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千红 声乐艺术指导
于2006 年获得中央音乐学院声乐歌剧系硕士学位,师从胡适熙教授,郭志鸿教授。2004 年获得中央音乐学院钢琴系学士学位,师从郭志鸿教授。2011 年—2013 年获得国家留学基金委支持作为访问学者前往美国北德州大学音乐学院学习深造,师从钢琴演奏家Dr.Pamela Mia Paul 和声乐艺术指导 Dr.Elvia Puccinelli。留学期间搜集和整理了大量美国艺术歌曲资料并编写了《260 年美国艺术歌曲》。并在北德州大学成功举办了个人专场音乐会“中国艺术歌曲之夜”。撰写的论文“论钢琴伴奏之平衡理论”发表在国家音乐核心类刊物“人民音乐”。2013年6月在中央音乐学院举办了“感受真实的美国——美国艺术歌曲之夜”的专题音乐会。作为声乐艺术指导曾与多位著名国内外歌唱家合作,为诸多声乐赛事,演出担任钢琴伴奏。曾参与中国歌剧“李白”的歌剧排练伴奏以及交响乐“黄河大合唱”的乐队钢琴排练工作。作为青年钢琴家,千红举办多场钢琴独奏音乐会,曾参加第二届中国国际钢琴比赛。与钢琴家刘诗昆先生在1998年和2008年于北京音乐厅和中山音乐堂共同演出。
QIAN Hong Collaborative Pianist & Vocal Coach
Collaborative Pianist & Vocal Coach
Voice & Opera Department
Central Conservatory of Music
Ms. Qian Hong has been one of the faculty members of Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), Beijing. She is a vocal coach and lecturer of collaborative piano. Ms. Qian obtained a Bachelor’s degree from Piano Department of Central Conservatory of Music under the direction of Prof. Guo Zhihong in 2004, and a Master’s degree from Voice & Opera Department under Prof. Hu Shixi and Prof. Guo Zhihong in 2006. She went to the United States as a visiting scholar with the support of Chinese Scholarship Council from the year 2011 to 2013, during which she studied with Dr. Pamela Mia Paul, a pianist, and Dr. Elvia Puccinelli, a vocal coach at the College of Music of University of North Texas. During her visit she collected and sorted a great number of American art songs and compiled the book 260 Years of American Art Songs, and successfully held a personal concert entitled “The Night of Chinese Vocal Music”, in which she performed with Chinese Vocal students in UNT. Her essay “On the Balance of Collaborative Piano” was published in People’s Music, a core national academic journal of music. In June, 2013 Ms. Qian held a featured concert at CCOM named “Feeling the Real America — the Night of American Art Songs”. As a vocal coach, she worked in collaboration with numerous renowned singers home and abroad, and accompanied singers in many vocal competitions and performances. She worked as a rehearsal pianist for the Chinese Opera “Li Bai” and accompanied the rehearsal of “Yellow River Contana” as the symphony orchestra pianist. As a young pianist, Ms. Qian held a great number of solo piano concerts and participated in the Second China International Piano Competition. She performed in company with pianist Liu Shikun at Beijing Music Hall and Zhongshan Concert Hall in 1998 and 2008.
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