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Directions:Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’ physical condition.
You should include the details you think necessary.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
首先,各位同学需要根据之前讲过的方法,审出四点关键信息。①应用文的类型(题干中的关键字“letter”就告诉了各位考生应用文的类型是书信);②书信的类型(大纲中规定的书信类型总共12种,但是根据关键词“suggesting”就可以判断此篇为建议信); ③称呼语(这封信是写给“the president of your university”,“president”是对方的一种职位,所以称呼语为“Dear President” ;④写作背景(……how to improve students’ physical condition,如何提高学生的身体素质)。因此,我们可以根据这四点关键信息来组织我们这篇文章:
Dear President,
I am the chairman of the Students Union and always keep a watchful eye on our students’ physical condition. Generally speaking, the activities and courses that you provide to help strengthen the students’ health are pretty good. While, there are some better suggestions for you to further improve our physical condition.
First of all, I would be very grateful if you could introduce more sports facilities for our students exercising, because exercising is the most effective way to keep healthy and energetic. What’s more, the food that the refectory prepares for us is of great importance to our physical condition. So it is advisable for the refectory to buy fresher vegetables.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could take my suggestions into consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
在语言上,各位考生可以借鉴的如下:自我介绍的句型“ I am ……”表明相关的句型可以用“and”并列结构“and always keep a watchful eye on ……”;表达表扬的句型“Generally speaking, …… are/is pretty good”;表明建议的句型可以使用“First of all, I would be very grateful if you could ……”或者“So it is advisable for sb to ……”表明期待的句型“It would be very appreciated if you could take my …… into consideration.”;
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