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Amazon is partially retreating from the world’s biggest market for online shopping.
It will close its marketplace in China in the coming months, meaning Amazon customers in the country will no longer be able to buy goods from Chinese merchants.
Amazon (AMZN) did not explain why it was withdrawing its marketplace service, saying only it will instead focus on selling goods shipped from other countries into China.
"We are notifying sellers we will no longer operate a marketplace on Amazon.cn, and we will no longer be providing seller services on Amazon.cn effective July 18," the company said in a statement.
Amazon’s platform competes for Chinese sellers with Tmall, owned by the country’s e-commerce leader Alibaba (BABA).
Amazon first entered the Chinese market 15 years ago, when it acquired an online book retailer, but it has struggled amid fierce competition. Research suggests that the company’s market share in China was miniscule compared to local rivals.
China’s online retail market is huge, notching up about $2 trillion in sales annually, according to research firmer eMarketer. The US market is worth just over one quarter of that.
根据研究公司 eMarketer 的数据,中国的在线零售市场规模巨大,年销售额约为2万亿美元。美国市场的市值仅略高于这个数字的四分之一。
The Chinese market is dominated by Alibaba, which accounts for more than half of all transactions, and local rival JD.com (JD), eMarketer data shows.
eMarketer 的数据显示,中国市场由阿里巴巴(占所有交易的一半以上)和本土竞争对手京东主导。
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