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备受期待的2018完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语已在12月23号下午5点落下帷幕,英语二大作文不出意料,考到了重点讲到的饼状图——分析2017年某市消费者选择餐厅时的关注因素。
一. 审题
第一段:描述图表。针对这种饼状图,我们在海文的课堂上,屡次给大家提到了饼状图的分析思路和可直接套用的模板。只要大家按照饼状图的模板,再结合主题词的翻译,可以在很短的时间内搞定第一段。另外,第一段一个很重要的部分就是标题文字翻译,不过,在海文冲刺课堂上,老师专门带领大家重点专题练习过标题文字的翻译方法,所以,在翻译时,从后往前翻,其他的处理为后置定语,时间状语,地点状语等即可。标题翻译为:focusing factors of customers in a city when choosing a restaurant in 2017。接下来就可以直接套用首段饼状图模板:Emerging from the clearly depicted pie chart is the distribution of focusing factors of citizens in a city when choosing a restaurant in 2017, consisting of 4 parts, which are features, service, environment, price and other factors. Among them, the proportion of service, environment, price and other factors is 26.8%, 23.8%, 8.4% and 4.7% respectively. By contrast, the factor of focusing on features of the restaurant is in the lead, accounting for 36.3%.
第二段:分析原因。图表所呈现的现象是消费者在外出就餐时,更注重个人享受,而不是单纯的价格优惠。可见,引起这种现象的原因很明显,可以从两个角度去展开分析:1.国家经济和个人财富的发展;2.人们生活水平的日益提高。这两条消费类话题的原因分析,之前在冲刺课堂上,我们练习的网上购物,购买智能家居电器的文章,都可以直接套用,替换主题词即可。What has triggered this phenomenon? To begin with, with the fast development of national economy and personal wealth, people in China have stepped into an era of enjoying life, transforming traditional pattern of living. Therefore, such a great proportion of citizens are more likely to focus on the features of a restaurant, instead of only concentrating on the price. Moreover, in a society where living standard is highly advocated, citizens in mounting numbers in China, shrugging off their former habit of focusing on lower price, gradually find the service and environment of a restaurant are essential factors. According to a survey conducted by China Research Center, up to 87% Chinese people prefer to choose a comfortable and fashionable restaurant when they go out for eating.
第三段:提出自身见解,加以合理展望。第三段简单介绍下这种趋势的发展情况,预测这种趋势还会这样持续下去。海文冲刺课堂上给大家整理出来的结尾段,可以直接套用,不用做任何的调整。Taking into account what has been argued so far, I am inclined to think about the current situation is normal. In view of the analysis above, it can be predicted that the trend will continue in the future. Accordingly, it is of no necessity for the public to regard it with too much consideration.
总而言之,2018年的英语二大作文,继续延续了历年的出题特点,只要大家把冲刺课堂上讲过的社会消费类热点话题合理套用,可以很快写出一篇高质量的文章。最后祝大家完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS金榜题名!
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