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申世刚,男,生于1964年9月,河北省阜城人。博士,教授,博士研究生导师,河北大学副校长,河北省分析科学技术重点实验室主任,河北省化学会副理事长,教育部化学与化工教学指导委员会化学分委员会委员,国家果类及农副加工产品质量监督检验中心食品质量专家委员会专家,河北省食品标准化技术委员会委员, 《大学化学》副主编。 在 J. Phys. Chem. B、Dalton Trans.等学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,授权专利近10项,先后主持完成科技部科技基础条件平台、教育部博士点基金、河北省自然基金、河北省重点基础研究等研究项目,获河北省自然科学三等奖一项、河北省科技进步二等奖一项、河北省科技进步三等奖两项、河北省教学成果一等奖一项、河北省教学成果三等奖一项;荣获2004年度河北省十大杰出青年(并荣立省政府一等功),2005年荣获河北省师德先进个人,2007年荣获河北省高等学校教学名师奖。
联系方式:E-mail: shensg@hbu.edu.cn
1. Beibei Liang, Shuying Huo*, Yanli Ren, Shaojing Sun, Ziqing Cao, Shigang Shen*. A platinum(IV)-based metallointercalator: synthesis, cytotoxicity, and redox reactions with thiol-containing compounds. Trans. Metal.Chem., 2015, 40: 31-37. (SCI:1.4)
2. Ding, L ,Yang, H ,Xi, YN,Zhang, JC ,Shen, SG*. Synthesis and Characterization of Non Fluorescent ZnS Nano Clusters. Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 2015, 35(1): 146-150. (SCI:0.35)
3. Shuying Huo, Jingran Dong, Shigang Shen*, Yanli Ren, Changying Song, Jianzhong Xu, Tiesheng Shi*. L-Selenomethionine reduces platinum(IV) anticancer model compounds at strikinglyfaster rates than L-methionine. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43:15328-15336. (SCI:4.09)
4. Shuying Huo, Jingran Dong, Changying Song, Jianzhong Xu, Shigang Shen*,
Yanli Ren ,Tiesheng Shi*. Characterization of the reaction products, kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of the drug captopril by platinum(IV) complexes. RSC Advances. 2014, 4:7402-7409. (SCI:3.70)
5. Shigang Shen*, Haiying Li*, Wenzhi Yang. The preliminary evaluation on cholesterol-modified pullulan as a drug nanocarrier. Drug Delivery. 2014, 21(7): 501-508. (SCI:2.20)
6. Ding, L, Yang, H, Xi, YN, Zhang, JC, Shen, SG*. Signal Amplification Effect of Non-fluorescent Zinc Sulfide Nanoparticles Cluster for Detection of Trace Proteins biological Molecules. Chin. J. Anal. Chem. . 2014, 42(6):799-804. (SCI:0.7)
7. Zhang, CM*, Zhang, L, Song, CY, Jia, G, Huo, SY, Shen, SG*. Well-defined barium molybdate hierarchical architectures with different morphologies: Controllable synthesis, formation process, and luminescence properties. J. Alloy. Comp. 2014, 589: 185-191. (SCI:2.72)
8. Zhang, CM* , Wang, JY, Song, CY, Shang, YL, Shen, SG*. BaGdF5:Ce3+, Ln(3+) (Ln=Eu and Tb) nanoparticles: Tunable multicolor emission and magnetic property. Mater. Lett. 2014,118: 88-91. (SCI:2.27)
9. Shigang Shen*, Liya Xia, Na Xiong, Zhenghao Liu, Hanwen Sun. Determination of the geographic origin of rice by element fingerprints and correlation analyses with the soil of origin. Anal. Methods. 2013, 5: 6177-6185. (SCI:1.93)
10. Shuying Huo, Hongmei Shi, Dongzhi Liu*, Shigang Shen*, Jiong Zhang, Changying Song, Tiesheng Shi*. Kinetics and mechanism of reactions of the drug tiopronin with platinum(IV) complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem., 2013, 125: 9–15. (SCI:3.27)
11. Zhang, J, Huo, SY, Shi, HM, Shen, SG*, Shang, YL. Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the oxidation of pyrrolidine by bis(hydrogenperiodato)argentate(III) complex anion. Transit. Metal Chem. 2013,38(1): 15-20. (SCI:1.4)
12.Xia, LY,Shen, SG*,Liu, ZHSun, HW. Identification of Geographical Origins of Rice with Pattern Recognition Technique by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Spectrosc. Spect. Anal.. 2013, 33(1): 102-105. (SCI:0.35)
13. Shuying Huo, Shigang Shen*, Dongzhi Liu*, and Tiesheng Shi. Oxidation of 3,6-Dioxa-1,8-octanedithiol by Platinum(IV) Anticancer Prodrug and Model Complex: Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116: 6522–6528. (SCI:3.38)
14. Guo, YK, Shi, HM, Huo, SY, Shen, SG*. Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of N-methylethylamine by bis(hydrogenperiodato)argentate(III) complex anion. Transit. Metal Chem.. 2011, 36(1): 59-64.(SCI:1.4)
15. Shi, HM*, Feng, LK , Shen, SG*, Kang, WJ, Sun, HW. A Kinetic Study on the Oxidation of Tetrahydrofurfurylamine by Bis(hydrogenperiodato)argentate(III) Complex Anion. Polish J. Chem. .2008, 82(11):2179-2188. (SCI:0.47)
16. Shen, SG , Shi, HM* , Sun, HW. Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of the drug mephenesin by bis(hydrogenperiodato)-argentate(III) complex anion. Intern. J. Chem Kinet. . 2007, 39(8): 440-446. (SCI:1.56)
17. 申世刚*, 石红梅, 孙汉文. 二(氢过碘酸)合银(III)配离子氧化愈创甘油醚的反应动力学及机理. 物理化学学报 ,2007, 23(03),409-413. (SCI:0.92)
18. Shen, SG* , Shi, HM, Sun, HW, Huo, SY. Mechanistic study of the oxidation of N-phenyldiethanolamine by bis(hydrogen periodato)argentate(III) complex anion. Transit. Metal Chem.. 2007, 32(2):167-171. (SCI:1.4)
19. Shi, HM*, Shen, SG*, Sun, HW, Liu, ZF, Li, LQ. Oxidation of L-serine and L-threonine by bis(hydrogen periodato)argentate(III) complex anion: A mechanistic study. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2007, 101(1): 165-172. (SCI:3.27)
20. Shen, SG*, Li, H, Zhao, YY, Zhang, QY, Sun, HW. The distribution patterns of trace elements in the blood and organs in a rabbit experimental model of copper pollution and study of haematology and biochemistry parameters. Environ. Toxicol. Phar. 2005, 19(2):379-384. (SCI:2.83)
1. 载Pt(IV)配合物的合成及其在多肽药物分子内二硫键合成中的应用(项目批准号:20131301110003),教育部博士点基金(12万,2013 -2015年,主持人)。
2. 磁性微球固载Pt(IV)配合物的合成及其在分子内二硫键合成中的应用(项目批准号: B2013201181),河北省自然科学基金(5万,2013 -2015年,主持人)。
3. 潮褐土镉铅锌复合污染植物修复的综合技术联合研究(项目批准号:14394204D), 河北省科技厅 ( 20万元, 2014-2016年, 主持人)。
4. 纳米材料生物安全问题的基础研究(项目批准号:09965120D), 河北省科学技术研究与发展计划(10万元, 2009-2011年, 主持人)。
5. 食品安全应急分析技术资源库的建立(项目批准号:220642PTH), 科技部平台计划(20万元, 2007-2009年, 主持人)。
6. 四价铂抗癌药的合成及其与生物分子反应动力学研究(项目批准号:B2006000962), 河北省自然科学基金(5万元, 2006-2008年, 主持人)。
1. 发明人:申世刚,夏立娅,孙汉文,李超,张晓瑜,谷亚坤,尹华蕊. 发明名称:一种快速无损鉴别初榨橄榄油和油橄榄果渣油的方法. 专利号:ZL201210241033.6
2. 发明人:申世刚,彭松. 发明名称:一种溃口截留装置及截流方法. 专利号:ZL200910074782.2
3. 发明人:申世刚,张海兵,李志远,田超. 发明名称:一种大颗粒元明粉的制备方法. 专利号:ZL200710061448.4
4. 李志林,安青珍,刘磊,申世刚. 发明名称:一种用硫酸氧钛制备硫酸盐/二氧化钛复合粉体的方法。专利号:ZL201010225453.6
5. 张金超,姬晓玉,申世刚. 发明名称:含有双核铂配合物、制备方法及应用。专利号:ZL 200810055445.4
6. 王辉,王琴,申世刚. 发明名称:一种废弃有机溶剂焚烧炉。专利号:ZL 2007 20101558.4
7. 李志林,李强,申世刚. 发明名称:一种控制晶型制备纳米级二氧化钛的方法。专利号:ZL200610012458.4
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