- 出版社: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary; 5thupdated (2009年1月1日)
- 外文书名: 朗文当代高级词典:第5版(平装版,带光盘)
- 丛书名: Longman Dictionary of ContemporaryEnglish
- 平装: 2082页
- 语种: 英语
- ISBN: 1408215330
- 条形码: 9781408215333
- 商品尺寸: 20 x 14 x 0.1 cm
- 商品重量: 1.3 Kg
- 品牌: Pearson Longman; 5th updated
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (5th Edition) with DVD-ROM [平..
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- ISBN:9781408215333
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品牌:Longman 型号:9781408215333详情基本信息
The Longman Dictionary of Contempory
dictionaryandDVD-ROMever.Includes:230,000words,phrases and meanings
– morethananyother advancedlearner’sdictionary165,000 examples
basedonreal,natural Englishfrom theLongman Corpus Network +
anadditional1million corpusexamples onthe
DVD-ROM.Cleardefinitionswrittenusing only 2,000commonwords.Over
18,000 synonyms,antonymsandrelated words + anadditional30,000 on
theDVD-ROM.Over65,000collocations + anadditional 82,000on
theDVD-ROM.The top3,000most frequent wordsin spoken and
writtenEnglisharehighlighted toshow which are themost
importanttoknow.NEWIntegratedCollocations Dictionary.
Over65,000collocationswillimprovestudents’ fluency.NEW
IntegratedThesaurus.Over18,000synonyms,antonyms and related
wordswillimprovevocabularyrange.NEWRegister Notes focus
onthedifferences betweenspoken andwrittenEnglish.Academic
WordListhighlighted.Grammar andwarningnotesensure that
studentsavoidcommon errors.NEW textdesignensuresstudents can
findinformationfast.PLUS...TheLongmanVocabularyTrainer tests
yourknowledge ofa word – itsmeaning,grammar,collocation and usage
–thenremembers how well youknowthat word.The word is
thenrecycledand retested atdifferentintervals so theword
isneverforgotten!You can downloadthe LongmanVocabularyTrainer
toyourmobile phone to make the mostof learningon thego!
The Longman Dictionary of Contempory English(newedition)themostcomprehensive dictionaryandDVD-ROMever.Includes:230,000words,phrases and meanings – morethananyother advancedlearner’sdictionary165,000 examples basedonreal,natural Englishfrom theLongman Corpus Network + anadditional1million corpusexamples onthe DVD-ROM.Cleardefinitionswrittenusing only 2,000commonwords.Over 18,000 synonyms,antonymsandrelated words + anadditional30,000 on theDVD-ROM.Over65,000collocations + anadditional 82,000on theDVD-ROM.The top3,000most frequent wordsin spoken and writtenEnglisharehighlighted toshow which are themost importanttoknow.NEWIntegratedCollocations Dictionary. Over65,000collocationswillimprovestudents’ fluency.NEW IntegratedThesaurus.Over18,000synonyms,antonyms and related wordswillimprovevocabularyrange.NEWRegister Notes focus onthedifferences betweenspoken andwrittenEnglish.Academic WordListhighlighted.Grammar andwarningnotesensure that studentsavoidcommon errors.NEW textdesignensuresstudents can findinformationfast.PLUS...TheLongmanVocabularyTrainer tests yourknowledge ofa word – itsmeaning,grammar,collocation and usage –thenremembers how well youknowthat word.The word is thenrecycledand retested atdifferentintervals so theword isneverforgotten!You can downloadthe LongmanVocabularyTrainer toyourmobile phone to make the mostof learningon thego!
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