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完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语阅读完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。有时候是一些俗语和俚语,有时候是固定搭配,有时候需要借助历史、风俗、文化才能理解某种现象或表达。总之,这些地道的英语文章背后都有潜台词,一般人不容易读出,但往往是理解文章的关键。
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Readers digest Xi’s bookshelf
习大大的书架又火了 大家一起来读书
Netizens share details of weighty tomes and framed photos spotted in president’s office. From modern literature to history and international politics-President Xi Jinping may have inspired Chinese readers to turn a new leaf after his "reading list" went viral online over the weekend.
The list was produced by netizens and some Chinese media after the president’s annual new year address from his office in Beijing was broadcast on Thursday night.
Close-up shots of the bookshelves behind him were taken from footage aired on China Central Television and shared on social media to show the titles and authors’ names.
According to the images, the president has a wide spectrum of interests, ranging from classic Chinese literature, contemporary literature, science, history and international politics.
A Chinese blogger reposted the list with the comment: "Let’s follow President Xi and read."
On the shelves were classics such as the complete works of Chinese master Lu Xun, writings by Lao She, and The Lessons of History by historians Will and Ariel Durant.
More recent works included the Chinese-language edition of World Order by former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, which was published in 2015. Also noticeable was a set of science books published by Peking University Press, including Geometry by French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes.
Details on the books have attracted considerable attention on social media, and come at a time when Chinese scholars and officials are calling for people to read books more regularly.
Zhu Debin, director of global and area studies for the Social Sciences Academic Press in Beijing, said the interest in Xi’s reading habits "reflects the demand among Chinese citizens for a deeper understanding of traditional culture, modern China, and the world they live in".
朱得彬,北京社会科学学术出版社全球区域研究主任表示,习大大的阅读习惯“体现了中国公民对传统文化、现代中国,乃至我们生活的世界需要进一步深层次的理解” 。
In addition to the book list, another highlight to come from the presidential speech is that five of the framed photos on his bookshelves last time had been replaced with seven new pictures. Among them, three were related to Xi’s visits to rural areas and his interaction with farmers.
The other two pictures showed the president delivering speeches at international events: one at the V-Day parade in Tian’anmen Square on Sept 3, and the other at the United Nations General Assembly in New York later that month.
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