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Finance and economics
Banking for immigrants-Far-sighted
Catering to foreign-born customers is a growingniche in finance
MOST banks wouldn't lend to Roberta. She arrived in New York from Mexico with papers but nocredit history. But Neighborhood Trust Federal Credit Union, which specialises in lending toimmigrants, gave her advice and a $2,000 loan. She started out selling Mexican food from acart. She now runs a food truck, employs five people and has plans to expand.
Many immigrants, like Roberta, want to save or start a business. But they struggle to getfinance. In America 23% of households headed by a non-citizen, and 35% of households whereonly Spanish is spoken, have no bank accounts—compared with 8% for the population as awhole. There are multiple barriers: not just low incomes, which make it hard to meet minimum-balance requirements, but also trouble with language, identification and trust.
Neighborhood Trust is trying to change that. More than half its members are Latino, largelyfrom the Dominican Republic, and many are undocumented. Most of the staff are themselvesimmigrants, and know their members well: they visit borrowers'businesses often and offerworkshops on financial literacy. The hands-on approach keeps default rates low.
Other financial firms, in both America and Europe, are also finding new ways to serveimmigrants. Some are like Neighborhood Trust—small and community-minded. Others arestartups hoping for big profits. Oportun is a good example: the American lender has madeloans of $1.9 billion since 2006, mostly to Latinos, using big data and clever algorithms to lendto those without a credit history.
These firms have several tactics in common. The first is to make it easy to open an account—aprocess that is often unnecessarily slow and intimidating. Monese, a startup based in London,allows European migrants to open an account by phone with just a photo of a passport and aselfie.
A second shared tactic is to make life easier for those, such as illegal immigrants, who maystruggle to prove their identity. Banks can be fussy: in one survey half of unbanked Mexicanimmigrants in New York said a lack of documentation prevented them opening an account. Butmany American banks will accept taxpayer identification numbers and consular ID cards, whichcan be obtained irrespective of immigration status. In New York 12 financial firms, includingNeighborhood Trust, accept a new card launched by the city government to help undocumentedmigrants access services—though no big banks do.
Third, instead of waiting for immigrants to come knocking, these firms seek them out. Oportun,for instance, has branches inside shops in Latino neighbourhoods. Mission Asset Fund, aCalifornian non-profit group, assists informal savings groups in immigrant communities. Asmembers make small, regular payments into a common pot from which they take turns toborrow, they are also able to develop a formal credit history.
第三,与其坐等移民上门,不如出门去找。比如Oportun,在拉美人社区中的商店里设分支机构。加利福尼亚的非营利组织Mission Asset Fund则在移民社区里协助非正式储蓄小组。小组成员定期向共有的总账户存入小笔金额,他们再轮流向总账户借钱。通过这种方式,他们便有了正式的信贷记录。
A final tactic is to tailor services to meet the particular needs of migrants. Extrabanca, inItaly, explicitly markets itself as a bank for immigrants. Many of its customers are from China,the Philippines and eastern Europe. It helps them deal with the red tape involved in renting ahouse or starting a business. Many American credit unions offer “citizenship loans” to cover thecosts of naturalisation. Some offer illegal immigrants loans to pay the fees for amnestyschemes.
最后一点是为移民客户量身打造所需业务。 意大利的Extrabanca公开以移民银行的身份推销自己。他们的很多客户来自中国、菲律宾和东欧。Extrabanca帮助这些客户处理租房和创业时要经历的繁文缛节。不少美国信贷联合机构还提供”公民贷款“,支付移民归化过程中的花费。有的还借贷给非法移民使其免于牢狱之灾。
Larger banks can be put off, at least in part, by regulation. Many have stopped offeringinternational transfers in response to tighter rules on money-laundering and terroristfinancing. In Britain, new laws bar banks from opening accounts for illegal immigrants. Butsome big banks are catching on. Scotiabank, in Canada, allows Chinese migrants to startopening an account before leaving home, through a partnership with three banks in China.Deutsche Bank woos Turkish customers in Germany with a service called Bankamiz (“OurBank”), which offers bilingual tellers, free withdrawals at ATMs in Turkey and five free transfersto Turkey each year.
大型银行至少会在某种程度上受规则的局限。因对洗钱和恐怖分子集资的规定变严,许多(大型银行)已经停止境外转款业务。在英国,新颁布的法律禁止银行为非法移民开户。但是有的大银行却还在继续。加拿大的Scotiabank银行与中国的三家银行建立合作关系,允许来自中国的移民在离国之前开户。 Deutsche Bank则向在德国的土耳其客户提供名为”我们的银行(Bankamiz)“的服务,包括双语出纳、在土耳其的ATM上免费提款以及每年五笔免手续费的向土汇款。
Catering to immigrants can be profitable in the long run, suggests Sherief Meleis of Novantas,a consultancy. Banks can win customers who will be loyal for years to come. As Rafael Monge-Portaro, the boss of Neighborhood Trust, says of Roberta: “We trust her and she trusts us.”
长期来看,迎合移民的需求是有利可图的,咨询公司Novantas的Sherief Meleis如是说。这样做,银行可以赢得几年内都保持忠诚的客户。正如社区信托的老板Rafael Monge-Portaro所说:“我们与罗贝塔互相信任。
1.cater to 迎合;投合
例句:Serve the people, rely on business, vitalize anddevelop the economy, and cater to the wholecountry is the watchword of this company.
2.lend to 借给
例句:Some reports lend themselves very well to this type of processing – for example simplegrouped list reports such as target reports for drill-through.
3.plan to 计划
例句:The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.
4.compare with 与...相比
例句:How does it compare with a similar workload?
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