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杨 军,教 授
Chunlai Chen, Yang Jun, Christopher Findlay, 2008, Measuring the Effect of Food Safety Standards on China’s Agricultural Exports , Review of World Economics, vol. 144, no. 1, pp. 83-106.
Jikun Huang, Yang Jun, Scott Rozelle, 2010, China's agriculture: drivers of change and implications for China and the rest of world, Agricultural Economics, Volume 41, pages 47–55
Huang, Jikun, Yang Jun, Zhigang Xu, et al. (2007). "Agricultural trade liberalization and poverty in China." China Economic Review 18(3): 244-265.
Yang Jun,HuanguangQiu, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle (2008), Fighting global food price rises in the developing world: the response of China and its effect on domestic and world markets, Agricultural Economics. 39(3):453-464.
Yang Jun, Huang Jikun, HuanguangQiu, Scott Rozelle, Mercy A. Sombilla. (2009) Biofuels and the Greater Mekong Subregion: Assessing the impact on prices, Applied Energy. P37-47.
Yang Jun, Jikun Huang, Ninghui Li, et al. (2011). The impact of the Doha trade proposals on farmers’ incomes in China. Journal of Policy Modeling. Vol.33 (3): 439-452.
Yang Jun, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, et al. (2012) Where is the balance? Implications of adopting Special Products and Sensitive Products in Doha negotiations for world and China's agriculture." China Economic Review.Vol.23, 651-664.
Jikun Huang, Yang Jun, SiwaMsangi, Scott Rozelle, AlfonsWeersink (2012).Global biofuel production and poverty in China, Applied Energy, Vol.98, 246-255.
Jikun Huang, Yang Jun, SiwaMsangi, Scott Rozelle, AlfonsWeersink (2012) Biofuels and the poor: Global impact pathways of biofuels on agricultural markets, Food Policy. Vol.37 (4), 439-451.
Yang, Jun, Wei Zhang, and SimlaTokgoz. "Macroeconomic impacts of Chinese currency appreciation on China and the Rest of World: A global CGE analysis." Journal of Policy Modeling, 35.6 (2013): 1029-1042.
Yang Jun, Xiaobing Wang, Hengyun Ma, Junfei Bai, Ye Jiang, Hai Yu, Potential usage, vertical value chain and challenge of Biomass resource: Evidence from China's crop residues, Applied Energy, 114 (2014), 717-723.
黄季焜,杨军,中国经济崛起与中国食物和能源安全及世界经济发展, 《管理世界》,2006(3), P42-57.
杨军,黄季焜,仇焕广,建立中国和澳大利亚自由贸易区的经济影响分析和政策建议,《国际贸易问题》,2007(1), P26-32。
杨军,黄季焜,仇焕广,对中国和东盟自由贸易区的经济影响的分析,中国科学院院刊,2007(1), P26-32。
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