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Two trains in northern Japan have been chugging toand from a defunct station just so that a girl canattend her classes, say reports. The trains willapparently stop running after the girl graduates inMarch.
The Kami-Shirataki station in Japan's north island ofHokkaido, about 1300km north of Tokyo, wassupposed to shut operations three years ago. JapanRailways had decided to close it down due to its remote location.
However, the decision was averted after the authorities found that a young girl was using thestation to catch a train to school every day. The girl is apparently the only commuter from thestation, it said.
The post read: "For years now trains have stopped at the station just for her. Japan Railway willkeep the train station open until she leaves school. The girl is expected to graduate on March26, 2016, when the station will then be closed. Every day only two trains stop at the Kami-Shirataki station with a unique timetable depending on when the girl needs to go to school andback."
The post has gone viral on social media drawing applause for Japan Railways for its concernfor every citizen. "Why should I not want to die for a country like this when the government isready to go an extra mile just for me," a user commented. "
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