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攻克完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语长难句,除了词汇过关之外,对于语法句型也要熟悉,学会拆分与组合。长难句中常见10种结构句型,考生若是能够熟练掌握,相信分析起来会轻松不少。下面小编为大家分析解读状语从句结构:
时间引导词:when , after , before , while , until , till , since , as soon as , everytime , the moment等
地点引导词:where , wherever等
原因引导词:because , since=now that , as等
条件引导词:if , whether , unless , as long as ,on condition that , providing that等
结果引导词:so / such ... that , so等
目的引导词:in order that , so that等
让步引导词:though , although , however , whatever=no matter what even if , even though , as (倒装) 等
方式引导词:as , as if等
比较引导词:than , as ... as , the more ... , the more ... 等
二、完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS举例
例句1:While formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role , informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child's development .
【重点词汇解析】transmit,vt. 传输、传播 vi. 传输、发射信号;(in)formal,adj. (非)正式的
例句2:While it is true that this competition may induce efforts to expand territory at the expense of others , and thus lead to conflict , it cannot be said that war-like conflict among other nations is inevitable , although competition is .
【重点词汇解析】territory,n. 领土、版图;expense,n. 代价、损失 vt. 向……收取费用;inevitable,adj. 不可避免的
例句3: While it is true that to date the Internet seems to be favoring the most developed sectors of the international community over the less developed , this need not always be the case .
【重点词汇解析】favor,vt. 喜欢、赞成 n. 喜爱
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