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School of Physics and Astronomy
Yunnan University
Yunnan, China
Tel.86 871-65035570
E-mail: ytren@ynu.edu.cn
1978年2月-- 1982年1月, 云南大学物理系物理专业, 获理学学士学位
1984年9月-- 1984年7月, 云南大学物理系电子离子物理专业, 获理学硕士学位
1995年10月-- 1999年5月, 英国达勒姆大学 (University of Durham) 物理系光电子专业,获博士学位
Ph.D.in Optoelectronics, Physics Department, UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM, Durham, UK (October 1995 - May 1999)
M.Sc.in Optoelectronics, Physics Department, UNIVERSITY OF YUNNAN, Yunnan, China (September 1984 – July 1987)
B.Sc.in Physics, Physics Department, UNIVERSITY OF YUNNAN, Yunnan, China (February 1978 – January 1982)
Work experience
Working in the Southwest Forestry University of China as an assistant (1982 – 1984) after graduation. Then transferring to the Kunming University of Technology and Science as a Lecturer, associated professor (1987 –1995). Doing research in the University of Durham as a posdoc in UK (1995) after my Ph.D graduation. Continuing research work in the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy as a research fellow, (1999 – 2000), and doing research and teaching in the Technical University of Denmark (2000 – 2005) as a lecturer. Back to the Yunnan University as a professor from 2006.
Research interests
Optical waveguides and devices, optical integration and optical sensor, optoelectric devices
碳纤维放电应用基础研究, 云南省重点项目
金微栅/石墨烯量子点的制备及其光电性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金
Papers published
1.Graham H. Cross, Yitao Ren, Neville J. Freeman, “Young’s fringes from vertically integrated slab waveguides: Applications to humidity sensing”, J. Appl. Phys., 86 (11), 6483-6488 (1999).
2.Graham H. Cross, Yitao Ren, Marcus J. Swann, “Refractometric discrimination of void-space filling and swelling during vapour sorption in polymer films”, The Analyst, 125 (12), 2173-2175 (2000).
3.Yitao Ren, Marek Szablewski, and Graham H. Cross, “Waveguide photodegradation of nonlinear optical organic chromophores in polymeric films”, Appl. Opt., 39 (15), 2499-2506 (2000).
4.Yitao Ren, Lucia Petti, Pasquale Mormile and Werner J Blau, “Optically induced light modulation in epoxy-based polymer dispersed liquid crystals”, Journal of Modern Optics, 48 (6), 1099-1112 (2001).
5.Yitao Ren, Pasquale Mormile, Lucia Petti and Graham H. Cross, “Waveguide Humidity Sensor with Symmetric Multi-layer polymer Configuration”, Sensor and Actuator B, 75 (1-2), 76-82 (2001).
6.Yitao Ren, Carl Johan Marckmann, Jesper Arentoft and Martin Kristensen, “Thermally poled channel waveguides with polarization independent electro-optic effect”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14 (5), 639-641 (2002).
7.Yitao Ren, “Efficiency shifts of prism coupling into polymer waveguides subject to environmental variations”, Optical Materials, 19 (4), 443-447 (2002).
8.Yitao Ren, Graham H. Cross, “Photostability studies on high dipole nonlinear optical adducts of TCNQ in polymer optical waveguides”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 11 (2), 131-142 (2002).
9.Carl Johan Marckmann, Yitao Ren, Goery Genty and Martin Kristensen, “Strength and symmetry of the third-order nonlinearity during poling of glass waveguides”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14 (9), 1294-1296 (2002).
10. Yitao Ren, Carl Johan Marckmann, Rune Shim Jacobsen and Martin Kristensen, “Poling effect of a charge-trapping layer in glass waveguides”, Appl. Phys. B, 78 (3-4), 371-375 (2004).
11. Yitao Ren, “Nonlinear effect induced in thermally poled glass waveguides”, J.Zhejiang Univ Science A 7 (1), 105-108(2006).
12. 张立平,任一涛,黄寅等,光波导结构对其极化电光效益的影响, 激光杂志, 31(5), 27-30(2010)(通信作者)
13. 任一涛, 黄寅, 丁心仁等, 紫外写入条形光波导芯区折射率的测算, 中国激光,38 (s1) , s108006-1~6(2011)
14. 张立平,任一涛,低阈值极化电压玻璃光波导的电光效应研究, 光电子.激光, 23(2), 254-259(2012)
15. Yitao Ren, Zhenquan Dai, Jian Wang, “Theoretical analysis of the depletion layer’s distribution in thermally-poled silica”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 60(8), 1224-1228(2012)
16. 任一涛,黄楚勇,罗金龙, “紫外曝光法制备高掺锗光波导分束器及耦合器”, 激光与光电子学进展, 50, 092301(2013)
17. 戴正权,王剑,段金燕,任一涛, “基于结模型的极化石英玻璃内建电场分析”, 激光杂志, 35(2), 16-19(2014)(通信作者)
18. 任一涛, 微量湿度和有机集成光波导芯片传感器及制备方法 (发明专利),201010602836.0
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