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姓 名:黄国正
性 别:男
职 称:研究员(自然科学)
黄国正,博士,男,1979年9月生,江西鄱阳人。1999年毕业于北方工业大学。2004年9月至 2007年7月在中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所修读有机化学,获理学硕士学位。其间参与昆虫激素和生物农药的研制,以无公害地控制新疆瓜果虫害。毕业后,在上海睿智化学,江苏正大丰海制药等公司从事新药研发。2011年11月起获德国自然科学基金会资助,在德国雷根斯堡大学修读药物化学。2012年7月随导师转学至德国维尔茨堡大学,于2015年初获得博士(Dr. rer. nat.)学位,并继续在该校从事博士后研究。在德国期间,通过对中国传统中药吴茱萸的活性成分——吴茱萸碱的结构修饰,发现了一个丁酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂。它具有神经保护作用,可望用于治疗阿兹海默尔氏综合症。又对水飞蓟素进行衍生化,获得了具有神经保护功能的新化合物,并首次发现从水飞蓟素到大风子素的有效转化方法。同时发现了一种简单快速地制备吴茱萸次碱及其类似物的合成方法。相关成果发表于European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, ACS Chemical Neuroscience等主流学术期刊。2015年入职上海师范大学。讲授《营养学》课程。
1. Guozheng Huang, Simon Schramm, J?rg Heilmann, David Biedermann, Vladimír K?en, and Michael Decker. Unconventional application of the Mitsunobu reaction: selective flavonolignan dehydration yielding hydnocarpins. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2016, 12, 662–669.
2. Guozheng Huang, Martin Nimczick, Michael Decker. Rational modification of the biological profile of GPCR ligands through combination with other biologically active moieties. Archiv der Pharmazie - Chemistry in Life Sciences. 2015, 348, 531–540
3. Guozheng Huang, Beata Kling, Darras H. Fouad, J?rg Heilmann, Michael Decker. Identification of a neuroprotective and selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor derived from the natural alkaloid evodiamine. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 81, 15-21.
4. Guozheng Huang, Daniela Pemp, Patricia Stadtmüller, Martin Nimczick, J?rg Heilmann, Michael Decker. Design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of novel uni- and bivalent ligands for the cannabinoid receptor 1 with variation of spacer length and composition. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2014, 22, 4209-4214.
5. Guozheng Huang, Dominika Roos, Patricia Stadtmüller, Michael Decker. A simple fusion reaction and its application for expeditious syntheses of rutaecarpine and its analogs. Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 55, 3607-3609.
6. Fouad H. Darras, Steffen Pockes, Guozheng Huang, Sarah Wehle, Andrea Strasser, Hans-Joachim Wittmann, Martin Nimczick, Christoph Sotriffer, Michael Decker. Synthesis, biological evaluation, and computational studies of tri- and tetracyclic nitrogen-bridgehead compounds as potent dual-acting AChE inhibitors and hH3 receptor antagonists. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2014, 5, 225-242.
7. Fouad H. Darras, Sarah Wehle, Guozheng Huang, Christoph Sotriffer, Michael Decker. Amine substitution of quinazolinones leads to selective nanomolar AChE inhibitors with an “inverted” binding mode. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 22, 4867-4881.
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