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1990.09-1993.08, 香港大学, 计算机学院, 学士学位
1993.09-1998.08, 香港大学, 计算机学院, 硕士学位
2000.12-2001.10 香港大学,电子商务研究所 高级技术总监
2001.11-2007.06 新加坡国立大学计算学院 副教授
2003-至今 新加坡基因组研究所 高级组长
2007.07-2014.12 新加坡国立大学计算机学院 副教授
2015-至今 新加坡国立大学计算机学院 教授
根据谷歌学术统计,H-index为43,在知名杂志(SODA,Bioinformatics,Cell,Nature,Nature Genetics,Nature Medicine,NatureMethods,Genome Research,Genome Biology等)总共发表235篇研究论文,其中最近几年主要期刊论文如下
1.Lim, J.Q., Tennakoon, C., Guan, P. and Sung, W.K. (2015) BatAlign: an incremental method for accurate alignment of sequencing reads. Nucleic acids research, 43, e107.
2, Guan, P. and Sung, W.K. (2016) Structural variation detection using next-generation sequencing data: A comparative technical review. Methods.
3, Jansson J, Choy C, Sadakane K, Ken Wing Kin SUNG (In Press) "Computing the Maximum Agreement of Phylogenetic Networks" Theoretical Computer Science, to appear
4, Jansson J, Ng Joseph HK, Sadakane K, Ken Wing Kin SUNG (In Press) "Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees"Algorithmica, to appear
5, Tie-Fei Liu, Yi Li, Jianjun LIU, Ankush Mittal, Pei-Lin Mao, Ken Wing Kin SUNG (In Press) "Effective Algorithms for TagSNP Selection" Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, to appear
6, Leong HW, Preparata FP, Willy H, Ken Wing Kin SUNG (In Press) "On the control of hybridization noise in DNA Sequencing-by-Hybridization" Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, to appear
7, Yingren Liu, Radha Krishna Murthy KARUTURI, Ken Wing Kin SUNG (In Press) "Cell-cycle Regulated Promoter Motif Prediction using Time-course" Micro Data, to appear in the proc of IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE05), Minneapolis, Minnesota, October, 2005
8, Tennakoon C, Purbojati RW, Sung WK "BatMis: A fast algorithm for k-mismatch mapping." Bioinformatics 2012 Jun 10
9, Hassanzadeh R, Eslahchi C, Sung WK "Constructing phylogenetic supernetworks based on simulated annealing." Mol Phylogenet Evol 2012 Jun ; 63(3) : 738-44 Epub 2012 Mar 3
10, Heisig J, Weber D, Englberger E, Winkler A, Kneitz S, Sung WK, Wolf E, Eilers M, Wei CL, Gessler M "Target gene analysis by micros and chromatin immunoprecipitation identifies HEY proteins as highly redundant bHLH repressors."PLoS Genet 2012 May ; 8(5) : e1002728 Epub 2012 May 17
11, Li G, Ruan X, Auerbach RK, Sandhu KS, Zheng M, Wang P, Poh HM, Goh Y, Lim J, Zhang J, Sim HS, Peh SQ, Mulawadi FH, Ong CT, Orlov YL, Hong S, Zhang Z, Landt S, Raha D, Euskirchen G, Wei CL, Ge W, Wang H, Davis C, Fisher-Aylor KI, Mortazavi A, Gerstein M, Gingeras T, Wold B, Sun Y, Fullwood MJ, Cheung E, Liu E, Sung WK, Snyder M, Ruan Y "Extensive promoter-centered chromatin interactions provide a topological basis for transcription regulation." Cell 2012 Jan 20 ; 148(1-2) : 84-98
12, Ng KP, Hillmer AM, Chuah CT, Juan WC, Ko TK, Teo AS, Ariyaratne PN, Takahashi N, Sawada K, Fei Y, Soh S, Lee WH, Huang JW, Allen JC, Woo XY, Nagarajan N, Kumar V, Thalamuthu A, Poh WT, Ang AL, Mya HT, How GF, Yang LY, Koh LP, Chowbay B, Chang CT, Nadarajan VS, Chng WJ, Than H, Lim LC, Goh YT, Zhang S, Poh D, Tan P, Seet JE, Ang MK, Chau NM, Ng QS, Tan DS, Soda M, Isobe K, Nöthen MM, Wong TY, Shahab A, Ruan X, Cacheux-Rataboul V, Sung WK, Tan EH, Yatabe Y, Mano H, Soo RA, Chin TM, Lim WT, Ruan Y, Ong ST "A common BIM deletion polymorphism mediates intrinsic resistance and inferior responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer." Nat Med 2012 Apr ; 18(4) : 521-8 Epub 2012 Mar 18
13, Sung WK, Zheng H, Li S, Chen R, Liu X, Li Y, Lee NP, Lee WH, Ariyaratne PN, Tennakoon C, Mulawadi FH, Wong KF, Liu AM, Poon RT, Fan ST, Chan KL, Gong Z, Hu Y, Lin Z, Wang G, Zhang Q, Barber TD, Chou WC, Aggarwal A, Hao K, Zhou W, Zhang C, Hardwick J, Buser C, Xu J, Kan Z, Dai H, Mao M, Reinhard C, Wang J, Luk JM "Genome-wide survey of recurrent HBV integration in hepatocellular carcinoma." Nat Genet 2012 ; 44(7) : 765-9 Epub 2012 May 27
14, Tan PY, Chang CW, Chng KR, Wansa KD, Sung WK, Cheung E "Integration of regulatory networks by NKX3-1 promotes androgen-dependent prostate cancer survival." Mol Cell Biol 2012 Jan ; 32(2) : 399-414 Epub 2011 Nov 14
15, Xu H, Sung WK "Identifying differential histone modification sites from ChIP-seq data." Methods Mol Biol 2012 ; 802 : 293-303
1,青年科研奖 (新加坡国立大学最高科研奖),2008
“Algorithms in Bioinformatics : A Practical Introduction”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 24 Nov 2009.
Book website: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ksung/algo_in_bioinfo/
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