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Study: Smiling at drivers helps you cross the road faster
Smiling at drivers helps pedestrians to cross the road as quickly as possible, according to a recent study released by the University of Southern Brittany in France.
Researchers conducted the survey with 1,200 drivers. The results show that when the female pedestrians smiled at male drivers at a crossroads, 72 percent of drivers stopped their vehicles and let the pedestrian pass. However, if the pedestrian was male and did not smile, only 38 percent of drivers did so.
When not at a crossroads, 36 percent of male drivers stopped their cars and let smiling female pedestrians pass. However, only 9 percent of unsmiling male pedestrians received this friendly gesture.
Conversely, if the drivers were female, nearly 40 percent stopped to let the male pedestrians pass, but the number dropped to 18 percent for male pedestrians without a smile.
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