的研究
1. Effects of Clinker Contents of Different C3A and C4AF on the Performance of PSC Cement. Journal of WUT. Mater. Sci. ED. 2013, Vol.28 No.3 521-526.
2.利用煤矸石与页岩制备无熟料胶凝材料的研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 2013,06期,p23-28
3.利用磷尾矿制备加气混凝土工艺参数的探索研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 2011.09期 p41-44
4. 混杂纤维对混凝土性能影响试验研究. 混凝土. 2013,10期,p 79-82
5. 利用稻壳灰配制自密实混凝土性能的研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 2011,07期, p 32-34
6. 微硅粉的物化特性及对混凝土孔结构的影响. 混凝土. 2013,12期,p 77-81
7. 利用稻壳灰配制不同灰度混凝土性能研究. 混凝土. 2012,09期,p 100-102
8.预应力无砟轨道板用封锚砂浆.混凝土. 2011,03期, p96-98
9. 参编《无机非金属材料工学》第四版,武汉理工大学出版社,2014年
1.Name: Wan Huiwen
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth:1963.09.12
2)Degree:Doctor of engineering
4)Working department:School of Materials Science and Engineering
3.Education experience(after entering university):
1982.09~1986.07 Wuhan Institute of Building Materials cement professional Undergraduate
1990.09~1993.03 Wuhan Institute of Building Materials cement professional Postgraduate
2001.09~2004.12 Wuhan University of Technology
material science Doctor
4.Working experience:
1986.07~1988.09 instructor of Wuhan Institute of Building Materials
1990.09~1993.03 scientific development depart of Wuhan University of Technology
1993.03~today Wuhan University of Technology
2007.03~2007.08 research assistant of Hong Kong Polytechnic University
5.Research field(no more than 3):
1)Ecological construction material
2)High performance concrete
3)Cement based composite material
6.Research project(no more than 5):
1)Development and Application Research on Multiple Functional Cementitious Materials
2)Investigation on the Concrete Quality Control of the Railway Channel in Central and Southern of Sanxi Province
3)Investigation on the Improving the Crack Resistance of the Concrete of Passenger Dedicated Line
4)Investigation on the Concrete of High-performance and Long-life Passenger Dedicated Line
5)The Technology and Demonstration of Bulk Industrial Solid Waste Treatment and Recycle. “863”Project: 2012AA06A112
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
1)Effects of Clinker Contents of Different C3A and C4AF on the Performance of PSC Cement. Journal of WUT. Mater. Sci. ED. 2013,Vol. 28 No.3 521-526.
2)Preparation of Cementitious Materials without Clinker Using Coal Gangue and Clay Shale. Journal of WUT. 2013 NO.6 23-28
3)Research of Technological Parameter of Air-entrained Concrete Made of Phosphorus Tailing. Journal of WUT. 2013 NO.9 41-44.
4)Experimental study on the influence of hybrid fibers on properties of concrete. Concrete. 2013 NO.10 79-82.
5)Study of Self Compacting Concrete with Rice Husk Ash. Journal of WUT. 2011 NO.7 32-34
6)Physicochemical properties of silica fume and its effect to pore-structures of concrete. Concrete. 2013 NO.12 77-81.
7)Performance study of use the rice husk ash to make different gray scales concrete. Concrete. 2012 NO.9 100-102.
8)Preparation of sealed mortar used in prestressed track board without ballast. Concrete. 2011 NO.3 96-98.
9)The fourth edition of Inorganic Materials Engineering. Journal of WUT. 2014
10)Inorganic Materials Experiment. Chemical industry Press. 2006.02
8.Contact information:
(1) Tel: 027-87210782(O)
(2) E-mail: wanhw@whut.edu.cn
(3) Location of lab: State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures.
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