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完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语的作文题目往往会关注社会热点,比如2014年完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语二大作文题目与城镇化有关,要求分析中国城镇人口和乡村人口变化图。试想如果平时不了解城镇化或者不能用英语表达出相关的内容,你又怎么能够在考试的时候写出高分作文呢?可见平时多读英语热点新闻的重要性不言而喻。相信跟着小编学习完这篇2016年4月20日的英语新闻后,同学们再碰到类似的话题一定能够思如泉涌,笔下生花!
Govt report: China's urbanization level reached 56.1%
China's urbanization level has reached 56.1 percent, that's according to the first official urbanization report book compiled by the National Development and Reform Commission. The country also plans for more small and medium sized cities along with ahuman-centered urbanization path.
China has 653 cities now, compared to 193 in 1978. The top economic planning body says that number could be increased.
"Even Japan has over 1000 cities. We have over 200 counties and towns that can be converted to medium and small cities. We'll speed up setting the standards to support that this year," Xu Lin, director of Planning Dept., NDRC, said.
China's fast urbanization has left many problems. One of them...many new buildings in disuse, leading to what's called "ghost cities".
Since 2014, the central government began to advance a new path that's human-centered and environmentally friendly.
China aims to make 60 percent of its population live in cities by 2020.
中国规划到2020年使常住人口城镇化率达到 60%。
The country counted 277 million migrant rural workers last year. Without a household registration permit, called a Hukou, in the city they work in, they are denied access to many social benefits.
And many have left their ageing parents and children in their rural home.
Speeding up a reform on that, is topping this year's priorities.
"We're improving migrant rural workers'citizenship. We'll enable them to take their family to cities, and get access to the same medical care and education as locals," Xu said.
The National Development and Reform Commission says from this year on, a book will be published every year, to tell the pubic about all the progress and problems in the country's urbanization process.
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