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姓 名: 刘书明
所在单位: 饮用水安全教研所
职 称: 副高级
职 务:副院长
办公电话: +86 10 62787964
电子邮件: shumingliu@tsinghua.edu.cn
邮寄地址: 北京市清华大学环境节能楼403
1993.9 - 1997.9 学士学位 山东工业大学 土木工程
1997.9 - 1999.9 读研 山东工业大学 环境工程 因出国退学
1999.9 - 2004.6 博士学位 佩斯里大学, 环境工程
2004.08 - 2006.03 博士后, 帝国理工
2006.04 - 2007.03 Research Fellow, 埃克斯特大学
2007.03 - 现在 副教授, 清华大学
2015.1-至今 Water Efficiency国际会议 学术委员会委员
2014.10-至今 ISO(国际标准组织) 再生水管网部专家组组长
2014.8-至今 Urban Water Journal 编委
2014.1-至今 Journal of Hydroinformatics 编委
2013.1-至今 中国土木工程协会水工业分会给水委员会 委员
2012.9-至今 IWA中国区青年委员会 委员
2011.5-至今 CCWI国际会议 学术委员会委员
2010.1-至今 WDSA国际会议 学术委员会委员
供水管网领域(Water Distribution System):
产销差管理 (Non-Revenue Water Management, Leakage control),
管网水质模型(Water quality modeling)
供水管网优化设计与管理(Optimal design and management for WDS)
管网水质多参数指纹图谱技术(Fingerprint technology based on multiple-sensors for WDS)
可持续性城市水管理(Sustainable Urban Water Management):
中水回用(Grey water Reuse)
海水淡化水在市政管网输配中的水质保障(Water quality concerns on desalinated water in WDS)
供水-能源关系(Water Supply-Energy Nexus)
二次供水节能技术(energy efficient water supply technique)
供水领域的CO2减排技术 (CO2 reduction from water industry)
再生水的安全性评价与控制技术 ,863重大,2013-2015
奖励与荣誉2010 第七届《青年科技奖》 中国环境科学学会
2010 中国科协‘青年科技奖’候选人特别提名
2010 清华大学第四届青年教师教学大赛二等奖
2010 日本环境协会优秀报告奖
2008 全国五一劳动奖状(集体奖)
2008 首都劳动奖状(集体奖)
1. Cui, Y., Liu, S.*, Smith, K., Yu, K., Hu, H., Jiang, W., Li, Y. Characterization of corrosion scale formed on stainless steel delivery pipe for reclaimed water treatment, Water Research, DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2015.11.021, 2015, in press.
2. Smith, K., Liu, S.*, Liu, Y., Savic, D., Olsson, G., Chang, T., Wu, X. Energy use for urban water supply in China: A comparative study, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12290, 2015, in press.
3. Smith, K., Liu, S.*, Chang, T. Contribution of Urban Water Supply to Greenhouse Gas Emissions in China, Journal of Industrial Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12290, 2015, in press.
4. Liu, S.*, Smith, K., Che, H. A multivariate based event detection method and performance comparison with two conventional methods, Water Research, 2015, 80, 109-118.
5. Liu, S.*, Che, H., Smith, K., Lei, M., Li, R. Performance evaluation for three pollution detection methods using data from a real contamination accident, Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 161, 385-391.
6. Che, H., Liu, S.*, Smith, K. Performance evaluation for a contamination detection method using multiple water quality sensors in an early warning system, Water, 2015, 7, 1422-1436.
7. Liu, S.*, Che, H., Smith, K., Chang, T. A real time method of contaminant classification using conventional water quality sensors, Journal of Environmental Management, 2015,154, 13-21.
8. Liu, S.*, Che, H., Smith, K., Chang, T. Contaminant classification using cosine distance based on multiple conventional sensors. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 343-350.
9. Liu, S.*, Che, H., Smith, K., Chen, C. A method of detecting contamination events using multiple conventional water quality sensors, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015, 187(1), 4189-4200.
10. Shuming Liu, Han Che, Kate Smith, Lei Chen. Contamination event detection using multiple conventional water quality sensors in source water, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2014, 16(8), 2028-2038.
11. Alejandra Burchard-Levine, Shuming Liu, Francois Vince, Mingming Li, Avi Ostfeld A Hybrid Evolutionary Data Driven Model for River Water Quality Early Warning, Journal of Environmental Management, 143(2014), 8-16. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.04.017
12. Ling Zhang, Shuming Liu, Wenjun Liu 2014 Investigation of organic compounds migrating from polymeric pipes into drinking water under different flow manners. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16(2), 280-290. DOI:10.1039/C3EM00432E, WOS:000331504100012.
13. Liu, S., Brazier, R., Heathwaite, L., Liu, W. Fully Integrated Approach: An alternative solution of coupling a GIS and pollution models, Frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 2014, 8(4), 616-623 DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0589-x.
14. Luigi Berardi, Shuming Liu, Daniele Laucelli, Su Xu, Peng Xu, Wu Zeng, Orazio Giustolisi, 2014. Energy saving and leakage control in Water Distribution Networks, Procedia Engineering, 70, 152-161.
15. Shuming Liu and Pierre Auckenthaler, Optimal sensor placement for event detection and source identification in water distribution networks. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology – AQUA, 63(1), 51-57.
16. Zhao X, Huang H, Hu HY, Su C, Zhao J, Liu SM 2014 Increase of microbial growth potential in municipal secondary effluent by coagulation, CHEMOSPHERE, 109, 14-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.02.053.
17. Zhang XJ, Mi ZL, Wang Y, Liu SM, Niu ZB, Lu PP, Wang J, Gu JN, Chen, C. 2014. A red water occurrence in drinking water distribution systems caused by changes in water source in Beijing, China: mechanism analysis and control measures, FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 8(3), 417-426, DOI: 10.1007/s11783-013-0558-4.
18. Zhao X, Hu HY, Yu T, Su C, Jiang HC, Liu SM. 2014. Effect of different molecular weight organic components on the increase of microbial growth potential of secondary effluent by ozonation. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA, 26(11), 2190-2197. DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2014.09.001
19. Ling Zhang, Shuming Liu. 2014. Investigation of organic compounds migration from polymeric pipe into drinking water under long retention times, Procedia Engineering, 70, 1753-1761. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.19
20. Wang Q., Liu, S., Savic D., Kaplan Z., 2013, Decision Support System for emergency scheduling of raw water supply systems with multiple sources. Frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 7(5),777-786. SCI doi:10.1007/s11783-013-0537-9
21. Lineng Han, Wenjun Liu, Mo Chen, Minglu Zhang, Shuming Liu, Ruilin Sun, Xiangqin Fei 2013 Comparison of NOM removal and microbial properties in up-flow/down-flow BAC filter. Water Research, 47, 4861-4868.
22. Fanlin Meng, Shuming Liu, Avi Ostfeld, Chao Chen, Alejandra, 2013, A Deterministic approach for Optimization of Booster Disinfection Placement and Operation for a Water Distribution System in Beijing, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15(3), 1042-1058. SCI, WOS:000320926800030, doi:10.2166/hydro.2013.149
23. Bai, Lu; Liu, Shuming; Wang, Huanhuan 2013. Theoretical Considerations of Joint Optimal Model for Water Allocation and Pipe Placement, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 316-317:715-718. SCI, WOS:000323183500149 DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.316-317.715
24. Wang Huanhuan; Liu Shuming; Meng Fanlin, Bai Lu. 2013. Investigation of the Impact of Anti-Negative Pressure Facility on a Water Distribution System, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 316-317, 719-722. SCI, WOS:000323183500150 DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.316-317.719
25. Xin Zhao, Hongying Hu, Shuming Liu, Feng Jiang, Xiaolei Shi, Mingtang Li, Xueqiao Xu, 2013 Improvement of the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) analytical method for reclaimed water, Frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 7(4), 483-491. SCI, WOS:000321138300002 DOI: 10.1007/s11783-013-0525-0
26. Chengkun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Jun Wang, Shuming Liu, Chao Chen, Yuefeng Xie. 2013. Effects of organic fractions on the formation and control of N-nitrosamine precursors during conventional drinking water treatment processes. Science of the Total Environment 449 (2013) 295–301. SCI WOS:000317538200034 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.01.080
27. Wang, Huanhuan; Liu, Shuming; Meng, Fanlin, Li Mingming. Gene Expression Programming Algorithms for Optimization of Water Distribution Networks, Procedia Engineering, 2012, 37, 359-364. SCI DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.04.253. WOS:000314039600062
28. Li, Mingming; Liu, Shuming; Zhang, Ling, Meng Fanlin, Bai Lu. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms-II Based on Multi-objective Optimization Model in the Water Distribution System, Procedia Engineering, 2012, 37, 309-313, SCI, WOS:000314039600054. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.04.245,
29. Liu, S., Liu, W., Chen, J., Wang, Q. 2012, Optimal locations of monitoring stations in water distribution systems under multiple demand patterns: a flaw of demand coverage method and modification, Frontiers of environmental science and Engineering, 6(2), 204-212. SCI, WOS:000304713300008, DOI: 10.1007/s11783-011-0364-9.
30. Tao Tao; Huang Hai-dong; Xin Kun-lun, Liu Shuming, Identification of contamination source in water distribution network based on consumer complaints, JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY, 2012, 19(6), 600-1609. SCI, WOS:000307251000019, DOI: 10.1007/s11771-012-1182-3.
31. Wang Q., Liu S., Wang H., and Savi? D. A. (2012), Multi-objective Cuckoo Search for the Optimal Design of Water Distribution Systems, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, p 402-405. DOI:10.1061/9780784412435.072, AN: 20123815442839.
32. Burchard-Levine, A., Liu, S., & Vince, F. (2012). Drinking water source contamination early warning system and modelling in China: a review. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation . Special Issue on ICEPR 2012,DOI: 10.11159/ijepr.2012.003.
33. Dang, D., Ding, W., Cheng A., Liu, S., Zhang, X., (2011) Isothern equation study of F adsorbed from water solution by Fe2(SO4)3-modified granular activated alumina, Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 19(4), 581-585. SCI, WOS:000294745400008
34. Meng, F., Liu, S., Auckenthaler, P., Bai, L., Wang, H., Wu, X. (2011) Optimization of Booster Disinfection with Backtracking Algorithm, Proceeding of International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet), 1458-1461. AN: 12056034, DOI: 10.1109/CECNET.2011.5769367
35. Meng, F., Liu, S., Auckenthaler, P., Bai, L., Wang, H., Wu, X. (2011). Optimization of booster disinfection in water distribution system using backtracking algorithm, 11th international conference on computing and control for water industry, CCWI, Exeter, UK. 2011.9.5-2011.9.7
36. Liu, S., Butler, D., Memon, F., Makropoulos, C. and Wang Q.(2010) Impact of system factors on the water saving efficiency of household grey water recycling, Desalination and Water Treatment , 24, 226-235. WOS:000286012100025, DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2010.1542
37. Liu S., Butler D., Memon F., Makropoulos M., Avery, L., Jefferson B. (2010) Impacts of residence time during storage on potential of water saving for grey water recycling system, Water Research, 44, 267-277. WOS:000273066300026, DOI: 10.1016 /j.watres.2009.09.023
38. Liu S., Tucker P., Mansell M., (2010) A conceptual nitrate transport model and Its application at different scales, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 15, Issue 4 251-261. WOS:000279502000003, DOI: 10.1007/s10666-009-9201-y
39. Makropoulosa C.K., Natsisb, K., Liu S., Mittasc, K., Butler D. (2008) Decision support for sustainable option selection in integrated urban water management. Environmental Modelling & Software 23,1448–1460. WOS:000259058400011, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.04.010
40. Pidou M, Avery L, Stephenson T, Jeffrey P, Parsons SA, Liu S, Memon FA, Jefferson B. 2008 Chemical solutions for greywater recycling. CHEMOSPHERE 77(1) 147-155. WOS:000254160100019, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.10.046
41. Frazer-Williams, R., Avery, L., Gideon, W., Jeffrey, P., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S. and Jefferson, B. 2008 Constructed wetlands for urban grey water recycling, The International Journal for Environment and Pollution,33(1)93-109. WOS:000256288100008
42. Memon, F. A., Zheng, Z., Butler, D., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S., Makropoulos, C. & Avery, L. 2007 Life cycle impact assessment of greywater recycling technologies for new developments, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal , 129, 27-35. WOS:000247095200004, 10.1007/s10661-006-9422-3
43. Liu, S., Butler, D., Brazier, R., Heathwaite, L., Khu, ST. (2007) Using genetic algorithms to calibrate a water quality model. Science of the Total Environment. 374, 260– 272. SCI, WOS:000245364500008, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.12.042
44. Memon, F., A. Fidar, K. Littlewood, D. Butler, C. Makropoulos and S. Liu (2007). A performance investigation of small-bore sewers. Water Science & Technology, 55(4) 85-91. SCI, WOS:000245786200010, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2007.098
45. Lisa M Avery, Ronnie A D Frazer-Williams, Gideon Winward, Chris Shirley-Smith, Shuming Liu, Ali-Memon Fayyaz, Bruce Jefferson, Constructed wetlands for grey water treatment, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2007, 7(3-4), 191-200.
46. Memon FA, Makropoulos CK, Liu S, Fewtrell L, Hurley L, Mounce S, Morley MS, Butler D. (2007) Decision support tools for the delivery of sustainable urban water management in new developments, International Conference on CCWI2007 and SUWM2007, Leicester, 3rd - 5th Sep 2007, Water Management Challenges in Global Change, pages 601-606.
47. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Memon, F., Butler, D. 2007. An object based household water cycle model: concept and construction. Water Practice and Technology 2(2).
48. Makropoulos, C., Liu, S., Memon, F., Butler, D. 2007. Supporting the choice, siting and evaluation of sustainable drainage systems in new urban developments. Water Practice and Technology 2(2).
49. Heathwaite, A. L., McKenna, P., Brazier, R., Krause, S., Liu, S., Lord, E., Johnes, P. J., Wood, G. (2007) Application and evaluation of the Phosphorus Indicators Tool at catchment, river basin and national scales.
50. Liu, S., Heathwaite, A.L. and Brazier, R.E., 2005. An investigation into the inputs controlling predictions froth a diffuse phosphorus loss model for the UK: the Phosphorus Indicators Tool (PIT). Science of The Total Environment, 344, 1-3, 211-223. SCI, WOS:000230019100015, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.02.017
51. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M., Hursthouse, A., 2005. Development and application of a catchment scale diffuse nitrate modelling tool. Hydrological Processes 19 2625–2639. SCI, WOS:000231587100011, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5678
52. Brazier, R.E., Heathwaite, A.L. and Liu, S., 2005 Scaling issues relating to phosphorus transfer from land to water in agricultural catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 304, 1-4 , 330-342. WOS:000227881700024, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.07.047
53. Heathwaite, A. L., Dils, R. M., Liu, S., Carvalho, L., Brazier, R. E., Pope, L., Hughes, M., Phillips, G. and May, L. 2005 A tiered risk-based approach for predicting diffuse and point source phosphorus losses in agricultural areas. Science of The Total Environment, 344, 1-3, 225-239. SCI, WOS:000230019100016, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.02.034
54. Memon, F.A., Butler, d., Han, W., Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Avery, L.M., Pidou, M. 2005. Economic assessment tool for greywater recycling systems. Engineering Sustainability 158 ES3, 155-161. EI, AN: 2005399384739
55. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A. (2003) Application of a water quality model in the white cart water catchment, Glasgow, UK. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 25 (1), 57-62. SCI, WOS:000179471600008, DOI: 10.1023/A:1021244814337
56. Carvalho L, Maberly S, Heathwaite AL, May L, Reynolds CR, Hughes M, Brazier RE, Liu S, Hilton J, Hornby D, Bennion H, Elliott A, Willby N, Dils RM, Pope L, Fozzard I and Phillips G. Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Nutrient Impacts in Surface Freshwater Bodies. Environment Agency, Bristol, ISBN: 1 84432 415 X., 171 pp.
57. 刘书明,李明明,王欢欢,王琦,孟凡琳,陈晋端. 基于非支配排序遗传算法的给水管网多目标优化设计. 中国给水排水(已接收) 。
58. 李明明,刘书明,郑少博,赵云鹏,张玲,李若楠,常田. 环氧树脂喷涂修复对供水管网水质的影响研究. 中国给水排水. (已接收)
59. 李明明,刘阔,赵云鹏,刘书明,张玲,常田,李若男. 环氧树脂喷涂修复对供水管网节点压力的影响. 中国给水排水. (已接收)
60. 李明明,赵云鹏,刘阔,常田,刘书明. 国内外供水管网环氧树脂喷涂修复的研究现状. 中国给水排水.(已接收)
61. 刘书明,王欢欢,信昆仑. 城镇给水管网多目标优化设计算法及应用.中国给水排水,2014,30(1),52-55 。
62. 王欢欢,刘书明,徐锦华等. 基于智能优化算法的供水管网爆管定位,同济大学学报, 2014,42(5),740-745
63. 张玲, 刘书明, 胡洪营. 塑料管材输配水过程中有机物释放规律研究,中国环境科学,2014,34(6):1478~1484。
64. 刘书明 吴雪 欧阳乐研 不确定节点水量下水质监测点优化选址方法,环境科学,2013 ,34(8),3108-3112。
65. 刘书明,王欢欢,徐 鹏,徐 速 (2013) 多目标大规模供水管网监测点的优化选址,《清华大学学报》,53(1),78-83。
66. 丁文明,钮佰杰,程安国,张旭,刘书明,程明博,徐冬春,北京小汤山地下水除氟示范工程的设计与运行,中国给水排水 ,2013,29(2),78-81.
64. 刘书明,吴雪,欧阳乐岩。基于污染源反追踪的水质监测点优化选址,同济大学学报(自然科学版) ,41(5)742-745。DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2013.05.018, AN: 20132716471491
67. 王欢欢,刘书明,姜帅,孟凡琳,白璐,无负压供水模式下管网水力模拟与安全评价分析,《环境科学》,2013,34(1),163-167。
68. 程安国; 丁文明; 钮佰杰; 刘时伟; 张旭; 刘书明。改性活性氧化铝吸附除氟的连续试验研究。北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) ,2012,39(3),86-90。
69. 姜帅,吴雪,刘书明。我国部分城市管网漏水现状分析,北京水务,2012, 3,14-17。
70. 吴雪,刘书明,李翠萍,王琦,方晔,吴红。复杂水源突发污染条件下系统安全评估方法及应用,城镇供水,2012, 2,85-89。
71. 陈晋端, 刘书明, 孟凡琳等. 给水管网管径管材联合优化算法的设计及应用. 给水排水. 2010, 36(11),165-168.
72. 王琦,刘书明,刘文君,方晔,陈晋端 (2010)基于风险分析的多水源原水系统应急优化调度, 中国给水排水, 26(23),44-47。
73. 刘书明,李振瑜,陈晋端,王琦,孟凡琳 (2010) 基于覆盖水量的监测点优化选址法的缺陷与改进, 环境科学 , 31(1), 88-92.
74. 刘书明; 陈晋端; 王琦; 孟凡琳;2010。遗传算法与其变型求解管径优选问题的比较,清华大学学报(自然科学版),50(11),1870-1874。AN: 20111113755396.
75. 刘书明,刘文君,陈晋端 (2009)给水管网水质监测点优化选址研究进展, 中国给水排水, 25(22), 20-24.
76. 孟凡琳,刘书明,许春华,王琦,陈晋端,曹百川 (2009)基于改进层次分析法的小城镇供水消毒工艺的选择,城镇供水 , 6, 28-31. (11-5, 863-06)
77. 王琦,刘书明,陈晋端,孟凡琳 (2009)基于EPANET的供水系统中变频变压供水方式的模拟, 给水排水, 35, 185-188.
78. 刘文君,刘书明,杨宏伟,方晔,刘万里,韩梅平,冯兆敏(2009)分散复杂水源地应对突发污染事件的应急供水方案, 城镇供水, 2, 8-11.
79. Burchard-Levine, A., Liu, S., (2012) Source Water Contamination Early Warning System and Modelling in China: A Review, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 28-30, August.
80. Wang H, Liu S., Meng F., Li M. (2012),Gene Expression Programming Algorithms for Optimization of Water Distribution Networks, The Second SREE Conference on Engineering Modelling and Simulation (CEMS 2012),Hongkong,China,21-22,July.
81. Li Mingming, Liu Shuming, Zhangling, Wang Huanhuan, Meng Fanlin, Bai Lu(2012), Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms-Ⅱ Based on Multi-objective Optimization Model in the Water Distribution System. The Second SREE Conference on Engineering Modelling and Simulation(CEMS 2012), Hong Kong, China, Volume 37.
82. 丁文明 钮佰杰 程安国 程明博 刘书明 张旭。2012,北京小汤山地下水除氟示范工程的设计与运行,中国土木工程学会水工业分会给水深度处理研究会2012年年会论文集。
83. Meng, F., Liu, S., Auckenthaler, P., Bai, L., Wang, H., Wu, X. (2011) Optimization of Location of Booster Stations using Backtracking Algorithm,2011 International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability (Drinkingwater 3S), Hangzhou, China, 9-11, October.
84. Wang H., Liu, S., Meng, F., Bai, L. (2011).Investigation of the Impact of Anti-Negative Pressure Facility on a Water Distribution System, 2011 International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability (Drinkingwater 3S), Hangzhou, China, 9-11, October.
85. Meng, F., Liu, S., Auckenthaler, P., Bai, L., Wang, H., Wu, X. (2011) Optimization of Location of Booster Stations using Backtracking Algorithm,2011 International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability (Drinkingwater 3S), Hangzhou, China, 9-11, October.
86. Wang H., Liu, S., Meng, F., Bai, L. (2011).Investigation of the Impact of Anti-Negative Pressure Facility on a Water Distribution System, 2011 International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability (Drinkingwater 3S), Hangzhou, China, 9-11, October.
87. Meng, F., Liu, S., Auckenthaler, P., Bai, L., Wang, H., Wu, X., Meng, G. (2011) Optimization of booster disinfection in water distribution system using backtracking algorithm, The 11th International Conference Computing and Control for the Water Industry, Exeter, UK, 5-7, Sept.
88. Auckenthaler, P., Liu, S. (2011) Optimal sensor placement for source localisation under conditions of water demand uncertainty, The 11th International Conference Computing and Control for the Water Industry, Exeter, UK, 5-7, Sept.
89. 刘书明 王欢欢 徐鹏 徐速,2011多目标大规模供水管网监测点的优化选址,第六届中国城镇水务发展国际研讨会论文集。
90. Chen, J., Liu, S, Wang, Q, Meng F(2010) Temporal Dispersion-Preferred Demand Coverage Method: An Improved Optimal Sensor Placement Approach, Hydroinformatics, Tianjian, China, 7-11, Sept.
91. Wang, Q., Liu, S., Liu, W., Wu, X., (2010) Water Level Control Lines Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm in Water Supply System with Multi-Source during Saline Tide Period, Conference for Water Distribution System Analysis, Tucson, US, 12-15, Sept.
92. 刘书明。 2010,给水管网的管理:基于SCADA和管网模型的思考,供水管网分区定量控制产销差一体化系统解决方案研讨会论文集。
93. 王琦 刘书明 刘文君 李翠萍 方晔 吴红,2010,城市供水系统应急调度技术体系建设及案例分析,城市供水应急技术和管理研讨会论文集。
94. Liu, S., Liu, W., Wang, Q., Chen, J. (2009) Optimal locations of monitoring stations in water distribution systems under multiple demand patterns: a flaw of demand coverage method and modification, World City Water Forum 2009, Incheon, Korea, 17-20 Aug.
95. 党丹 霍亚坤 刘书明 张旭 郭华明 丁文明,2009。几种改性活性氧化铝除氟试验研究,第四届中国城镇水务发展国际研讨会暨中国城镇供水排水协会2009年年会论文集。
96. 刘文君 刘书明 杨宏伟 方晔 刘万里 韩梅平 冯兆敏,2008,分散复杂水源地应对突发污染事件的应急供水方案,城镇供水水源预警系统&应急处理技术专题研讨会论文集。
97. 王琦 刘书明 陈晋端, 2008,城市复杂水源原水系统应急水量调度风险分析,城镇供水水源预警系统&应急处理技术专题研讨会论文集。
98. 李振瑜 刘沫 杨宏伟 刘书明, 2008,农村安全供水适宜技术的研发策略及案例分析,全国农村饮水安全技术交流研讨会论文集。
99. Liu, S., Butler, D., Memon, F.A. and Makropoulos, C. K. (2007). Exploring the water saving potential of domestic greywater reuse systems. 4TH IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply (Efficient 2007), Jeju Island, Korea, 20-23 May, 2007,
100. Memon, F.A., Makropoulos, C. K., Liu, S., Fewtrell, L., Hurley, L., Mounce, S., Morley, M. S. and Butler, D. (2007). Decision support tools for the delivery of sustainable urban water management in new developments, International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Sue-Mot Conference, 27-29 June, Glasgow, UK.
101. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Memon, F. A. and Butler, D. (2007) A storage tank sizing tool for grey water recycling systems. International Conference for Computing and Control for the Water Industry and Sustainable Urban Water Management, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 3-5 September 2007.
102. Memon, F.A., Butler, D., Liu, S., Sim, P., Parsons, J., Kellagher, R., Boonya-Aroonnet, S., Millan, A.M. (2007) Sustainability investigation tools for water management in new developments. International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Sue-Mot Conference, 27-29 June, Glasgow, UK
103. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Butler, D., Memon, F. and Fidar, A. (2006) An object based household water cycle model: concept and construction. Urban Drainage Modelling and Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 3 – 7 April.
104. Shirly-Smith, C. Liu, S. 2006. Green Roof Water Recycling System – GROW. 5th IWA Beijing Congress, Beijing.
105. Makropoulos, C. K., Liu, S., Natsis, K, Memon, F. A. and Butler, D (2006) Supporting the choice, siting and evaluation of sustainable drainage systems in new urban developments. Urban Drainage Modelling and Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 3 – 7 April.
106. Memon, F.A, Fidar, A., Littlewood, L., Makropoulos, C., Liu, S and Butler, D. (2006). Physical model application for the performance investigation of small bore sewers. 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th International conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia,3 – 7 April.
107. Liu, S., Butler D., Makropoulos C. and Memon F. (2005) An excel-matlab based decision making framework and its application in urban water management, CCWI2005, Vol 2, 21-26, Exeter, UK.
108. Memon, F. A., Butler, D., Makropoulos, C., Liu S. and Avery L. (2005) Decision support for the sustainable urban environment: Modelling the economic viability of grey water systems. EPSRC Research Fellows’ Conference, 28th Feb.
109. Avery, L., Pidou, M., Jeffrey, P., Memon, F., Liu, S and Jefferson, B. (2005) Selection of robust technologies for urban. EPSRC Research Fellows’ Conference, 28th Feb.
110. Pidou, M., Avery, L.M., Stephenson, T., Jeffrey, P., Liu, S, Memon, F. and Jefferson, B.The efficacy of adsorption processes for greywater reuse in urban environments. IWA Young Researchers conference, Leeds, UK. April 6th-7th, 2005.
111. Avery, L.M., Frazer-Williams R.A.D., Winward, G., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S. and Jefferson, B. (2005). Constructed wetlands for grey water recycling. Workshop on ‘Wastewater Treatment in Wetlands – theoretical and practical aspects’, Starbienino, Poland Sept 10-17, 2005.
112. Frazer-Williams, R., Avery, L., Jeffrey, P., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S., and Jefferson, B. (2005). “Constructed wetlands for urban grey water recycling.” In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. September, 15-17, 2005, Nicosia-Cyprus.
113. Liu, S., Heathwaite, A.L., Brazier, R., Dils, R., Pope, L., Phillips, G., Carvalho, L., (2004) Pressures and impacts of diffuse agricultural phosphorus sources on freshwaters. Joint Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Agriculture College Biennial conference. 24-25, March.
114. Liu, S., Braizer, R., Heathwaite, L., (2003) Implications of uncertainty and parameter sensitivity for predictions of phosphorus loss at the catchment scale. 7th International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 8-10 September 2003.
115. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A. (2002) A new method of simulating nitrate transport in diffuse pollution and its integration with a GIS. 3rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Dec 11-14, Geneva, Switzerland.
116. Liu, S., Tucker, P, Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A., (2001) Application of a water quality model in the White Cart Water Catchment. The 19th European Meeting of SEGH, April 2001, UK
117. Liu, S., Tucker, P, Mansell, M. and Speris, D., Application of an urban water quality model. (2001) International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies, Sep 12-15, Beijing, China.
118. 刘书明,车晗. 一种基于传统在线监测仪的污染事件快速探测方法. 申请号:201410535694.9.
119. 刘书明,刘文君,吴雪. 水域除污拦截吸附坝及其拼装组件. 授权号:ZL 201010034211.9
120. 刘文君,刘书明,吴雪. 水域除油单元及其组合而成的拦油坝. 授权号:ZL 201010034210.4
121. 刘书明,刘文君,王琦,吴雪. 城市多水源原水系统应急调度方法和系统. 授权号:ZL 201010615281.3
122. 刘书明,刘文君,陈晋端,吴雪. 给水管网优化设计方法和系统. 授权号:ZL 201110076580.9
123. 刘书明,吴雪. 一种智能节水型水龙头. 授权号:201220025833.X(实用新型)
124. 刘书明,刘文君,陈晋端,吴雪. 给水管网管径、管材联合优化方法和系统. 申请号:201110065539.1(实质审核阶段)
125. 刘书明,吴雪. 一种智能节水型水龙头. 申请号:201210017749.8
126. 刘书明,夏云庆,汪玉,车晗,李林. 供水管网监测数据自识别软件. 受理号:2014R11S183233.
127. 刘书明,夏云庆,汪玉,车晗,李林. 供水管网监测数据交互识别软件. 受理号:2014R11S183232
128. 刘书明,王琦,吴雪. 城市多水源原水系统应急调度决策支持系统V1.0. 授权号:2010SR074767
129. 刘书明,陈晋端,吴雪. 供水管网设计优化计算软件V1.0. 授权号:2011SR008335
130. 刘书明,陈晋端,吴雪. 供水管网管径管材优化软件V1.0. 授权号:2011SR008332
131. 刘书明,陈晋端,孟凡琳,吴雪. 供水系统和数据采集与监控系统接口软件V1.0. 授权号:2011SR019968
132. 刘书明, 车晗等。供水管网监测数据自识别软件V1.0,申请号2014R11S183233
133. 刘书明,车晗等、供水管网监测数据交互识别软件V1.0,申请号2014R11S183232.
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