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There are many proverbs and sayings in English that involve money. Here are some of the most popular.
1. A fool and his money are soon parted
Means that people who spend their money on foolish things will lose their money and become poor. This is something that often happens to people who suddenly get a lot of money, especially if that money comes in one lump sum or over the period of a few years.
This happens a lot with lottery winners and athletes. They get a lot of money at one time, spend it on silly, useless things and before they know it, the money is gone.
He won $50 million dollars and somehow lost it all in just a few short years. He spent it on silly things and loaned money to friends and family. A fool and his money are soon parted.
2. A good name is better than riches
Means that a good reputation is worth more than any amount of money.
Always do what you say you are going to do. A good name is better than riches.
3. A good payer is a master of another’s purse
Means that someone who pays their bills on time can always borrow money. In other words if you have good credit, people will lend you money.
My parents taught me that it’s always important to pay your bills in full and on time. A good payer is a master of another’s purse.
4. A good paymaster never wants workmen
Means that if an employer pays on time and pays fairly, they will always have people to work for them. In other words, pay well, pay on time, and you’ll have good workers.
People really enjoy working for this company because they pay fairly and on time. A good paymaster never wants workmen.
5. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
Is the opposite of the proverb above. It means that if you don’t pay well, you won’t get good workers. If you do happen to get a good worker, they’ll probably leave quickly.
The company started paying later and later, and making it more difficult for their employees to get their money. Soon all the good employees left. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
6. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise
Refers to waking up early in the morning and going to bed early allows for people to have a productive day. Going to bed early will assure that one has a good night’s sleep, and waking up early allows for one to have an entire day to get things accomplished.
Steve says that going to bed early and getting a good night’s sleep is part of his success for being super productive during the day. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
7. Money doesn’t grow on trees
Is one of the most common sayings involving money that is said in America. It reminds people to remember the value of money. It takes hard work to get money, it doesn’t come easily. Therefore, you should keep that in mind when you spend it.
Stop asking for things you don’t need and don’t really want. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
8. Money is the root of all evil
Refers to money being the cause or motivation for everything bad. It simply means that all wickedness and evil comes from money. The original quote is the love of money is the root of all evil. It has been shortened. Money isn’t the problem, it’s how much people love it, and what they will do to get it, that is the problem.
Money is the root of all evil.He betrayed his friends in their time of need, just so he could make a few dollars.
9. Money isn’t everything
Means that money is not the only thing of value, and it’s not the only thing that should be focused on.There are far more important things in the world, such as love and family.
This is usually said to encourage someone to either not be disappointed because they feel they are lacking money. Or it may be said to someone who is focusing too much on money, and they need to be reminded that there are more important things.
I know you’re very focused on your career, but don’t work so hard that you lose sight of what’s really important. Remember, money isn’t everything.
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