- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(美)雷伊 编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787542635266
- 出版日期:2011-5-1
are honored and happy to bring this set of math textbooks by Joseph
Ray. These popular books sold more than any other arithmetic in
America, in fact over 120 million copies and are still used in
modern American schools and families. As you can see, this set of
textbooks is organized in an orderly manner around the discipline
of arithmetic itself.
Ray emphasized critical thinking in his classroom. He believed that
his students needed to learn how to apply what they learned to
real-life situations. Rather than giving his pupils simple problems
to solve, he preferred word problems. Students can increase their
reading comprehension skills, and learn to think.
The science of Algebra, properly taught, stands among the first of
those studies essential to both the great objects of education. In
a course of instruction properly arranged, it naturally follows
Arithmetic, and should be taught immediately after it. The pupil
should acquire both a practical and theoretical knowledge of the
subject While every page is the result of the author's own
reflection, and the experience of many years in the
书名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 价格 | 购买 |
科学探索者 第二版(17册)(目前最全的来自美国的科学系.. | 浙江教育出.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥406.00¥203.00 |
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学生 阅读经典--十万个为什么(儿童版-彩图注音版,全八卷.. | 秦岩松 主.. | 湖南少儿出版社 | ¥288.00¥39.90 |
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爱的教育(唯一荣获意大利政府文化奖的全译本)(原版插图) | 埃•.. | 中国画报出版社 | ¥26.80¥13.40 |
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美国语文(上下册) 美国小学课文经典读本(英汉双语版) | (美)麦加.. | 天津社会科学院出.. | ¥79.80¥43.90 |
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《美国语文》(英汉双语全译本)(套装共6册) | (美)麦加.. | 天津社会科学院出.. | ¥258.80¥152.70 |
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美国小学主流科学教材:科学启蒙(共9本1-3年级用书) | (美)丹尼.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥200.00¥140.80 |
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希腊神话第一辑奥林匹斯众神(全六册) | (古希腊).. | ¥90.00¥53.10 |
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美国小学主流科学教材:科学启蒙(共9本4-6年级用书) | (美)丹尼.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥226.00¥174.70 |
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希腊神话第二辑神与人(全六册) | (古腊神).. | ¥90.00¥53.10 |
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民国老课本 修身国文(最经典民国老课本,印行超千万册,.. | 中华文化大.. | 团结出版社 | ¥75.00¥44.30 |
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美国语文读本(套装1-6册)--西方家庭学校(Homeschool)原版.. | (美)麦加.. | 上海三联书店 | ¥118.00¥59.00 |
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学生 阅读经典--最新儿童版十万个为什么(彩图注音版,-全.. | 秦岩松 主.. | 湖南少儿出版社 | ¥298.00¥39.90 |
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美国语文(上下册/中英对照)——7200多名读者热评,美国.. | 张健鹏,胡.. | 中国妇女出版社 | ¥98.00¥49.00 |
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